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吕瑟峡湾 挪威著名的五大峡湾之一,全长 42 公里。峡湾的入口是斯塔万格。两岸巨岩兀立,其中高604 米的断崖—布道台和夹在2个巨岩当中的奇迹石是最值得一看的地方。游玩2个景点,至少需要2天时间,而且都是徒步上山,会比较累。 座落于Kjerag谢拉格山,面积在5平方米左右,它像楔子一样楔入两个巨大的岩石中间,悬空而置,距离脚下的吕瑟峡湾Lysefjord1000米。是极限跳伞爱好者的热门首选。奇迹石是一个较为稳定的平衡岩,如有胆量爬到奇迹石上面,谷底的无限风光便可一览无余。网络图片网络图片
You should see the lysefjord and pulpit rock from a boat, and have a guide. Use one of the arranged trips during summer. A must do if you stay in stavanger from May to September. If a sunny day - you WILL remember this. Scenic view and a nice boat ride. Costly.
Of all the fjords in the dramatic landscapes of Western Norway, Lysefjord near Stavanger is one of the southernmost and arguably one of the most spectacular. A good indication of that is the increasing number of cruise ships which include it in their itineraries. So what makes it so? As you enter the fjord itself, you pass under an impressive suspension bridge. The steep mountains on both sides of the fjord provide the perfect setting. The Pulpit Rock at 600 meters above sea level on your left is one of the most visited tourist destinations in the country, which boasts quite a number of them. The two-hour hike to the rock itself is the best way to experience it, but it is pretty unique when seen from the deck of a ship as well. Keeping your eyes open as you sail further in the fjord, you may spot some of the 300-400 seals that live there. Still further in on your right is Kjerag, a favored spot for base jumpers from around the world, who come to experience its 1,000 meter (!) vertical drop with a parachute on their backs. Some do not make it down safely, but then everyone knows that this is an extreme sport. During the summer, a car and passenger ferry will take visitors from Stavanger to Lysebotn at the end of the fjord. If you have rented a car, you can get off the ferry there and drive up the dramatic switchback road past the Eagle's Nest restaurant and back through the valleys of Sirdal and Hunnedal to Stavanger. As you exit Hunnedal you might enjoy a stop at Byrkjedalstunet, a restaurant with wholesome country cooking and a large giftshop with products including those made in their own on-site candle factory. The place also includes rental cabins and a good-sized auditorium for the occasional concert. That's pretty much an all-day trip, but it's definitely worth it if your schedule allows.
This is an amazing trip. First a 20 min boattrip, then by bus, unless you have your own car. The walk to the mountain takes approx 2 hrs each way, and its quite hard. Good walking/mountain shoes are requiered. Highly recommended!! At the parking place, there is a very cosy hostel, serving food, drinks etc.
Great place, should be on the top to visit in Stavanger. Very informative, with the history of the oil & gas. fascinating 3d models, movies, & simulators. & loads of fun. Nice souvenir shop as well.
CHeck the weather forecast befor you go, but unless it is foggy, hard rain or snow/ice - this is a place you can only experience here. Weather you choose to walk to the Pulpit rock or hop on a cruise into the fjord - it is breatht-taking. Remember good walking shoes, a bottle of water and a bite if you take the hike. For either, bring a good camera!
A boat trip on the Lysefjord is truly a breathtaking experience. Magnificent views and wildlife to be seen plus a view of the Pulpit Rock. An experience not to be missed.
A lovely place, like being inside a painting ! <3 one of the nicest spot on earth. The roads are good, a lot of tunnels to drive through on the way, but short ones.
This was an excellent adventure. We saw seals and goats along the way and the natural sights were breathtaking. To top it off we had a gourmet meal on a cliff in the middle of nowhere and were picked up late at night by boats that took us back to the city. Fantastic!
The Norwegian fjord and waterfalls are sheer joy to visit and the best of the world. Our only complaint was just not enough time.
A must visit if you're seeking adventure in Norway! A few hikes with different difficulty levels suitable for everyone.
This is definitely one of the places to visit if you are travelling to Stavanger.wonderful scenery and a must with an eye to beauty.
We took the Rodne trip lasting 3hrs. Even in the middle of winter the views were fantastic. Lots of interesting information, comfy seats on the ferry and an unexpected surprise at the waterfall!!
Magnificent and easy to reach. By easy I mean this is in a mountain. So please use good footwear for hiking. Sneakers will be fine in good weather.