chateau de sarzay
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A magnificent fortified castle straight out of the 100 yrs war. The owner has invested a lot of energy and time in trying to restore it, even though he has had to overcome many bureaucratic obstacles. It's a bit of a mishmash of various dilapidated, dusty "things", but that's kinda it's charm.
This is a fantastic place and about 6 euros for an adult. Its still a work in progress - the owners have had no help from the government to restore this chateau so your visit will help! They have uncovered a moat and found so many artifacts within the castle which was left in rack and ruin in the 90's when the owners bought it. It looks stunning from a distance - fairy tail almost. The owners are really very friendly and there is a written English guide which takes you through the history of the castle.
We weren't even sure we could actually go inside this castle when we decided to visit. Well! How silly were we...go inside? goodness, you can crawl ALL over it without anybody sitting in a chair scowling and telling you not to touch. There are medieval weapons lying around which you can just pick up, furnishings, mountains of ancient stuff everywhere and so many stuffed animals/hunting trophies I lost count. The "attic" space especially is jaw droppingly awesome with the whole, huge, supporting timber structure exposed and you can climb up further into the roofs of the towers. What views! As a project, the restoration is astronomically huge and must be monstrously expensive so hats off to Monsieur Hurbain who has been slogging away for over 35 years. If you can find him, have a chat. He's marvellous. He can't speak English but it doesn't matter. We can't speak proper French but we still had a conversation.And the best bit, we had the whole place almost to ourselves for just 6€ each...which is somewhat bittersweet as we loved the fact it wasn't overrun but Monsieur Hurbain deserves more revenue for his heroic efforts. There's a chambres d'hotes on site so you can stay there. It looked fabulous but our house is only half an hour away! Don't expect a tea shop/gift shop, disabled ramps, hand rails, safety steps and's not like that. But I'm telling you, it's fab. You can picnic in the lovely grounds and stay all day. Do go!
If you want to see a real castle from the middle age, that's the place to go. Many have disappeared during the different wars and during the French revolution. This one, being 700 years old, does not look obviously like a Disney castle but you fell the vibes of history when you visit it !
we went in 2012, to Sarzay, and it was wonderful to be able to go inside, as we couldn't have done on our last visit in 1998. they have made it so interesting, and it was like walking back into the Middle Ages! a great experience for all our family!
I went here with friends who have a vacation home in the village of Clunis. We went on a trip to the Saturday morning market at La Châtre (also interesting) and called into Sarzay on the way home. This really is an amazing place. Although the current owners are taking a long voyage of restoration, the end result will be truly remarkable. The costs must be astronomical.This Château has a very long history and survived the Hundred Years War with the English and the revolution as well. Being located where the border was with English-controlled Aquitaine, Limousin and Poitou, this was the front line and the de Barbançois family gradually built the current castle from around 1440. It is a true fairy tale castle with its corner towers and a smaller chapel tower on the walls which has a doll diorama museum, suggesting preparation for confirmation into the Catholic faith.The other striking detail is the moat which is gradually being returned to its former glory. Each of the living areas of the château contains many original features and even furnishings and although the whole us a massive work in progress, it all evokes how people lived which included being under siege. We were able to access every level to the turrets and marveled at the surviving baskets, collection of weapons and hatchets and axes. This collection is a treasure on its own! You can actually handle an axe or weapon from medieval times! There are also huge collections of pots and other kitchen things which continue into the cellars. The views from the towers and rooms on different levels are panoramic. Current owner, Richard Hurbain, bought the château in 1982 and began the long task of restoring what had become a much-abused ruin. Along with his family, the work continues. Although the château itself is the gem of the place, the allied buildings are also home to a kind of great hall which can be used for functions but houses paintings and books along with bric-a-brac for sale. The whole can be visited on a very trusting basis, with no escort, for the incredibly cheap fee of 6€.This truly is a discovery and has been promoted to number 1 on my list of monuments deserving support.
Seul contre tous ou presque, Richard Urbain a réussi l'impensable. Redonner ses lettres de noblesses à un château qui était devenu une ruine. Une restauration incroyable pour un non professionnel et une histoire que la télévision a relayé à moult reprises. Plus qu'un monument, une histoire de passion. Le propriétaire est tellement passionnant qu'il en devient l'intérêt premier de cet endroit qu'il faut découvrir si vous visitez la région. Bravo, tout simplement...
Tof kasteel, waar je binnen vrij kan rond kijken. Eigenaar is al 30 jaar met de restauratie bezig en ik betwijfel of hij de voltooiing zelf ooit gaat mee maken.
Nous avons été impressionnés par la qualité de la restauration du château effectuée par un passionné ! Nous avons eu un guide original : le chien noir du propriétaire qui nous a accompagné tout le long de la visite :)La salle des gardes est vraiment remarquable !
Een leuk kasteel waar de eigenaar al 30 jaar aan het klussen is. Het duurt lang want alle subsidies zijn hem ontzegd en bouw het met de entreegelden. Het is leuk om het kasteel te bezoeken en boven in de toren heb je een waanzinnig uitzicht. Wij hebben het kasteel al meerdere malen bezochten het verveeld nooit. Leuk is te zien dat als je weer komt er weer iets is gedaan.
Che bellezza! Gia' l'esterno è incantevole e l'interno in restauro risulta interessante.Il proprietario, molto simpatico, ha dedicato e dedica sforzi personali, senza aiuti pubblici alla conservazione di questo luogo fatato.Visitatelo non ve ne pentirete.
La tâche est rude mais cette silhouette est superbe jusqu'à s en approcher ... Très bon accueil et les 6€ leur feront du bien dans ce puits sans fond. De la "glacière" à la charpente d origine 5 à 600 ans??, qqs étages de bric à brac et de tentatives de restauration dans l urgence.... Le cousin est enthousiaste et le respect qu'il garde pour cet agent EDF si courageux n a d égal que la vue des "fenestres" des tours : splendide. Chambre d hôte originale dans les communs ...bonne visite!
Удивительное, настоящее и вдохновляющее место! 10 из 10! Это не туристический аттракцион, а настоящее древнее дворянское гнездо, полное не реставрированных вещей.
Certes, très beau château vu de l'extérieur, néanmoins 6 € par adulte pour la visite est TRES exagéré...Au delà du fait que le couple venant de région parisienne souhaite restaurer ce château et que cela ne plaise guère à l'administration....celui-ci pour rappel a été repris par ses propriétaires actuels en 1982, soit il y a 32 ans ! Ce qui pourrait laisser croire qu'en 32 ans, cette demeure est bien restaurée ce qui n'est absolument pas le cas !Au rez-de-chaussée, dans une petite pièce nous pourrons apercevoir pas moins d'une cinquantaine de cannettes de bière (vides), de l'autre côté, des sacs de ciments entamés, bref le RDC sert de débarras. Dès le 1er étage, et ce, jusqu'au 4è/grenier il faudra de la résistance à votre odorat puisque l'odeur de fiente de pigeons est très prenante. Certes une belle table de 5 mètres y expose des outils, quelques lits et armoires d'époque...Nous avons été très déçus par cette visite alors que pour le même prix à 10 kms de là, vous pourrez visiter la demeure de George Sand avec un guide qui vous fait voyager pendant une bonne heure sur l'histoire de cet écrivain et de son entourage proche (F.Chopin, A.Dumas, T.Gautier, G.Flaubert, A. De Musset etc...)
Magnifique château malgré un vrai bordel aux alentours. Le site n'est pas très propre c'est bien dommage. En plus un accueil vraiment déplorable. Aucun sourire et beaucoup impatience. A deux doigts de faire demi tour.