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Hi,many thanks for your great comment! It will be a pleasure to welcome you next time for an exciting canyoning! Hopefully the roads of Torbole are not closed next time :o)sunny regardsThomas
Hi Steve,thanks for your rating! Unfortunaly the weather was really bad - but next year the "Canneloni" or "Wonderworld" is waiting for you :o)Looking forward to see you again!with (now) sunny regardsThomas
Hello,many thanks for your comment. It will be a pleasure for us, to guide you through one of our other beautiful Canyons :o) See you next year!with sunny regardsThomas
Hi Pe K,Thanks a lot for your review. Also we can´t wait to show you one of our other exciting Canyoningtours...with sunny regardsThomasSKYclimber
Hi Family Bar,it was also a great tour with you! Lothar enjoyed it very much.We are looking forward to see you next time - we still do have a lot more water-fun for you :o)best regards to IsraelThomas
Hi Mark,many thanks for your booking and your comment.We will be happy to see you again next year - we still do have a lot more water-fun for you :o)with sunny regards from Lake GardaThomas
Hello Wouter & Annefleur,many thanks for your review! I will be pleasure to show you the next Canyoninglevel next year :o)best regardsThomas
Hallo Janine und Steffen,vielen Dank für die Bewertung! Wir freuen uns auch schon wieder auf ein Wiedersehen in der nächsten Schlucht!mit sonnigen GrüßenThomas, SKYclimber
Hi,many thanks for your kind feedback! It will be a pleasure to do another tour with you!And always remember - water is only liquid sunshine :o)best regardsThomas, SKYclimber
Hi Noa,i was also great fun for me! Guiding with little kids is always something special!I am looking forward to meet you again and show you the next level of Canoyning :o)with sunny regardsThomas, SKYclimber
Hi Raz,many thanks for your feedback! I was also a pleasure for me!Looking forward to meet you again - we do have a lot of more Canyons for you to visit :o)with sunny regardsThomas, SKYclimber
Hi Haim,many thanks for your kind comment!You did exactly what I said - and it was a great tour with you!Looking forward to see you again!with sunny regardsThomas, SKYclimber
Hi Michal,thanks a lot for your kind comment!It will be my pleasure to see you again - we do have so many other tours for you! :o)with sunny regardsThomas, SKYclimber
Hallo Nathalie,vielen lieben Dank für Deine Bewertung. Ich freue mich schon auf die nächste Tour mit Euch! Ich habe noch viele spannende Schluchten mit noch mehr Spaß im Wasser für sonnigen Grüßen vom GardaseeThomas, SKYclimber
Hallo Petra,vielen lieben Dank für Deine Bewertung und die Grüße an Adi!diese gebe ich gerne an Adi weiter - er wird auch im kommenden Jahr wieder für uns führen :o)bis hoffentlich bald mal wieder!mit sonnigen Grüßen vom GardaseeThomas, SKYclimber