mohyla miru slavkoc & battlefield of austerlitz
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Try to cycle there. It is great sports activity for health and after that, you can see beautiful view
Beautiful countryside and quaint villages surround the location of the historic battle. There are numerous points of interest outside this memorial - the memorial is very interesting with a very nice museum directly behind the monument. Other remnants of Napoleon's victory lie strewn throughout the terrain - makes for a little adventure finding them.
Once you are in Brno and interested in world history, you should not miss this place. The monument is impressive and the new museum built nearby has a lot to show. Maybe the café at the place could serve something better than latté made from instant coffee. But still worth visiting. See the Slavkov castle too.
Interesting place to remember time of Napoleon wars. The interactive museum is nice done also for children and we enjoyed it. Nice place for adults and also bigger children, our 12 years old son enjoyed it.
You will see the mist in the valley that Napoleon thought would be his undoing - then 'le soleil d'Austerlitz' that saved him! the shrine is very beautiful, all Art Nouveau. Go up to Napoleon's redoubt - Zupan - as well, for an overview.
Tour of the Battlefield of AusterlitzAt 12 pm I set off for the Tour of Austerlitz with a car and a driver. The main sights wereZuran Hill and Bronze Map.At this strategic point the whole battlefield was clearly visible. At a distance was the Pratzen Heights. On the morning of 2nd December 1805, Napoleon with his spy glasses could clearly see that the Allied forces in their eagerness to attack the weak right wing of Napoleon make their fatal movement to their left, leaving the centre weakened. This enabled Napoleon to attack the centre at the opportune time when the sun became visible through the mists leading to the saying of “the sun at Austerlitz”. To commemorate this spot a bronze map has been made and erected on a granite platform.Santon HillIt was from here that Napoleon had perceived the strategic importance of the lay of the land and pointing to the Pratzen Heights had told his Marshals that this area would shortly be a battlefield. The hill was of such strategic importance that Napoleon had ordered that it was to be held to the last man. It was strongly fortified with trenches and cannons. Although it came in for severe attacks from the forces of General Bagration, it was ably defended by the French. The area between the Stara Posta and the Santon Hill witnessed cavalry attacks by the forces of General Bagration on the one hand and the forces commanded by Marshals Lannes and Bernadotte on the other. We climbed the hill and came to the chapel on top and took some pictures of the hill side. From the heights we could see the village of Blaziowitz.Pozerice – Stara PostaThis is located just after the crossing. The straight road led to Olmutz while the road turning to the right led to Slavkov (Austerlitz). The Old Post Office (Stara Posta) was the site where Napoleon had spent 2 nights after the battle, General Bagration one night and Marshal Bernadotte one night. Marshal Bernadotte who had married Desiree Clary the daughter of a silk merchant in Marseilles and the ex fiancé of Napoleon, would become the King of Sweden and his descendents would be the monarchs of Sweden, Norway and Denmark (which they are still today).There is an excellent museum inside for which there is no entrance fee. It had uniforms of the French and Russian soldiers and portraits of the key persons who played important roles in the battlefield. It is housed in the building where Napoleon had a staff meeting after the battle to discuss the plans for pursuing the defeated Austrian and Russian forces.There is the old stable that still houses horses and provides accommodation during the annual re-enactment of the battle in December.I had a traditional lunch of beef soup with a lump of beef piece and roast port. I was very happy as I was keen to visit this place and have my lunch here. Pratzen Heights and Mohyla MiruThe Pratzen heights were the scene of some of the most furious fighting. Napoleon sprung his surprise by attacking the weakened Allied Centre. The desperate charge of the Russian Imperial Guards took place in these heights. The Peace Monument or the Mohyla Miru has been erected here – the highest point of the Pratzen Heights. The place is easily approachable by an excellent road. Inside the Monument is a chapel under which the remains found in the battlefield have been buried. Strangely today marriages take place in this chapel. When we arrived, the chapel was closed. I took some pictures of the areas around the monument and after a while we went to the shop nearby and bought a magnet of the Mohyla Miru. Then we went to the museum displaying the dresses of the soldiers. We then watched for a while a film enacting the battle. Soon the chapel opened and we went in. The chapel has excellent acoustics and the guide whispered from one corner and I could clearly hear from the other.We drove through the villages of • Tellnitz• Sokolnitz• SchlapanitzThese have naturally changed with the passing of time. These are modern habitations with all the modern amenities and excellent roads connecting all the historic sites.Krenowitz At Krenowitz the Generals of the Allied forces had gathered on the eve of the battle and where the Austrian General Weyrother had detailed his fatal plan of battle for the next day, while Kutusov, thoroughly disgusted with Tsar Alexander I and the brash youngsters had a good snooze. We saw the Statue of Kutuzov and the house where he took residence during the time of the battle.Slavkov CastleThe Slavkov Castle has no direct links with the battle but was the residence of Emperor Francis I and Tsar Alexander I on the eve of the battle. The treaty between Napoleon and Emperor Francis I was signed here. The castle lodges a museum and has a large garden at the back.
