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绝对不能错过的景点。停车要花大概50元,但是光是去参观那座桥是不要钱的。 这座桥是19世纪建造的,走在上面的感觉真的非常不错。记住走到桥的那一边去下水洗一洗手,你一定会感觉很好的。不知道这河水的水质如何,但是桥边有一个漂亮的老磨房,让整个画面看起来更加梦幻写意了。我们是早上10点从艾克斯市出发的,下午5点的时候回去的,我们没有花很多时间逛街哈。回程的时候我们走的是一条小路,从阿维尼翁那边回去的。阿维尼翁的路简直太糟糕了。我们一直都是按照路牌走的,不过还是找了一个小时才找高速公路入口。要是有GPS的话就好了。
如果你就在附近,那你一定不能错过去看看这个罗马式水渠的机会。我们当时在阿维尼翁,所以去那里花了大概30到40分钟。那儿很好找,你只要跟着高速公路路标走就行了。我们将车停在靠近博物馆的Rive Gauche空地上,停车费是50元。我们没有进博物馆。我们直接走去水渠那儿,照照相,然后就从右手边的石梯爬到顶上去了。这是一条可以看见全景的布满车辙的岩石路。很容易找到的。然后你只要呆在主道上就好。这真的是个极棒的地方。之后我们回到下面再走到另一面去看了看。我们去的时候是三月份,所以完全没有拥挤的问题,还有你绝不能穿过水渠顶部。显然,那只有在旺季是才对外开放。你可以带着野餐和泳衣去,不过我猜游泳应该要收费。我去了礼品店,发现里面标价和普罗旺斯及巴黎的礼品店价格差不多,所以我就买了点。这里还有极好的卫生间,里面大概有6至7个隔间。整个旅程都美妙极了,当想到这已经有20世纪的历史了更让人觉得异常神奇。
I am glad I took time to visit the Pont du Gard, a little surprised at the cost of entry, not wildly expensive but perhaps a little too high for what it is and if you have a family in tow as it's not necessarily the best attraction for the younger team mates. But never the less, if you're smart you can find a quiet spot and soak up the serenity of the place.
An awesome view at any time of the day or evening. Swimming is very possible. Do not miss this hands-on experience with antiquity. We go there every time we visit Provence. Never gets old.
Pont du Gard, one of the most iconic remains of the Roman period, definitely is worth your visit. We went as part of a small group tour, and we're glad to have had about an hour to explore. It was a chilly the day we visited in April, so not at all crowded.We enjoyed walking the olive groves and onto the bridge over the Gard River. This World Heritage Site is one of the more awe-inspiring I've seen, in large part because of the unbelievable accomplishment in ancient design that resulted in a three-tiered -- tall, massive, humbling -- construction that is well-preserved to this day.I read that Pont du Gard is one of France's top five attractions, and I understand why. This is a treasure you won't want to miss!
This a definitely a place to see. The walk is beautiful in the summer . Have a lazy walk up to the aqueduct to admire in awe at its structure . I would recommend to bring a picnic and a towel to fully enjoy the trip
The Aqueduct is amazing. Based in a natural setting, the aqueduct is really an incredible sight. It is in terrific shape especially when you consider that it is over 2,000 years old. We spent several hours here as there is not just the aqueduct but a very interesting museum, a cafe on each side of the river and a lovely walk alongside the river affording views of the bridge from every angle and you can watch the people kayaking or just playing in the water.
Best day in France by far, was a hot day and loved the cold river. The amazing scenery overhead and seeing locals jump in and have a great time. One of the only times in France I didn't feel like I was in a tourist trap. If you love the outdoors you will love this place. Relax and enjoy!
canoe from collias. we take our double canoe on roof rack, saving around £70 each day paddle in france (we do up to 6 which pays for the canoe each holiday). the paddle to pont du gard is unchallenging, picturesque and with plenty of fabulous stop-offs for picnics and wild swims. pause for lunch at the famous Roman aqueduct pont, videoing the hordes on the bridge who have paid an enormous entrance fee while canoeists are free. put three hours on the parking meter then catch the 14:08 back from remoulins costing 50p while a light partner and child (they fit snugly into the rear canoe place) enjoy a coffee by the riverside at remoulins. purchase picnic at a french hypermarket. fabulous day out for 3 for about £3, a saving of about £100 on what the non-cognocenti pay.