castello dell'imperatore
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Free and a very pleasant walk. There are informational plaques which describe the skyline. The walkway atop the walls is well tended.
This was a delightful part of my visit to Prato. The castle is free and the views from the ramparts are wonderful, and it is very peaceful as there are few visitors. You can see all of the city and surrounding areas, and it is not a long climb to the top.
The castle is lovely, you can walk around the top of the battlements, and with kids, they can run around on the grass. It was lovely explaining to my daughter about the portcullis and why the windows were just slits. It used to cost 5 euros and now it is free. The piazza is completely new, and they have banned cars, so great for kids , and to have a coffee or aperativo. It is just a shell though, don't expect too much. But we are local and it a nice to have a walk round on a sunny day.
Alas, the interior is empty (which would have been fine, but the access to the walk around the ramparts was closed).
We climbed up to the Castello dell'Imperatore (Emperor's Castle) because it was free and so many other attractions were closed on a Wednesday afternoon. They were gearing up for an evening film screening (in July), so they do host some summer events here if you time it right. Otherwise, there are artworks on view in tiny "galleries" inside the towers, and you can climb onto the top of the walls and get some lovely views of the town and the countryside. There are a few panels explaining some history, so you can get a little peek into the Middle Ages. Don't be misled by the name, though. There are no living quarters here, as you might expect of a castle.
An imposing structure which gives great views of Prato and surrounding Tuscany from the walls. There are some internal rooms open as well which are worth a look. The inside of the castle itself is a surprise as it's little more than fortified walls.
Well maintained walls of the Citadel which was never fully completed when built. Free to enter and go up to walk round the top of the walls for views of the city.
It's huge in the middle of the town: it's all original!It would be perfect to play a movie.During the summer time inside the castle there is the open-cinema and theater.
This is an incomplete castle that sits on a small hill in Old Prato. It is accessible by 2 flights of stairs . Construction started in 1185 but unfortunately was never completed. The beauty of this monument is in its Swabian architecture and the bright limestone walls. It consists of 4 walls that surround an empty courtyard. The courtyard bustles with activities in the summer eg concerts, outdoor cinema etc. There are small towers that lead to walkways above the walls. It is possible to view the town from these walkways.There is no entrance fee. It opens from 4pm to 7pm daily except for Tuesdays.
Bien expliqué, accueil sympathique et site libre d'acces. Belle salle interieure voûtée avec film en italien qui raconte l'histoire et l'evolution de la ville.Belle vue sur la cité et ses strates
il castello,presubilmente,fù costruito durante gli anni 1242-1248 dall'architetto riccardo da lentini che collaborò con federico d'antiochia(figlio di federico II di svevia).la struttura è impostata su 4 torrioni a forma quadrata i cui vertici estremi indicano i punti morte di federico II e il declino della politica imperiale in toscana impedirono il completamento degli interni del castello che solo in epoca successiva vennero adattati alle diverse esigenze(caserma e carcere militare).nell'uso dei materiali il calcare alberese con toni che variano dal bianco al grigio e il serpentino o verde di prato adotta un voluto richiamo alla tipica bicromia toscana romano-gotica,in uso anche negli edifici ecclesiastici.un apertura nella parte orientale collegava il castello tramite un camminamento(il cassero)alla cerchia difensiva di porta fiorentina.una scala a chiocciola dà accesso ai camminamenti dai quali si gode un ampia veduta sul territorio verso firenze e il montalbano.dal 1975 il castello dell'imperatore è aperto ai visitatori e ospita pubbliche manifestazioni nel vasto cortile interno.ingresso gratuito.
Molto bello come struttura e praticamente in centro. Consiglio vivamente di andare a visitarlaLa posizione e' strategica perché è vicina al comune, piazza duomo, piazza San marco, ecc Arrivarci e' facile e ha tanti servizi come fermate bus, bar, gelaterie e molti negozi !!
Davvero un bel posto. Da poco ristrutturato. Anche la piazza. Luogo di ritrovo per i giovani. Vicino ci sono bar e pub
Testimone del tempo che fu, al centro della città Saltuariamente vengono fatte delle manifestazioni ben organizzate
Bello davvero e da poco Castello dell'Imperatore....cinto di mura merlate e torri è uno degli esempi più caratteristici dell'architettura militare medioevale.Gli fanno da corona la chiesa di San Francesco e la chiesa di Santa Maria delle Carceri,capolavoro del Rinascimento,creato da Giuliano da Sangallo.Dal camminamento,bei scorci panoramici su Prato e i suoi monumenti