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This really is something to see... not only the beautiful buildings and chapels on this hill, but the view of the town and valley below.
I am really not religious but i really appreciated the work done by the people of Banska Stiavnica there. The Calvary was built in the 18th century on the hill and I was amazed by the dedication of the builders! They did not have the tools we have today, however they built this beautiful Calvary with every detail! There are brochures at the entrance with a map with number to follow and some of the history behind every "building" and on the top there is a beautiful view of the town!
On the volcanic conic hill has been built the prettiest calvary in Slovakia with fantastic view to Banska Stiavnica and Stavnicke vrchy Mountains.
Built by the Jesuits in the 18th Century it seeks to recreate the walk of Christ to his crucifixion. The hill was too high for us to climb! The view would have been amazing I am sure.
If you are in the area, I would not miss this. The idyllic setting and viewpoints as well as the ongoing restoration have made this one of the most imposing or significant examples of a baroque calvary in central Europe. If you are looking for an untouched monument without restoration, this will not be appealing to you as it has undergone significant restoration in the last 10 years.There is not an office or washroom on site, so you will need to plan accordingly.
This historical / religious site is still in the process of reconstruction so prepare for the different aesthetics of it´s parts. Still much recomended, offers unbeatable sights from the top of the hill. Nice in the spring withthe cherry trees in bloom :) Be prepared there are almost no facilities at all -limited parking, one toilet (down, not up), no place to buy drinks or food. Recomended in nice weather as a picnic spot as well
We visited this remarkable place because it looked interesting from a distance. We were very impressed by the quality and uniqueness of this attraction. Unfortunately, like many other attractions in Slovakia there is not much information to be found there , and definitely no advertisement. The place is not in good condition but it seems it is under reconstruction. Hopefully there will be sufficient funding so we can enjoy this spectacular attraction for many years to come
Although it is still being renovated this is a magnificent place to visit. The walk up is easily broken by stopping at all the shrines. When it is finished it will be a wonderful place a very unusual attraction and place of pilgrimage.
These historical religious monuments are gradually being restored after decades of neglect. Climbing to the chapel at the top provides magnificent views of the town and the beautiful surrounding countryside. It's a bit of a climb but worth it on a sunny day especially.
Pokial ste v okoli Banskej Stiavnici,odporucam navstivit,aj ked nepatrite medzi ,,poboznych,,.Je to krasna prechadzka,trosku sice strma,ale stoji zato.Vyhlad na Stiavnicu a celkova atmosfera je skvela.Banskoštiavnická Kalvária je súbor celkovo dvadsiatich dvoch samostatných sakrálnych stavieb, z toho sedemnástich kaplniek, predstavujúcich výjavy z ukrižovania Ježiša a siedmich bolestí Panny Márie, troch kostolov, zastavenia „Ecce homo“ a božieho hrobu, umiestnených na vrchu Scharffenberg
Cestou na Kalváriu zažijete neskutočne panoramatický výhľad na Štiavnicu a okolie. Historické pamiatky a súčasne zážitok z prekrásnej prírody.
С удовольствием поднялись на холм, с которого открываются чудесные виды на Банску Штьявницу и окрестности. Часовни реставрируются, скоро там будет еще лучше:)))
Голгофа правда красивая и место, где находится реально прекрасное. Но на этом многое и заканчивается. Ремонт тут делают годами а не похоже, что будет в близком будущем готов. Оригиналы некоторых исторических картин отсюда можно увидеть в экспозиции старого замка. Вид на город сверху Голгофы стоит усилия подняться, иногда можно подняться и на одну из башен верхнего храма. Жаль, что он есть в таком состоянии как есть...
Lugar de fé mas com uma vista magnífica. Suba até à última igreja e disfrute da vista. É preciso caminha um bocado mas vale a pena