abbazia greca di san nilo
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If you let yourself, you can go back in time here and sense the way of living 1000 years ago. This is a place of where you cannot hurry.
We attended a mess there, and we visited after. Mess and visit were very nice. This place is a beauty.
It depends on what you are looking for. If you look for an abbey sized as the St. Peter basilica in Vatican clumped with gold you will be disappointed. What you can find there is of no value for the one who walks the worldly ways. My suggestion if you are in Rome or around is to definitely go there and venerate the famous St. Maria of Grottaferrata - an old Byzantium icon from 10-11 century A.D. namely saved the town of Grottaferrata many times from different threats. You may say that every city has its own Lady and maybe you will be right? God only knows! However, If you want to experience the true spirit of Byzantium and to feel the peace that this place gives you have to visit it. If you are more in history than you have to look at the abbey's website itself before you go:!
We were so happy to visit it. More suggestive than the Colosseo, more exciting than St. Peter, the best monument that we have seen in our holiday around Rome.
I was the only visitor while I was there but the church is wonderful with a Greek influence. The grounds are beautiful and I am glad I visited.
The abbey is quite beautiful & so ornate in the byzantine tradition. There is part of a roman aqueduct which you can just spy through the gates (but this may be only when the gates are open) The church itself is wonderful. There is often a large market at the bottom of the road that the Abbey is on.
Settled high in the hills of Rome, next to Grottaferratta's town centre and surrounded by urban life the Abbazzia Greca di San Nilo sits behind formidable in-tact medieval battlements.At the location one will find, the church, a monastery and well ordered and detailed medieval battlements. You'll also find a prominent view of the surroundings.The Abazzia itself pre-dates the battlements, being built in the 11th century while the battlements were order later by the papacy nearer the middle ages. The Abazzia is a mostly Byzantine creation and supports an order of Greek Christian tradition. In the 20th century the abbey was restored closer to it's original form being stripped of the embellishments of the renaissance and later eras - although traces remain in its interior.The Abbey is clearly off the tourist map and is principally focussed on it's historic role as a church and monastery. With the exception of the church the site is maintained rather than restored. The Abbey, however, welcomes public access.Getting to the Abbey can be challenging unless you are well familiar with Rome and it's surroundings. There is no train service that we are aware of, the buses need some research, a taxi fare is expensive and it takes confidence and nerve to drive in Rome. We chose the latter after spending a month driving the cities of Italy.If you decide to visit the Abbey you'll find it's proximity to the old town centre useful. There are a number of shops, cafes, bars and restaurants within 200 meters of the battlements. Street parking is available although it is in high demand. To make the most of the day we'd suggest combining a visit to the Abbey with a prior trip to Casa Di Papa (two hills away) and take an evening meal or afternoon drink at Grottaferratta.
Davvero incredibile e suggestiva l'armosfera dell'intera abbazia. Belli anche il giardino ed il panorama che si può godere dal piazzale ma la vera sorpresa è la chiesa: bellissima, accogliente ed infonde davvero un senso di serenità! La messa è celebrata con rito cristiano-ortodosso e con quei canti è davvero suggestiva.Insomma merita davvero di essere visitata almeno una volta!
Belle abbaye, on a visité la splendide eglise.Rite grec, belles icones, et pourtant catholique. Dommage que l'on n' ait pu visiter le cloître...
Ho avuto il piacere di assistere a più di una celebrazione in questa stupenda Abbazia e ho avuto la possibilità di osservarla molto bene.È una "chiesa" ricca di storia.. e si vede!Anche il luogo in cui sorge (chiuso al traffico) e al suo splendido piazzale antistante ne fanno un posto davvero incantevole.Da visitare!
Fondata mille anni fa (più di mille, nel 1004). Molto bella e ricca di storia. Merita senza dubbio una visita.
Fondata nel 1004 seguendo le origini Bizantino-Greche eretta in onore di San Nilo che in quel luogo fù rinchiuso in una grotta con inferriate da cui deriva il nome di Grottaferrata. Lo consiglio vivamente per un arricchimento culturale, architettonico, e spirituale da visitare sicuramente
Ci sono stata 40 anni fa per un matrimonio, l'ho rivista oggi è mi ha trasmesso un emozione incredibile.Un luogo particolare che ti trasmette un senso di pace e tranquillità,la cattedrale è bellissima,il custode gentile come ci ha visto ha aperto il portone la Vista dal cortile su Roma è mozzafiato.Tutto il complesso e tenuto in una maniera impeccabile.Da vedere.
...soprattutto ai romani che annichiliti dalle ricchezze della Capitale, non conoscono altri tesori, che avrebbero bisogno di promozione e valorizzazione... ma forse sono belli anche così,, seminascosti.
Circondata da mura merlate, tutta l'Abbazia è un vero gioiello monumentale. La chiesa, di rito cristiano-ortodosso, è davvero particolare e assistere ad una messa è veramente uno spettacolo.