gr 34
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I walked along this route in several places in different parts of Brittany, and everywhere the route was great and full of majestic views. This is a photographer's heaven: after each turn you make you are awed with a new set of breathtaking views and grand photo opportunities. The path is quite easy for roaming with a photo camera and is marked good enough, except inside the towns. Though, inside the towns, you just walk along the seaside, and you're fine.
Last June we had this base for a walking break with friends on the GR34. wether you are a stroller or serious walker the GR34 in sunshine is brilliant the scenery is fantastic, huge beaches high granite cliffs and blue sea. The path is really well kept and easy to walk, we used this to give us a selection of great routes.
All of the route overlooks this magic coast which will make you undestand the difference between a "tide" and TIDE. Nowhere else are the tides so massive! This winding Emerald coast pathway leads you to St. Malo, where you should stop for 1 day at least. The best time of the year is late spring / early autumn (we hit the GR 34 in September) so no wandering crowds block your view...... and there are loads of to see.
We enjoyed our drive along the coastline with a few stops and walks along the way.It's not over developed and still retains a wild look.La pointe du Grouin near Cancale was really good.Not far from there we also went to a karting track which was really good.
This is really worth exploring as it provides an excellent picture of Brittary's coastline. We we constrained by weather so we only walked a short section of this trail. However, this is a photgrapher's dream! One caveat - the location of the trail is not always obvious - sometimes it winds through what seems like someone's back yard and we were not sure we should proceed until locals came walking by with their dogs. A second caveat, picking up one's dog's poop is not the norm in Brittany, although the cities try to encourage it. Watch where you step.
Rugged scenery, beautiful coastline. Dont miss la pointe de la varde, La Guimorais and l'Anse de Duguesclin towards Cancale.
lovely walk through st servan to plage rosais and Briantais. Stuck to the route of the gr34 on the return to StMalo. Awesome views of the Rance. Fantastic galette at a creperie near tour solidor, the one with the yellow awning.
We tried a part of GR34 from St Malo to Dinard (13 km), which was not a very well marked route, and hard to follow on the map. should be marked better! Tried other parts of the route (in Camaret i.e.) which were not inside cities, and it was more navigable, and offered some quite scenic views! Go to Pen Hat - fantastic!
Chut .... Silence ... Observez, admirez ... Respirez Balade technique par endroits, reposante a d'autres ... Balisage parfait
La Grand Rendonnè (GR34) fa parte di un lunghissimo sentiero... Selvaggio ma curato, viste e paesaggi mozzafiato...Se avete voglia di una bella camminata (mi raccomando...scarpe comode!!!) questo è quello che fa per voi.Giudizio: BELLISSIMO!
ótima vista, lindo para caminhada, deve-se prestar atenção no tempo, bom para se passar um dia, vários restaurantes localizado a beira-mar.
Une randonnée agréable et magnifique, nous l'avons faite en décembre, le sable était givré. Conseil: Depuis St Malo, prendre le bus jusqu'à Rotheneuf, suivre le littoral (compter une petite journée de marche), aller manger des huîtres à Cancale et rentrer en bus (1.25€).
Pour les gens qui aiment marcher au grand air. Belles maisons, vue magnifique, grands espaces. Relief varié.
C'est une randonnée très sympa, mais on peut rencontre quelques difficultées par moment sur le chemin, et qui peutsi on est pas assez préparé être épuisant, surtout entre St malo et Dinard ou il faut quand même 5heures de marches.
Эта набережная, особенно в закатный и рассветные часы, просто вырвет вас из реальности : идя здесь, вдоль потрясающе красивого берега, среди настолько же очарованных людей, вы потеряете счет времени - это действительно завораживает - фотографировать можно бесконечно, и ни одна фотография не передаст этой красоты. Она тянется по крайней мере несколько километров, но они пролетают как миг.