cattedrale di troia
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so old and beautiful. everything is in massive stone. the decorations are awesome. it I in the city center so you can't avoid it!
Just look at this cathedral from the outside to have a first glance precise: the lower, rectangular, reminiscent of the low-set and massive temples, blind arches typical of the eastern Byzantine churches and the bow higher than the above 'entrance are the "figure" stylistic Eastern Roman Empire which had replaced Robert Guiscard only a few years earlier: the mixture of styles therefore between north and south europe, with the elite who takes over Norman and Byzantine.The style thus anticipates what will be a century later, the Romanesque style of the emperor Frederick II of Swabia and Nicola Pisano (or, indeed, Nicholas of Apulia).Truly remarkable bronze doors at the main entrance, kept in an excellent and full of inscriptions and sculptures.A curiosity is the difference between the right side and the left side, entrusted to two different builders, which evidently ignored each other during the construction :)My review has intrigued you? well, it's time to go to T.roia, in Puglia and get inside the cathedral if you want to surprise you by columns of polished stone and ancient sculptures, and after the "inside tour" you can also visit the museum of the crypt, just un the right of the church.
Rich in the tradition of the Catholic Church and how it ties into the city Lucera. Breathtaking exhibits and beautiful stories!
The Duomo has recently been cleaned and the sculptures on the front are not only interesting but unique....animals with legs that hang over the front. An important Romanesque building not to be missed
The Santa Maria Assunta cathedral is the most beautiful *romanic* cathedral of Apulia (impressive the rosone), in a beautiful little town.Unfortunately, there is nothing else around for kms...
First went to Troia 4 years ago. My husband was born there and returned after 40 years to visit family. I fell in love with it. I can't believe tourists come in and out of this small town in the provence of Foggia. But they do. There is frequent bus service from Foggia. Also worth seeing is Lucera by bus.The train (Eurostar) from Rome to Foggia is a pleasant ride. This town or Troia and the surrounding towns is for people who want to see a small rustic, lava stone street village. The ancient is there to see but it's also ecclectic and artsy.I wouldn't say the Cathedral is the best church in Italy but it is interesting, as is the town and town folk.The people are shy and aren't fluent in English but they do understand and are willing to speak to tourists. Tourists might be intimidated but I encourange them to speak to the locals,since they will be well received with a cautious but friendly curiosity.The food is fantastic. Try the Osteria Bed and Breakfast. View the farm land from the walls in the Villa(Park) Summmer is the best time for nitely street fair entertainment but bear the brutal heat without air-conditioning anywhere. These townsfolk have a peculiar superstition about drafts and cold.We purchased a small apt. for vacation because we love it so much. Even in these small towns, beware of fast, crazy drivers.The town is safe but avoid teen hang-outs late nites at pubs and watch for stray dogs. The ancient cemetary down the hill Viale Kennedy is worth a visit. Stroll around and be Merry all over town, in and out of ancient archways and casitas that remind one of Bedrock. Yabba Dabba Doo!
Bellissima struttura situata nel centro del paese.Maestosa ed imponente, penso siano questi gli aggettivi più indicati per questa fantastica Cattedrale. Da visionare!
Cattedrale stupenda, simbolo di Troja, caratterizzata dallo storico rosone.Consiglio a chiunque si trovi in zona di farvi visita perché è davvero caratteristiche e suggestiva.
Molto caratteristico,bellissimo il rosone sulla facciata,situato nel centro storico...davvero bello da visitare,ve lo consiglio vivamente...
Una cattedrale trionfo dell'arte romanica; compete con le grandi cattedrali di Puglia (leggi Trani) e riesce ad emozionare lo spettatore attento. Notevole anche il Duomo
Imponente, in questa cittadina omonima dell'antica città greca. Ben tenuto, bello sia nella parte interna che in quella esterna (consigliabile farne il periplo per osservare la varie facce della costruzione). Notevole anche la Cattedrale
Lo stile romanico per eccellenza!! Non ha nulla da invidiare alla cattedrale di trani e a quella di san nicola di bari..consiglio a chiunque si trovi nella zona di visitare questo originale patrimonio della nostra bella puglia..
Influance byzantine et arabe avec un bestiare inquiétant, je vous incite à flaner autour de la cathédrale.
Abbiamo visitato questo piccolo borgo della Provincia di Foggia, ed in particolare il Duomo, con l'aiuto di una giovane guida molto preparata che ci ha illustrato la chiesa fin nei più piccoli dettagli. Oltre al famosissimo rosone sulla facciata principale e all'interno meraviglioso, il consiglio è di fare un giro esterno completo della cattedrale perchè ogni lato riserva delle sorprese. Una volta ammirate le bellezze di questo monumento, gustatevi una "passionata", un'incredibile e dolcissima cassatina di ricotta!!!
Se non avessimo letto le recensioni non ci saremmo mai passati, eppure il Duomo e il paesino meritano davvero. Bello il famoso rosone, spettacolare anche visto da dentro.