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A spectacular torturous climb away from the coast and through the narrow gorge of the river Roya led us to Saorge. The landscape on the way up is grandiose, with the surprise bulbous roof of the Monastery appearing magically. Set half way up the mountain in a natural amphitheatre, yet only a few kilometres from the sea, The town's defensive place made it a strategic asset in Middle Ages history right up to the 17th-century. It is spring, and the town glows in the sunshine and yet, in the background, the snow is still glistening on the peaks of the Alps- Maritimes. In summer, from previous visits, the village will shelter the visitor from the heat with the covered streets and stepways. The influence of Piedmont, just over the border is noticeable in the ornate houses, squeezed together as if taking mutual comfort against the overwhelming landscape. The Italian looking baroque church, rebuilt after a fire in the 17th-century, is just one of the admirable religious buildings for which Saorge is noted for. Like Lucerm, Saorge was a convenient stopping-off point for travellers, both religious and secular, making the long journey north or south. It became a base for several religious orders and at one time boasted 25 lawyers. There is a Franciscan convent here too, with beautiful furniture and scenes depicting the life of St Francis of Assisi. In making your own visit to this pious village, stroll towards the sanctuary dedicated to the del Poggio Madona. Its architecture as well as the walls painted by Balaison in 1480 are extremely beautiful. Behind the village there are some delightful walks to be made along paths where the Rock Rose and saxifrage grow wild.
Saorge and surrounding hills presents an interesting challenge to any but the fittest walkers. The walk down from the Monastery to the valley below and on to Breil is breathtaking but be warned, take plenty of water in the summer. The monastery perches above the village and is well worth a detailed visit with a guide. The church in the town centre is also worth visiting, especially if the organist is practicing!
Spectacular views from the village of Saorge with authentic feel and not too touristy. The village is a perfect base for walking the many trails around. The monastery is magnificent with serene gardens offering splendid views to the valley deep below.Parking is a bit hard, so come early and enjoy a nice day exploring the village and its many trails.
At first glance this 17th century baroque monastery is spectacularly situated with wonderful outlook but not that exciting. Our multi-lingual Italian guide brought it to life, though, with a witty, informative and surprising commentary that uncovered many hidden treasures. Modest wealth but huge ingenuity and effort on the part of the monks and their helpers have created a sophisticated simplicity that sums up good design. Special features: the sun dials, 11 of them: standard, Byzantine and Babylonian; the carved walnut; the splendid gardens; and the frescoes in the refectory, still intact and vibrant after 400 years. Don't expect the glorious baroque of Rome or Florence but for low-cost DIY it's pretty impressive.
Staying in Saorge for a few days walking the mountains, we decided to se the monastery before leaving. Sadly enough we just had set aside an hour for the visit, which would be enough to see the monastery and some very nice frescos, but the gardens were so serene and peaceful that we had wished to stay longer. This we did not expect after walking these beautiful mountains. The view from the monastery is lovely! They close at midday and open up again in the afternoon.
Along with the isle St. Honorat, Saorge was, as expected the best daytrip of our month across France. This Monastery overlooks the town from up on one corner. It is a peaceful mountain site with a World-class view. The Monastery is currently a refuge for writers, artists and the like. The setting and quiet are the attractions here, although the painted cloister murals plus the interior also are interesting. There is a garden out back in what has to be one of France's most astonishing backyards for such a purpose! The bees there are something else, HUGE and black as ink. Never seen anything like them. Hiking beyond this backyard off Manastery grounds leads one to an authentic, pastoral, rural area. Nearby is the Bendola valley, home to maple trees that local mile-makers make a most unique honey from. Try to come to the Monastery when there are no large hiking tour groups around (i.e. early or late). Alone up here, one finds a peace, an atmosphere long gone from the typical urban dweller's life. The adjoined Madoona del Poggio church at the bottom of the (easy) trail up to the Monastery is extremely fotogenic, even moreso than the Monastery itself! Other outstanding viewpoints are spread across Saorge. Try the school site, near the War Memorial, if its closed or after hours. Saorge was so enjoyable that we returned again a few days later!
