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四河喷泉雕刻的人物很生动,但是觉得算的特色比较少的一个地方, 建议如果走累了可以在这休息一下歇腿,在往下继续逛
四河喷泉也是贝尼尼的作品,不过和圣天使桥、圣彼得广场那样的对称结构相比,四河喷泉的变化更加多样,为巴洛克艺术的代表。方尖碑下的四尊雕像代表着那时候人们心中四大洲的四条河:非洲的尼罗河、亚洲的恒河、欧洲的多瑙河、美洲的拉普塔拉河。Dan Brown的<天使与魔鬼>中把这里写成了一个"科学祭坛"
Fountain of the four rivers 是Gian lorenzo bernini的作品中我很喜欢的 太美丽了 以前有点轻视sculpture这件事情现在觉得真是艺术
The Fountain of the Four Rivers 四河喷泉,这一带很多狭窄的街道,很多cafe和饭店,走累了坐下来喝杯东西歇歇脚 @ 纳沃纳广场
Massive statues - rather more fun than some. Great for a photo opportunity. Make sure you also have a gelato in your hand!
This greatest fountain describes the four greatest famous rivers in the world and in link with Science which is the water
Lovely town square with plenty of fountain photo ops. Really nice place to grab a coffee and people watch.
Fontana dei Quattro Fiumi (Fountain of the Four Rivers) is a fountain in the Piazza Navona in Rome, Italy. It was designed in 1651 by Gian Lorenzo Bernini for Pope Innocent X whose family palace, the Palazzo Pamphili, faced onto the piazza as did the church of Sant'Agnese in Agone of which Innocent was the sponsor.The base of the fountain is a basin from the centre of which travertine rocks rise to support four river gods and above them, an ancient Egyptian obelisk surmounted with the Pamphili family emblem of a dove with an olive twig. Collectively, they represent four major rivers of the four continents through which papal authority had spread: the Nile representing Africa, the Danube representing Europe, the Ganges representing Asia, and the Río de la Plata representing America.
This is a beautiful piazza with 3 fountains with the central fountain being the biggest and grandest. The fountain of for rivers is a tribute to the 4 greatest rivers in the world. This site features in angels and demons book as the "Water" altar of science, must visit for the book fans. We enjoyed great pistachio gelato at the shop - Gelato Da Passageo in the piazza. Was annoyed by the numerous pushy selfie stick peddlers though.
Very delicate masonry and impressive centrepiece to Piazza Navona. It's really busy right by the fountain and you need to keep your wits about you.
For an art-lover, this place is must-visit. Its simply gorgeous. I did not prepare to no visit it, but when I just stumbled to it, I felt I how foolish I was. Such spots really make Rome the center of Earth in Renaissance.
Walk around and view this from every angle. The detail is amazing. Examine the head of the horse and then walk to the other side of the fountain and view the horse's hind quarters. Every time I view the fountain I find a new feature. Also, get a gelato at the shop right behind the fountain. I think it is among the very best.