4A地址: 暂无
开放时间: 暂无

Bryggen 算是Bergen 的著名地标吧,只要讲到卑尔根, 大概想到的就是这个地方。这地方不大,但就很有一种小渔港的感觉。大部分的建筑都还在被使用中。大部分都是礼物店为主。周遭也有很多博物馆可以看看,我觉得,如果你想要体验传统的挪威, 一定要来卑尔根!!!
也许是期望值过高,也许是过了旺季好多商家都休息了。Bergen 的标志性地标没有想像中吸引。冷冷清清的没有任何气氛,图片中的都是那堆房子前有很多桌子,众人在吃海鲜。其实是空旷的。附近的市场更是让人失望,方寸之地,和西雅图渔人码头天壤之别。
世界遗产Bryggen Hanseatic Wharf,这排色彩鲜活的房子是Bergen的标志,这些房子是火灾后重建的,保留了当年的风貌,房子基本是卖一些纪念品为主,也有若干餐馆,想买手信的在这里就可以搞定了,纪念品也可以退税,拿着退税的单子在机场办理即可。木房子就大概是一排的样子,去看看就好了,下面都是商店,广场上有一些酒吧,可以坐着喝酒,也有很多人在休息,天气好的时候能看看海港的风景,但是天气不好的时候就看一眼就好了。
Very picturesque although it's a lot smaller than I was expecting. For someone not on a tour there is no signs or information about this place, therefore read up before visiting or take a tour. There are some interesting alley ways to walk around just behind these buildings.
The row of buildings along bryggen are colorful and historic. It was even more interesting to read about their history and appreciate the restoration done to the slightly lopsided buildings as you stroll along this unesco heritage site. Beautiful sunset that can be viewed in the evenings as well. Definitely visit this place when in bergen.
This was my favorite place in Bergen. These old buildings are so beautiful with their colors, warped wood, and narrow alleys in between. There are some great shops and restaurants, as well as picture opportunities. I spent a lot of time here just wandering around and trying to get pictures that capture how awesome these buildings are.
This was a very pretty place but it was over a very small area. There was no information on the history which means if you wanted to find out more you have to go to the Bryggen Museum (which was actually quite interesting) or take a tour. We went early morning before the other tourists got there, it was great walking around without tripping over people.
The weekend farmer's market is a must do. Fresh seafood, vegetables, and fruit! The produce is delicious and you can get read made food here to eat on the piers (see pictures). This is a definite "MUST DO" (like all the others have said).
Maybe the best attraction of Bergen. I spent more than one hour to take some beautifull photos. tuck between the wooden houses . walks with the nose up and imagine the life of the port a few centuries ago .magic place
This is the most classic of "Norway." This is what us American's and, probably, most of the world thinks Norway looks like. It was a beautiful assortment of shops, restaurants and scenery available. Almost an overload on the senses and, quite simply: GORGEOUS!!!
Amazing, pinterest! Full of history and beautiful to see any time of the year.. I have been in all 4 seasons now and I loved them all, the tall ship race last summer in bryggen was amazing.. I would love to be in the national day parade and see all Norwegians with the typic Bunad will be like a post card!