national estate of saint-cloud
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I found the Parc St Cloud on my recent visit to Paris. Actually I found it by accident at the end of the Number10 Metro line when I went looking for the Albert Kahn Museum in Bologne one of the ritzier suburbs of Paris. I saw a sign pointing to the park and having nothing else to do I followed the direction across the river to the Park where I was pleasantly surprised by what I found,I believe the chateau was destroyed during the Franco-Prussian war in the late 1800s but what remains of the gardens and landscaping shows what a grand place this would have been back in the day.As my review title says it is a photographers heaven for the views back over Paris and the fountains, statues and other artifacts in the park. The days, yes days I went back for a total of 3 visits I was the only "tourist" there. I encountered a few joggers and some locals having a picnic lunch and a photographer doing a photoshoot with a couple of models.It was great to set up and take a photo without the worry of a tour group walking in front of you as happens in Paris at that time of year. Admittedly it is probably not everybody's cup of tea but if you are into photography or you want a nice quiet place to chill out and read a book then take the Number 10 metro to the end of the line, follow the signs and go across the river and enjoy the park.
This park is located near Paris but it's a lot less crowded and the views of Paris are amazing. All that is left from a palace that used to belong to famous people like Marie Antoinette and Bonaparte are the gardens, fountains, the base of the palace and a small building that know houses a small museum. Worth a visit for a walk or a picnic. There are a couple of restaurants in the park and activities during the Summer.
I live 20 mts from St Cloud Park. Just check the view from my house. In spring, summer, fall or winter, his woods welcome me with peace, birds, smells and fantastic views from Paris. No matter how bad the weather is, I always feel like home
The Parc de Saint Cloud is just across the Seine from Paris, but is far less crowded than the many city parks it overlooks. Once the site of a major chateau, what remains now are the expansive grounds and fountains. A mixture of formal and natural gardens, there are places where you can relax in the style that you prefer. Joggers will enjoy the wide paths through the allees of parallel trees and for those wanting a snack or a meal there are restaurants scattered through the grounds. Because of its location on a high bluff over the river, the views of the city of Paris are excellent. In the summer, the fountains are turned on and there are periodically sound and light shows. Check local information for the timing. A wonderful escape from the bustle of the capital at any time of the year.
i visited parc st cloud twice on my recent visit to paris. from hotel de ville it is at the end of the #72 bus route and a pleasant sightseeing trip for the price of a bus ticket.I couldn't find out when the fountains were running sadly but it was still a gorgeous quiet pard with plenty of walks and a view over paris.
Former property of the Crown, the national domain of Saint-Cloud constitutes a major historic and artistic French heritage site. Monsieur, brother to Louis XIV, commissioned the architects Antoine Le Pautre and Jules Hardouin-Mansart and the painter Pierre Mignard to enlarge and embellish his château located between Paris and Versailles. In 1785, the Dukes d’Orléans sold the property to Queen Marie-Antoinette who had it transformed and decorated by her architect Richard Mique. Summer residence for the sovereigns during the 19th century, the Château de Saint-Cloud was set on fire during the Commune in 1870, then razed to the ground in 1891. Enclosed by walls and wrought-iron grilles, the 460-hectare estate, ornamented with statues, has retained the original layout designed by André Le Nôtre (1660-1690). Part of the hydraulic installations date from the 18th century: during the summer, great jets spout water into the ponds and down the tiers of the great Upper Cascade. The galleries of the Musée historique conjure up the great age of the château and its park.Today is the chief Rock Festival in August,called Rock en Seine!
The Park de Saint-Cloud (officially Domaine National de Saint-Cloud) is situated just across the Seine from the Bois De Boulogne. This huge sprawling park, is an oasis of calm. Unlike the Bois De Boulogne, this park is not so heavily frequented, and makes a pleasant location to get some fresh air and exercise.The north eastern corner features old formal gardens, part of a former royal palace, and great vistas across to the heart of Paris. The rest of the park is a sprawling forest, with large green alleyways leading off into the distance.The park is free to enter. It is located about 10 minutes walk from the end of Metro Line 10. There are a number of small cafes and restaurants to eat in the park, and there is bicycle hire available.While not stunningly beautiful, it is a good location to head to make a change from the heart of the city. We happily walked around for 90 minutes. We didn't spot any toilet facilities (but expect the restaurants had some).
