northern forts
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Got here by car, parking is free. Quite a lot of forts, variously damaged, but it's fun to climb or get in some of them. Of course, at your own risk. Our mens had lots of fun by doing that and we, girls, managed to climb on some of the forts too. I think we've spent half of the day here, worth to stop!
If you're traveling on foot and don't want to do the 5 km trek to the Northern Forts, you can go see almost identical fortifications to the south, closer to the city. They're were the highlight of our trip to Karosta and come highly recommended to anyone going to Liepaja. To get there first go to the Northern Breakwater in Karosta. Bus number 4 takes you almost there. From there, look to the north along the beach and you can almost see them already. From there just walk along the beach for a while and you're there!I don't know why all the brochures and sites only mention the forts far to the north, we found these ones to be much more accessible. Check out the attached photos.
Was there as a small break while Summer Sound festival. Interesting views, full of history. Definitely worth seeing.
There are seven or eight fortified cannon batteries to protect the soviets from German invasion. I never did find the rumored secret underground passages that are probably an urban legend. ANd now that I think about it, it would be a nce place for a pic-a-nik!!
Went to this place because it was listed in the bicycle route for Karosta. An important thing to note though, that I didn't see listed anywhere is that the Oskars Kalpaks bridge which is the quickest way to get from Liepaja to Karosta is closed most of the time, and only open at certain time periods during the day. Fortunately as I arrived, they were opening the bridge, but on my way back, I went the long way via Cukura St. as the Oskars Kalpaks bridge was closed. A few hundred meters after the turnoff to the Northen Forts is the turnoff to the Holocaust Victims Memorial and that is also worth seeing if you are in the areaIf you are short on time but still want to see a fort, there is also a Southern Fort in Liepaja which is much easier and quicker to get to, perhaps only a 30 minutes walk from the center. But I thought the Northern Fort was bigger and more impressive.
We were stopped when we came out of the Karosta Prison by a local man who told us that we should go and visit the Northern Forts which was part of the Naval Fortress of Liepaja.. He said that there are 2 places to visit and we chose the ones that were, I guess you could say the Northern most. Glad we did. They are complete ruins, but they are quite a sight to see. Huge concrete structures that are toppled over sitting along the Baltic Sea. It is a nice quiet place and there were a few people swimming and sitting on the beach. I believe the other place is where you can take the tours.
There you can take good photos. Liked posibility to go there by car. Interesting place, who is interested in ww2
A really exciting place to go to, perfect for photoshoots and walks - not many people and interesting scene.
fantastic history clambering over the concrete escarpments and views over the baltic. `We were so lucky with the weather though, must be pretty bleak in winter.
One of my favourite places in Liepaja, I visit every time I am there. Climbing the old forts, enjoying see, swimming. Take a food with you and enjoy picnic laying lazely in the sun after climbing and jumping over ruins of forts
Летом очень популярное место для дикого отдыха или познании исстории - это Северные укреплении или батарея Но-1 бывшей крепостьи Александра III. Разработку генерального проекта укреплении в конце 19-го века в Либаве/Liepāja/ поручили военному инженеру, генерал-лейтенанту Д.С.Заботкину(1837-1894). Это-самые мощные позиции, размещеные на северной частьи-вдоль моря, два редана и три люнетта. Позиции этой атилерииской береговой батареи переходит оборонные позиции на суше. Там нащитиваеются 11(всего 27) орудийных двориков крупнокалиберных и 8 малих пушек. Вес комплексс связан подземнимы ходамы, в местамы два яруса - просто Клондайк для опитного диггера!
Место куда пока ещё можно приехать и сделать красивые и интересные фотографии. Море нещадно разрушает их с каждым штормом. Довольно протяжённое сооружение,но не везде есть доступ. Здесь даже снимали исторические фильмы.Любимое место отдыха для многих горожан. Есть парковка. С дороги есть указатель.
Ogni luogo racchiude in se la storia vissuta e i reperti che vi sono a liepaja parlano da soli! X coloro che vogliono fare un tuffo nel passato l'invito è aperto! Una cittadina Militarizzata che ha da offrire tanto x chi con rispetto sa cogliere cio che questo popolo dignitoso da.
Красивое место, впечатляющие сооружения, только довольно ветрено- будьте готовы, ветровка не будет лишней.
Красивое место для прогулки, а так же для игр. Одевайтесь тепло, в мае солнце греет, но воздух холодный, постоянный ветер. В крепости много лабиринтов, которые манят своей загадочностью. Там предлагается шпионская игра "Побег из СССР" (