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This place was a gem that was totally unexpected! Very fascinating just to walk around and take in the ruins, surrounding views and how the whole thing was built against the rocks there. Do be prepared to walk alot and, depending on how adventurous you are, be prepared to do abit of climbing. I was definitely panting when I traversed some of the paths especially to get to the castle ruins as the views from all the way up are fabulous. On a clear day, you can even catch glimpses of the Sicilian moutains. As I visited Pentedattilo during winter, all the normal shops/restaurants were all closed (even the church). Bathroom facilities were also an issue so do take a hygiene break before starting to explore the place.
This small abounded village,Pentedattilo,(from the greek words penta + daktylos = five fingers), it can be a set for Hollywood movies.Unfortunately some parts of the mountain collapsed and it has no more all five "fingers", but is still a fascinating place and full of mystery, one of the most characteristic towns in Calabria region.The landscape and colors are amazing, surrounded by olives trees, almond trees and prickly pears. Not far from the seaside (about 10km away), is a great place to spend half day tour.the only problem is that there is no any public transportation to get there (the closest train station is in Melito di Porto Salvo down on the coast)This village has a very interesting story of tradition and folklore.Unfortunately seems like the central government is absent here like in the most of the southern Italy wonders.....what a pity....
A fascinating place to visit! My advice would be to go before the health and safety police stop you from exploring!
This is definitely a must see. Impressive view. great artistic pictures.Make sure you drive to the beach afterwards and enjoy the drive on the road parallel to the sea.
Be warned: Calabria region is not a place for easy-travelling. This area is still very underdeveloped by the tourism point of view, a really shame. The one and only mean of visiting is with a car and it looks like the autorities are not interested to let you reach Pentedattilo. The road is quite broken.Nonetheless this region preserves a breathtaking atmosphere.
It's always a pleasure climbing the winding and mountainous roads in this part of Italy. You can take in the views of the fantastic coastline and the surroundings of these very Italian villages as your drive along. We saw this on TripAdvisor and drove about an hour from our apartment in Caulonia to experience what we had hoped would be memorable place. We visited out of season but can see that on reaching the top of the mountain there would be cafes and information available to tourists but all of these were closed mid-September. You need to be fit, as you get out of your car it is walking only through the streets of this vacant town. There seems to be a walk all around the top of the village but we didn’t go all the way round - I think this would be an interesting walk but again, you need to be prepared for rough terrain. My husband took loads of photographs and they came out really well, but I didn't experience the eerie atmosphere others had written about. The houses are precariously perched on the mountainside but they were just ruins. We were the only two people visiting on this day but felt we could hear people in some of the maintained houses in the town so I’m not sure this was totally deserted? Certainly worth a look if you are in the area, but I wouldn't go out of my way to see this.
We went with friends to see Pentedattilo village & we were amazed by the way the village still clung to the mountainside. The old church is well worth a visit but wear some good shoes as the paths are very steep & uneven in places. There are a few souvenir shops selling some nice pieces as well as the usual pens & pencils etc.If you are worried about the steep walk, there is a golf buggy that will take you from the carpark to the church for 1 Euro & you can listen to the driver telling you about life in the town & its history.It is definitely worth a visit.
Have been twice and will return again before leaving Reggio next month. Easy trip up, as long as you have a car, and views all the way to the sea are terrific A few people now live in the old town but mostly artists who sell their work there too. Don't miss the small museum and delightful "curator" who will enthrall and entertain you with his tales and enthusiasm. We even understood almost everything he said! Note that the town is illuminated at night but only in August. Sorry to have missed that.
An abandoned village approx 30 km South of Reggio Calabria, Pentedattilo (Greek 5 fingers!) takes its name from its hand-like shape hill. Its origins are pretty obscure, probably first settled in Magna Graecia times, it has been completely abandoned during the past century, becoming a real ghost town. Its "sinister" fame was probably due to the Alberti's family massacre in the 17th century, as a result of Bernardino Abenavoli vengeance towards the Marquis Lorenzo Alberti. Its unique lunar landscape which probably contributed to its sinister fame, makes it the place to be for landscape painters, photographers, artists and intellectuals in general, who in the last years tried to revive the village with many cultural as well as artistic initiatives. Today, the village has become a must-see attraction to anyone visiting the Reggio calabria area or the region in general. By merely walking through the abandoned streets and houses which seem to have been built one on top of the other and the ruins of the Castle on top of the Hill, you get the feeling of being thrust back in time, as with a time machine, and all of a sudden past and present unite in a unique time continuum.
We stayed in Melito di Porto Salvo and made the short drive to Pentedattilo on the recommendation of our host. It was a steep drive with winding roads but well worth the stress. Also, bring comfortable shoes as you will be doing plenty of walking.We picked a lovely evening and got many great pictures as the sun set. The area has a sort of magical feeling to it.There will be one spot with a few shops where you can buy handmade souvenirs. We recommend not spending too much here.Definitely worth a visit if you are staying in the area or if you are just passing along this route.
This deserted village, following an earthquake, offers great views and friendly locals.
Ebbi la fortuna di passeggiare per i vicoli del borgo con un appassionato del luogo che mi racconto tutta la storia e fu molto interessante non avevo mai visto un paesaggio così suggestivo .una bellezza donataci dalla natura degna di essere visitata
Poco dopo Saline ioniche, passando dalla statale 106 direzione Taranto, sulla sinistra appare questo staordinario paesino alle pendici di una collinetta che la natura ha voluto dare un segno architettonico unico da incorniciare.Dista pochi km ed è veramente da non perdere per una visita veloce.
tutto è insolito la strana forma della montagna sembra una mano raffigura 5 dita esiste una leggenda che avrò letto ma non ricordo bene
Borgo di origine neobizantina che mantiene intatti i rapporti tra la cultura greca e quella grecanica cristallizzatasi nel corso degli insediamenti greci durante il periodo bizantino. Panoramica eccezionale ad un'altezza di circa 400 metri sul livello del mare. L'impatto visivo con Pentedattilo a prima vista è imponente e rende l'idea di come sia superbo e meraviglisamente struggente l'ambiente circostante. All'interno del paese vi sono molti negozi di souvenir ed il museo, proprio di lato alla chiesa, nella quale ogni domenica viene celebrata la messa in stile grecanico. Da visitare a piedi in modo tale da gustarsi tutte le piccole contrade che adornano la vista spettacolare della montagna dalla ciclopica e mostruosa forma a 5 dita. Sembra di tornare indietro di migliaia di anni. Da come si racconta il paese nacque per via degli attacchi dei pirati saraceni che, assediando le spiagge a valle, costrinsero la popolazione a ritirarsi a monte dove per arrivare il tragitto era più impervio. Pentedattilo ha una storia affascinante lontana dalle maldicenze che inficiano la storia di Melito di Porto Salvo e delle zone limitrofe. Sarebbe bello celebrare le nozze all'interno della chiesa ed immortalare il momento con servizi fotografici. Da consigliare a chiunque e da visitare assolutamente. Non perdetevelo se passate da quele parti.