Достойный внимания парк Парижа, где можно уединиться от толп туристов и насладиться панорамой города. До парка надо ехать на метро линия 9, до станции Pont de Sèvres, или 10 линия , до станции Boulogne — Pont de Saint-Cloud. От метро пешком по мосту через Сену или на автобусе. Вход в парк бесплатный, за автомобиль взимается плата.Часы работы зависят от времени года. Обращаю внимание на то, что в парке большой перепад высот. Есть сад во французском стиле, спроектирован Андре Ленотром, английский парк Трокадеро, начатый при Людовике XVIII, розарий Марии-Антуанетты . В парке располагается около десяти фонтанов, но они не все в рабочем состоянии. В верхней части парка есть площадка, с которой открывается красивый вид на Париж. Есть небольшой Музей замка Сен-Клу. Сегодня от бывшей резиденции Бурбонов и Бонапартов осталось лишь несколько надворных построек. Советую обязательно посетить .
Het kasteel werd in 1870 verwoest, maar de tuinen zijn er nog en een plek waar zich zoveel geschiedenis heeft afgespeeld heeft een bijzondere charme. De "Vrienden van Saint Cloud" hebben ook borden en plattegronden neergezet. De tuinen en fonteinen zijn erg mooi en je hebt een prachtig uitzicht over de Seine en het bekken van Parijs. Omdat het park zo groot is, is het de moeite waard vanuit de auto (kaartje kopen!) of met de fiets het park te verkennen. In het park bevinden zich verschillende restaurants en uitspanningen.
Billet a 23 euros avec carrefour.Arrivé a 18.30 pour avoir une place contre la tribune vip et faire casse croute. Puis a 21.00 c est parti pour 1h45 de spectacle. Une premiere partie aussi belle qu interessante sur l histoire de la poudre noire.Au finale on a en vu de toutes les tailles de toutes les couleurs et de tous les sons.Je vous rappel que Fouquet a etait en prison pour un tel spectacle ;-).Tout simplement MAJESTUEUX FANTASTIQUE on en a plein les yeuxMerci et a l annee prochaine
O parque de Saint-Cloud fica na cidade de mesmo nome, a alguns km de Paris. A estação de metrô mais próxima é a Pont de Saint-Cloud (final da linha 10), mas uma pequena caminhada é necessária; outra opção é o ônibus 126, que sai da Porte d'Orléans. Este parque é bastante amplo, e tem atrações em todas as estações do ano!
Classé comme "jardin remarquable" depuis quelques années ... passez votre chemin. Du château, entièrement détruit au XIXème siècle il ne reste rien. Il reste donc un grand parc, un peu en friche, avec l'une des vues les plus laides que l'on puisse imaginer sur Paris. La ville non plus n'a pas grand intérêt. Si vous habitez dans les parages, c'est un joli grand "square" où promener les enfants. Si vous n'y venez que pour le lieu, passez votre chemin et faites autre chose.
Um lindo e extenso parque ao redor de Paris. O parque possui aproximadamente 11km de área verde. Com certeza, se você procura por um belo local para caminhar/correr, esta é uma ótima pedida. Como sugestão: procure ir de carro, pois os portões de acesso se encontram distantes da cidade.
Bien moins fréquenté que les principaux parcs parisiens par jours de beau temps (un peu plus difficile d'accès il faut l'avouer). Sympathique pour s'allonger sur l'herbe avec un avant goût de vacances.Ne pas s'attendre à des décors exceptionnels. Le château autrefois très important a brûlé puis été démoli. Quelques plans d'eau et une grande cascade abandonnée témoignent des fastes perdus de ce domaine. Dommage que le circuit d'eau soit coupé (le site officiel ne précise pas si les jets d'eaux sont activés à certaines dates/heures ). Parc tout de même dessiné par Lenôtre. Très belle vue sur tout Paris depuis le Nord du Parc.Domaine très grand, attention les dénivelés rendent la visite à pied rapidement fatigante.
le parking chambres communicantes petits dejeuners varies super literie personnel attentif decoration mixte ancien et moderne acces paris centre moins de 10 minutes