kurfürstliches palais
4A地址: 暂无
开放时间: 暂无

Unfortunately there was tons of restoration work being done on this place while we were there. Could only see it from the outside through scaffolding. Could not go inside. From what I could see it looks like it was quite beautiful. And the gardens in front are gorgeous. Perhaps I'll get to see the inside on my next visit
What a beautiful building, with fantastic garden and grounds. Lovely place to sit and chill out when the weather is good.lots of nice statues and fountains. The palace is still being renovated at the moment.
Its a really beautiful building, i dont know if you can go inside but i just visited it from outside. it got renovated so one half was kind of covered but the palast with its garden was pretty nice
This Palace has a beautiful garden with ponds , Ornate statues and fountains. Great for a walk around or having a picknick in. The outside décor is magnificent unfortunately we didn't go inside as it was under construction .
Went there years ago when I was living nearby, was so impressed I went several times. Beatiful inside and very different to other attractions in Trier which tend to be ruins.
Happened to come upon this on our walk around the city!! ornate gardens with a lot of of sculptures!!! A lot of areas to sit and enjoy taking in the surroundings. We did not go into the palace. Did a lot of photos?
Wish we could have gone inside but it was under construction. The outside decor you could see was impressive but not much to offer when they are in repair.
this Palace was never actually lived in, used as barracks, planning and many other uses. very beautiful on the outside.
We visited this palais whilst the guidetour "Nachtschwärmer", so we haven't seen it by clear daylight, but even by night this is a beautifull palais, its garden we could not see as this one was not lit.
Make sure to see all sides, as it is great from each angle. It also has a garden with ponds, statues and fountains. Great for a stroll and having a picknick in the sunshine. I did not know then it was possible (at certain time schedules) one could visit the interior, so no pix yet of such. 1615, Elector Lothar von Metternich had the present north and east wings built; the west and south wings were constructed under Philipp Christoph von Soetern. The structure was finally finished by Carl Caspar von der Leyen. The beautiful south wing, can be admired from the Palace Garden, commissioned in1756 by Archbishop Johann Philipp von Walderdorff and designed by Johannes Seiz. The sculptures were crafted by Ferdinand Tietz. A crown jewel of garden architecture lies in the heart of the city: the Palace Garden. Prominent attraction: a five-jet fountain. Weeping willow and the ruins of the Imperial Baths do make the garden picturesque.
Das beste am Palais ist der dazugehörige Palastgarten, der eher einem Stadtpark ähnelt. Im Sommer finden sich dort viele junge Leute zusammen, um Sport zu treiben, Musik zu machen, oder einfach um den Sonnenschein zu genießen. In der nähe befinden sich viele Park möglichkeiten.
За базиликой Констатина расположен собственно курфюрстский дворец, построенный в стиле рококо и заказанный архиепископом и курфюрстом Трира Иоанном Филиппом фон Вальдердорфом в 18 веке. Здание очень красивое и ухоженное. Около дворца разбит красивый дворцовый парк с фонтанами, клумбами, скамейками, тропинками и скульптурами. Строительством дворца и украшения его статуями отвечали архитектор Иоганнес Зайц и скульптор Фердинанд Титц. Очень красиво!
Dieses Palais könnte wesentlich schöner sein, wenn es frei von der Basilika, im herrlichen anschliessendem Garten stehen würde.Aber wahrscheinlich wurde es aus Kostengründen daran gebaut.Der herrliche Park kann eine Erfrischung sein, wenn man zu Fuß durch Trier geht und alle Sehenswürdigkeiten anschaut. Erzbischof von Walderdorff hatte es erbaut.
Helaas was ons tripje naar Trier beperkt tot 2 dagen en hadden we de tijd niet om dit mooie gebouw eens grondig te bestuderen, maar dat gaan we in de toekomst zeker eens doen.
Willy-Brandt-Platz 3, 54290 Trierbzw. PalastgartenDie Angabe Liebfraustr. ist falsch.Willy-Brandt-Platz 3, 54290 Trierbzw. Palastgarten