citadelle de forcalquier
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An enjoyable walk uphill through pretty neighbourhoods to a panoramic view as far as snow-capped Alps.
A beautiful vantage point from which to view the pretty town of Forcalquier and its rural surroundings. The paths up the hill are clearly marked in town and take you through some beautiful narrow streets.
Forcalquier is a very beautiful old town located not too far from Sisteron, where we stayed. It has a particular "cachet" that makes it very attractive. Surrounded by little markets, restaurants, boutiques, you can easily spend an afternoon there... like we did. On a particular hot day of July, be sure to bring water or, enjoy a drink at one of the restaurants. If you plan to visit the Citadel, do bring something to dehydrate on the way to the top. The paths to get there are very steep and if you have difficulty walking, it might be tough due to uneven stones. Although the visit is not very long once you get there, the view on Le Luberon is spectacular. Please note, however, that the Citadel could not be visited inside when we were there. I also assume that it is no longer open to the public but the visit of the outside is still very pleasant. And by the way, it doesn't cost anything to get there. So... enjoy it!
Coming from Montreal and having St Joseph’s Oratory perched on Mount Royal, the Citadelle (Notre Dame de Provence) reminded me of just that, but a miniaturized version. One must take a bit of a steep hike to the top of the Forcalquier hill from Place St-Michel. The octagonal chapel is breathtaking but, alas, it is closed at all times, no one can enter it. On the plus side, this building is stunning on the outside. The statues of angels all play a different musical instrument. And on all 8 facets, outside, can be depicted faces of the Provence Saints.The downside is the carillon (built 45 years later). It looks too new to be this close to the chapel, so the styles clash. It does, however, have a nice ring to it, with its 18 bells. As we were leaving, it had starting playing its tunes on a Sunday morning. Cute.I’ve seen this Citadelle also from the sky when I took the hot-air balloon ride. Just dazzling. There’s no comparison, but the view of the surrounding villages from the chapel is just as great.
La promenade pour rejoindre la citadelle est agréable. je ne suis pas touriste car nous habitons près de Forcalquier mais nous allons souvent nous y promener. le point de vue est magnifique
Cette petite ville nous plait vraiment beaucoup, sa place , les petites rues qu'il faut monter pour se rendre à l'église, tous ceci sent bon la Provence et au bout de la promenade , cette très belle église qui domine tout le plateau...
génial,la haute provence à léétat pur, de la verdure ,du soleil... des vieilles pierres dans un cadre apaisant, tres bon entretien du site par la commune, une tres belle conservation de cet ancien prieuré par la ville de Forcalquier
n'hésitez pas à monter à la citadelle en empruntant de magnifiques calades de la vieille ville. Vue magnifique à 360°(splendide par temps clair)
Très belle citadelle dans cette jolie petite ville moyenâgeuse mais il ne faut pas avoir peur de marcher et de de monter car elle est tout en haut de Forcalquier!!!!
Un superbe petit sentier bien aménagé pour monter à ce point de vue incroyable sur les alentours. Dommage qu'on ne puisse rentrer devant mais les extérieurs sont déjà très beaux!
Een stevige klim met een prachtig uitzicht als geschenk. Mooi kerkje en een mooie klokkenverzameling. Zeker de moeite om te bezoeken.
Il faut marcher un peu et ça grimpe mais le plaisir est à la hauteur de l'effort fourni. Belle vue sur Forcalquier et ses environs.N'hésitez pas à monter de nuit non plus.
Per raggiungere la fortezza si deve attraversare il centro storico di questo bel villaggio,un dedalo di stradine stracolme di negozi,caffè e ristoranti,belle dimore tanti fiori e giardini più o meno segreti...una volta in cima uno spettacolo magnifico si presenta davanti gli occhi, un panorama a 360°sul borgo ed il territorio che lo circonda,unica nota stonata la chiesa chiusa.
Tres jolie vue à 360 °, la montée est aussi une belle promenade surtout au coucher du soleil apres un bon diner.
Belle petite promenade, idéale avec des enfants, vue agréable avec table d'orientation. Dommage que la citadelle ne soit pas ouverte au public.