montone - centro storico
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Montone is one of the most beautiful villages in Italy. It has amazing view, incredibly peaceful and is great for a stop over between Perugia and Citta` di Castello. There is wonderful bar, a few little restaurants and little else but peace and tranquility. In Autumn la festa del Bosco is really worth a visit but get their early to park. The street at this time as dressed in autumn leave, pumpkins burning and lots of little stalls where you can buy hand made crafts, try some of the amazing foods made in Umbria and have a bite to eat in a pop up restaurant. Try the castagne or the wonderful sweet wines. A real winter treat. It usually happens at the end of October
Montone is one of the medieval walled towns of Umbria that offer a glimpse into the history of this gorgeous region. Many steep hills to climb, so bring good shoes! We are a middle-aged couple and we can doit, you can, too. Worth walking through history.
Montone is a hidden secret. It is quiet, clean and very friendly. Such a quaint and charming little town square with the best (and one of the cheapest) home made gelatos in Italy! We loved our 5 day stay and can't recommend a visit highly enough.
Just kidding, the place is almost a perfect Umbrian village. Well maintained with very friendly Umbrians, great food and incredible vistas.
My wife and I went to Montone from Citta di Castello on a beautiful Sunday morning, unknowing to us on that day they were celebrating ": La festa del bosco " Man what a memorable day that turned out to be,we got to taste the home made local produce ,Prosciutto , Salami,Cheeses Tartufo the wines, beers, gelato torrone made in front of you,,, and the best bread we ever tasted , the town is on top of a high hill from there you can see the surrounding valleys and towns, it has retained the medieval carecter with majestic wall all around the town, no cars allowed inside the walls , the place is all terraces ending in the main square, most of buildings and houses are made of stone very clean and friendly people, my connection to Montone is the place where my grandfather Giovanni Iustini was born, my advice is if you are in Umbria go to Montone you will not regret it
Montone is a picturesque hilltop village. The piazza is the heart of town, and if you like the Slow Life...then pull up a chair, get a drink or home made gelato at the Aries Bar and watch the world go by. Wander the tiny streets, sample delicious local style food at the restaurants and let the busy world pass you by.
I liked everything about Montone. The medieval buildings are perfectly maintained and it is simply picturesque and lovely.
The three restaurants are first class and affordable. You cannot go wrong with any choice. The best is at Hotel Fortebraccio just outside of Montone.
Love this little town - especially during the Festival del Bosco, the first weekend in November - can't be beat!
We stumbled across this town and have been staying here over the summer. It is just perfect, small enough that you feel like you are on a movie set with roads and lanes closed to traffic. You can walk in on the level to the main Piazza and enjoy a cold drink or Gelato from Cafe Aires or an amazing meal at L'Antica Osteria or 4 other great restaurants throughout the town. If you are travelling in Umbria you won't find souvenirs and trinkets, you will find a friendly village living as it has been for centuries! With great food and some nice clothing stores!
Un posto incantevole e molto suggestivo, Si visita in breve tempo e per i palati fini ci sono ristoranti ideali per mangiare e gustare la punta di diamante dell'umbria. il tartufo.
Piccolo borgo delizioso, pulito, panoramico e consiglio la Taverna del Verzaliere in via dell'ospedale per il pranzo... squisito
Montone è un autentico borgo medievale che si può visitare in poche ore. Gli scorci che offre sono unici e magici ad ogni ora del giorno e della notte. Consiglio di soggiornarvi a chi ha bisogno di staccare dalla vita contemporanea e vuole rilassarsi al di fuori del tempo. Per gli amanti dei prodotti genuini e a km zero consiglio la visita durante le festività di Ognissanti.Chi invece è appassionato della storia e del Medioevo non può di certo perdersi la rievocazione storica (nominata patrimonio dell'Unesco) della Donazione della Santa Spina che si tiene nel periodo di ferragosto (controllate le date in internet perchè variano di anno in anno).Considerate che si gira solo a piedi ed è arroccato su un colle, mettete in conto salite e scale.
bellissima sagra dove i tre rioni si battono per il palio a colpi di pieces teatrali... da non perdere
In occasione di Ognissanti in un piccolo,delizioso borgo medievale (ma anche in altri centri maggiori dell'umbria ) si svolge la festa del bosco.sono tre giorni durante i quali lungo le erte salite venditori di leccornie locali (funghi,tartufi,zafferano,frutti,verdure....), allevatori di api con miele,cere e derivati,artigiani che lavorano legno,gesso,stoffe , espongono e vendono i loro tesori.Nella piazza centrale un susseguirsi di spettacoli musicali tengono compagnia alla folla festante.quello che colpisce e' il clima familiare e spontaneo col quale le persone passeggiano salendo e scendendo lungo le viuzze strette e ripide ,si scambiano sorrisi, fraternizzano. Bancarelle con caldarroste e vino cotto. magnifici formaggi possono essere consumati tra suoni di bande itineranti e balletti coreografici. Ma una volta passati i tre giorni del Bosco? Montone torna ad essere un'oasi di pace con delle belle chiese, un piccolissimo museo, dotato comunque, di pregevoli ed interessanti quadri . Un albergo ricavato dal palazzotto cittadino delle famiglia Fortebraccio, un ristorante chic imprevisto in una localita' cosi' "semplice" ed altri piu' caratteristici .E soprattutto la vista su di uno splendido paesaggio umbro.