la fosse dionne
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开放时间: 暂无

It is very nice attraction, but it is hidden little bit. It looks like you are going into privat secret garden :-)
A must-see if you are in Tonnerre. Make sure to go down the steps and walk around the lavoir -- there are fireplaces hidden in the walls of the structure.
This is an amazing feature and warrants a visit. " La Fosse Dionne has all appearances of a resulting vauclusian source of deep water... whose flow increases very quickly as a result of a heavy rainfall...". It is related to significant cracks in the soil and the abundance of its flow seems linked to the vicinity of the sequanien limestone, crossed by wide joints" - attributed to Camille ROUYER
quiet, authentic, in need of a bit of paint, very nice lodging but very few choices...only 2 we think.
The most amazing and unbelievable place in the middle of a town.. It is definitely worth a visit and a few snapshots.
Mystical phenomenon right in the middle of nowhere. Look for the "Fossee Dionne" signs and it lead you to this very special place. It is a natural spring with constant running water. Just amazing to see. If you are in the Torrenne area, take the time to see this. You will be so glad you did. If you look around you, you will see steps going up a hill to a church that is amazing. It is up a long hill but you can also get there by car. You will also get a panoramic view so being your camera.
We walked around the Fosse Dionne and imagined the centuries of people who were there before us - it was magical!
We didn't know much about the town Tonnerre, and as we walked around we saw a sign leading us to La Fosse Dionne.It is an amazing phenomenon, and the atmosphere around this place is very special. If you are near Tonnerre, it is definitely worth a visit.
Despite the very best efforts of local authority building and planning to completely destroy the area round the Fosse Dionne, this is the most wonderful hidden gem. A Celtic spring, modified by the Romans and in Medieval times, with fresh bluey green water pouring from a source originating apparently in the Vaucluse mountains, it is a magical place. In winter when ice and snow are melting water pours in a torrent from the Fosse and in summer the water is calm with green plants billowing under the surface. it takes 5 minutes to walk around the Fosse. Ignore the horrible surroundings and don't miss this magical place.
The streets of Tonnerre are pretty ordinary and you would not expect to find this charming vauclusian source, transformed into a medieval washhouse, buried behind its dull facades. But seek it out and you will find a most unusual setting and an oppotunity of some good photos of its enticing ultramarine waters.
A most interesting phenomenon - must be seen. Very mysterious
C'est vraiment très joli et très impressionnant. Personne ne sait d'où provient l'eau de cette résurgence. Tonnerre est une ville à visiter. Son côté touristique ne pourrait que croître tant elle a du charme.
Tonnerre est une ville paradoxale. Peu connue, elle ne se visite guère. Qui plus est le déclin économique (typique de la desindustrialisation en France) se fait sentir'dans le nombre de façades décrepites, magasins en vente,... Et pourtant il y a de beaux trésors à découvrir comme l Hotel Dieu bien sûr , mais aussi cette Fosse Dione stupêfiante resurgence, magnifiquement mise en valeur. On ne se lasse pas de contempler cette eau claire qui vient des profondeurs de la Bourgogne.
C est joli. Voilà, rien de plus à dire. C est joli cette source qui jailli de la terre. Mais c est vraiment laissé à l abandon, avec toute ces algues et toute cette mousse, et les maisons environnantes sans vie. La source est belle mais tout ce qu il y a autour manque cruellement de charme. Ça ne vaut pas le déplacement selon moi.
Ceci est très beau. excellent endroit au plein milieu de tonnerreA visiter pour ceux qui sont dans le coin.Eau de plusieurs couleurs magnifique!avis donner par un citadin!