We caught the number 48 bus from Brno to Prace Naves. The bus station is at the back of the shopping mall next to the train station.Just pop in enough coins into the ticket macine to buy a a zone 3 ticket. The bus is hourly. Show the driver the name of the stop and he will hail you. When you get off check the bus time back. At Prace Naves there is a steep hill for a kilometre leading to a very good monument dedicated in 1905 by the Emperors of Austria-Hungary, Germany and Russia on the annivarsary of the battle. There is a splendid museum with an impressive modern sound and light battlefield display and video show, and lots of original artifacts.
We were put off going to this battlefield site & the memorial site, based on researching on the internet and our guide book. We even spoke to a backpacker the same week who told us not to bother going as a local he had met said there was nothing there.This is not quite true as the memorial on the top of the hill has a interactive museum café and carpark (as well as the art deco monument). It is split into four sections and you can spend well over an hour. The admission is about £3 and the language can be changed on each exhibit.The difficulty is actually getting there if you do not have a car. We caught the train to Pontetovice from Brno £2.50 return for two persons. the trains are every two hours. On arrival you then literally have to walk to the next village Prace which is about 3.5 miles away (45 minutes) along one main road.Once in Prace you walk up hill to the monument which probably takes you another 20 minutes. All in all it is a good hours walk. The road isn't busy but as there is no footpath I would suggest not to go at dusk. We are 50 years old and not particularly walking types (believe me I protested an awful lot to my husband about going to see" a field" but in the end I had a pleasant time.. It was no problem for us and it seems a lot quicker going back to the railway stop
Immense champs de bataille témoin d'une des plus grande bataille napoléonienne. Les tableaux explicatifs sont nombreux et permettent de suivre les grands moments de la bataille. Pour finir on peut visiter le musée de la bataille. Un bonne expérience...
Překrásná památka, bohužel zavřeno již v pět hodin a kavárna stojí za starou bačkoru. Alespoň že ty záchody zůstávají otevřené :-)
ce qui frappe à première vue ici, c'est cette volonté de faire de ce lieu un lieu de paix où l'on rend hommage à tous les combattants qu'ils soient du côté des vainqueurs ou des vaincus, contrairement au monument de Waterloo dédié entièrement à la gloire des Anglais.Nous avons eu la chance de pouvoir rentrer dans la chapelle où l'on ressent l'émotion des combats sanglants et meurtriers de cette journée d'automne 1805.Le musée est vraiment très bien fait, l'accueil y est excellent et tout est fait pour nous faire comprendre ce qui s'est passé sur ce lieu d'histoire.Ce site, bien qu'un peu isolé en Moravie Tchèque, mérite assurément le détour
Ce site chargé d'histoire a vu se dérouler la terrible bataille d'Austerlitz. Les affrontements ont été violents longs rt meurtriers. On retrouve encore aujourd'hui des vestiges militaires mais parfois aussi animaux voire humains qui sont conservés dans le mausolée de la butte de Prace (Prazen). Le site complet est vaste et il faut du temps pour tout visiter et donc mieux comprendre ( butte de Prace 1er poste de Napoléon petite église musée etc..)
Полчаса езды на машине от Брна и мы на холмах, где трепещет душа. Здесь в 1805 году сошлись русские, прусские и французские войска. Где-то здесь лежал князь Андрей Болконский и видел небо Аустерлица. На вершине холма мемориал Могила народов - павшим из трех стран. В начале декабря каждый год бывает реконструкция битвы. Мемориал в несколько запущенном состоянии, добираться от Брна без машины долго и неудобно, небольшая экспозиция, кафе и сувениры. Аллея с молодыми деревьями из стран-участниц (в т.ч. береза с Бородинского поля). Впечатляет, несмотря на холод и дождь. Для любителей истории и литературы место очень важное.
in quanto sono quasi 20km, ma se si ha la macchina vale la pena. Bella la collina sulla quale Napoleone guardava le armate, con la lastra ricordo della battaglia. La campagna poi se si va in tarda primavera fino a settembre è magnifica, un crogiolo di colori. Bello il museo, anche a pochissimo prezzo, e la stessa Slavkov/Austerlitz, distante un paio di chilometri, ha un pregevole centro (piccino ma suggestivo) nel quale si distingue il palazzo dove lo stesso napoleoni dormì