casa romei
4A地址: 暂无
开放时间: 暂无

Walked quite a long way in the drizzle to see this attraction but despite Lonely Planet and the notice on its door saying it was open, it was not. Very disappointed.
The location is not central but once there the house was interesting . There was just one other person going round as we were and at the end we realised she was a member of staff who had been keeping an eye on us!!
This house retains a few rather unusual frescoes along with a square interior courtyard.Also a hodgepodge of artifacts of the area.
We happened upon this museum and were transported back in time through the rooms and halls of Casa Romei. Leave an hour or two to take in all the information about Romei and his home. It is beautifully presented and was quiet and peaceful to walk around.
This is a delightful building, which gives you a pretty good idea of how the comfortably well -off lived in the 15th century.
Casa Romei is a beautiful old house with a typical square inside it with a well. If you are in between 18 and 25 years, the entrance price is only 1,50 and it's definitely worth the price. You can see the original paintings on the wall, although they look a bit washed off and could use some renovation. What made our visit uncomfortable was a woman following us and looking at us ALL the time, she was dressed like an average tourist, so we thought she was a bit strange and rude and apparently not enjoying the art but us.. But when we left we saw that she was one of the guards. I was very surprised by it, guards aren't suppose to scare you and make you feel like you are acting and looking like a thief.
very charming house of 14th century,with some interesting pieces inside.not very commun to be find elsewere.if you consider they wanted to destroy it in the past is a monument to human possible stupidity!
Beautiful palazzo, amazing frescos, and an interesting collection of art and sculptures from other sites around Ferrara. The ceilings and friezes in some of the rooms are exquisite.
I visited this medieval house during a hot July day. All I wanted was to escape the heat of the early afternoon, but boy, what a find! With just 3 Euros you immerse yourself in another age. I enjoyed all the rooms, many of which have their original paintings,
This was an interesting and well presented Roman House set up as a museum, where you could wander quietly and feel the plan of the house. Artifacts are displayed here and the whole atmosphere here is of quiet reflection.
It is only 3€ to tour, may take an hour to enjoy, a pleasant stop and a great "taste" of another time!
Molto bella questa casa piena di storia e sale da visitare. . Il chiostro è splendido.. Di solito 3€, sconto x studenti e gratis la prima domenica del mese...
Una piccola chicca casa romei, con il chiostro interno una piccola oasi di tranquillita'..personale molto cortese e prodigo di informazioni
Bell'esempio di architettura rinascimentale della potente Ferrara. Questo banchiere (Romei) si fece costruire una dimora favolosa a pochi passi da quello che oggi è il Corso della Giovecca. Un po' difficile da trovare, e per giunta chiuso la domenica pomeriggio, non è certo una delle attrazioni principali della città. Merita comunque una visita, se siete in città per altro e avete modo di entrare, visto il basso costo del biglietto. Al primo piano, affreschi staccati non molto ben conservati. Personale tutto sommato gentile, anche se non adatto ad un luogo di cultura... sembravano dei pensionati volontari, parlavano un italiano con forte accento ferrarese. Approfittate se potete del fatto che è gratis la prima domenica di ogni mese.
Dimora nobile dei marchesi Borso d'Este. Sui capitelli, sulle tavolette dei soffitti a cassettoni e sul pozzo viene raffigurato lo stemma di famiglia raffigurante un cane rampante, simbolo della ricchezza e del rango sociale raggiunto. Nella sala delle Sibille si trova la cappa di camino poligonale. Meraviglioso il cortiletto con doppio loggiato. All'interno di Casa Romei è altresì presente un piccolo museo lapidario. Ingresso gratuito la prima domenica del mese.Orario apertura: da martedì a venerdì 8:30-19:30, lunedì e domenica 8:30-14:00. Assolutamente da vedere.