Le village avec ses ruelles étroites accroché à la montagne est toujours aussi fabuleux. La visite du Monastère est la cerise sur le gâteau. Espérons que l'Eglise et ce monastère soient finis d'être restaurés, car ils en valent la peine.
Piękne położone miasteczko . Wspaniały widok na Doline Roya.Za miasteczkiem w górę , Klasztor Franciszkanów / Monastère de Saorge/.Ze wzgórza klasztornego piękna panorama na Saorge i Dolinę .Niestety Klasztoru nie zwiedzilismy w srodku . Był już zamknięty, Szkoda.
Après avoir traversé à pieds le beau village de Saorge, nous avons visité ce monastere reposant dédié a St François D'assise. La visite du cloître dure une demie heure, un peu cher à mon goût pour la visite.Dommage que nous n'avons pas eu de guide pour nous raconter en profondeur l'histoire et les anecdotes que cache ce Monastere, c'est dommage.Sinon la visite est agréable et il faut la faire une fois dans sa vie.
Nello splendido contesto del borgo di Saorge, poco sopra l'abitato sorge questo monastero davvero bello, visita guidata con guide competenti e plurilingue che accompagnano tra i tesori di questo luogo ed aiutano a scoprirne i segreti. Al termine sosta nel giardino-orto che è un piacere vedere incastonato tra le montagne. Molto e valido il materiale informativo cartaceo. Per me un luogo da non perdere se si visita la zona.... (si prova anche un po' di sana invidia per chi soggiorna in quel luogo.... nel nostro caso erano scrittori intenti a creare.... davvero il luogo ideale per trovare un'ispirazione letteraria....)
accoglienti, interessante tutor italo-francese...la ciliegina sulla torta dopo aver passeggiato in un contesto medioevale pulito e in ordine . La passione del racconto del paese e delle origini e funzioni del monastero. La meraviglia dell'orto e delle sale.
Saorge est l’éternel village accroché à flan de montagne, dans la vallée de la Roya, et qui fait rêver. Un peu difficile d’accès, si l’on ne vient pas en voiture, car la gare est environ à 2 km en contrebas. En voiture, il est difficile de se garer, d’autre part. une fois ces petites difficultés résolues, on se promène et on se laisse perdre au gré des ruelles qui montent et qui descendent. Très belle balade en ce 13 août, même avec l’orage qui gronde et qui nous arrose allègrement.Le but suprême de la visite est le monastère de Saorge, ancien couvent des Franciscains. Petit, mais très beau dans la solitude et dans le calme des gorges de la Roya. Superbe cour intérieure, avec le cloître et ses fresques, qui rappellent beaucoup le nord de l’Italie et presque la Bavière. Ensuite, l’église avec ses boiseries et ses stalles, la sacristie, la salle du chapitre… La visite ne prend que 30 minutes, mais ce monument national mérite bien son classement en tant que tel, et c’est un petit bijou de beauté et de sérénité, loin de l’agitation de la côte. Un petit tour dans les jardins et le potager, si le temps le permet !N’hésitez pas à faire le trajet via les cols de Braus et de Brouis (Sospel et Breil sur Roya), le trajet est tellement plus beau que de passer par l’autoroute et l’Italie, et il ne prend pas beaucoup plus de temps.Une balade dans Saorge et la visite du monastère sont un must absolu quand vous êtes dans les Alpes Maritimes, un grand moment.L’entrée du monastère coûte 5€50, gratuite pour les moins de 25 ans, mais le prix est mérité par les sensations et la sérénité qui en découlent. Excellent accueil, en plus.
Une habitante nous disait: "Saorge est la plus belle ville au monde" et elle a raison! Pittoresque et pleine de charme.
Très joli monastère, surtout si vous prenez la visite guidée (sans sur plus pour nous en tout cas) avec Francesco. Un sympathique guide qui vous fait visiter la totalité du monastère dans la joie et la bonne humeur racontant des anecdotes et expliquant en détails les différentes sculptures en bois que compte le monastère. À ne surtout pas rater.
Un luogo di pace nelle Alpi Francesi. Un antico paese degli antichi Liguri dove un monastero a pochi chilometri da Cuneo si erge nella sua bellezza.Un posto da vedereassolutamente. Un posto cui vale la pena di passare e fermarsi.