arch-deanery church of st. jacob
4A地址: 暂无
开放时间: 暂无

We reached this church by 16:00 and it was closed!!! So cannot comment on the interior but defntly liked the architecture of the church. Impressively looms against the blue Kutna Hora'n sky and worth a few mins to even check out the exterior architecture. There is a narrow passage from where you get beautiful views of the Kutna Hora city and the Ursuline convent n St.Barbara's spires. Incidentally, we headed toward this church after the Silver Museum. On exiting the Museum, by taking a right on the first winding lane, you walk into one of the most beautiful old town lanes - narrow, cobbled, curved, colorful leaves drooping by, tiny wooden windows on stone buildings ...albeit short, this lane is a delight to walk in if u like some rustic scenes; straight out of 13th century and looks like technology hasn't reached here. This route would lead you to the back entrance of the church. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.
Visit to St. Barbara’s Cathedral was part of our day trip to Kutna Hora. I do not remember the history but it was spectacular building. On the wall there are paintings depicting the times of mining era. The glass decorations on the window are also magnificent.
If St Barbara's church is the church of the college and where most tourists head for, then St James is the parish church of the town and one that attracts small numbers of visitors. From the terace which leads to St Barbara the church appears very prominently looking back to the town, with a very tall tower, a second tower was also planned has not really risen above the roofline. Built c1350-1429 it is a gothic hall church with nave and aisles and an apsidal chancel. There have been later embellishments including the high altar which dates from 1677. Opposite the entrance (on the south side) is a paved viewing area for the Jesuit College and St Barbara's church. There is a small fee for admission and photography (without flash) is permitted.
К сожалению попасть в сам костел не получилось, т.к. в этот день он был закрыт. Колокол костела видно с многих точек города, ведь сам костел стоит на возвыщенности.Сам костел мне понравился, думаю и внутри есть на что посмотреть. Так как в костеле заслуживают внимания готические скамейки хоров 80-х гг. XV в., а также картина «Пресвятая Троица» 1734 г. и картина «Обезглавливание св. Якуба» 1752 г. До настоящего времени сохранился несущий элемент с изображением Тайной вечери из алтарного ковчега (до 1515 г.).Если хотите попасть в костел то за ранее на сайте смотрите часы работы и богослужений.
Костел святого Якуба стоит на возвышенности. Если учесть, что его башня поднимается на 85 метров, то костел нельзя не заметить. Нам сказали, что башни должны быть две, но одну так и не построили из-за особенностей местности. Очень интересно смотрится позолоченная фигура Христа на кресте. Вход в костел состоит из двух простых дверей и не выглядит монументальным. Башня квадратная, и на ней сохранились колокола. К сожалению, внутрь не попали. Было закрыто.
Quem é religioso e gosto de apreciar uma beleza rara , deve conhecer a igreja de st Jacob, vai a arte bem diferente.
Kutna Hora é para obrigatória pela sua importancia na historia Theca. A igreja de São Jacob faz parte dessa divercidade e beleza com suas imagens e arquetura.
Kutna Hora é uma cidade que tem inumeras atracoes de igrejas, catedrais, museus. A igreja de St Jacob também é uma parada obrigatória. Cheia de História, de arte, de requinte, de beleza. Vale a pena.
Durante una passeggiata serale abbiamo ammirato la più antica chiesa di Kutna Hora, molto bella nelle sue forme austere, le pietre scure che intimoriscono e l'aria gotica...Davvero stupenda, peccato non riuscire a fotografarla bene, poiché è incastonata tra gli edifici e nel dedalo di vicoli.Chissà come sarà dentro....