north paris-villepinte exposition park
4A地址: 暂无
开放时间: 暂无

My company were exhibiting at the SIAL exhibition in Paris at the Exposition Park, whilst staying downtown. Firstly having been to Paris on many occasions during the last 30 years I have to say that other than the real centre of Paris the truth is that most of this city is a dump, Rubbish strewn everywhere graffiti on anything that does not move. Beggars on many street corners and taking up seats in parks as well as riding the Metro particularly on the northern sections. Totally overcrowded stations and cars with few personnel available to assist any traveller requiring assistance. Add to that the huge number of pickpockets and thieves on the Metro and it all adds up to a City that is losing the plot. Many say here it is a disintegration caused by a number of issues where no one wants to work and those that do want a 35 hour week or less. Others say it is the flood of immigrants that has led to many of the problems for the city. I would say that Paris is now a city of decline not a City of Romance by any means.Even at the Exposition Centre it is overcrowded and whilst once inside it is a good venue but again far from the City itself if one wishes to enjoy real French food and hospitality in some of the still finest restaurants available. It is with regret that I hope the SIAL is moved from this city to somewhere like Amsterdam where access etc is so much better and does not have all the problems associated with Paris.Perhaps the organisers need to investigate once again how things are done in Cologne at the ANUGA every other year from that in Paris.
Such a wonderful event. So many things to do and see. An absolute delight. An exciting event over five days
If you are attending a Conference of Show at North Paris-Villepinte Exposition Park, be aware that in rush hour it may take you 1 hour by train to get there and maybe 2 hours by car. The traffic is terrible and the trains are overcrowded with all sorts of people. Be careful with wallet and passport.
I have been there as an Exhibitor at Cartes conference. Great organization. Only problem, every extra needed to be paid, even the connector for the water in the booth was more than 100€
J'avais lu plusieurs avis négatifs avant d'y aller et en arrivant là-bas le 31 décembre 2014 j'étais plutôt agréablement surprise. C'est exactement comme sur les photos, la chambre propre et rénovée. Salle de bain évidemment très petite. Leur connexion wifi ne fonctionne pas du tout. Par contre vers 2h du matin nous sommes descendu à l'accueil acheter à boire dans les distributeurs et étions étonnés de voir que plusieurs jeunes étaient venu s'y réfugier avec de la musique forte et de la nourriture. De plus le matin à plusieurs reprises des personnes ont ouvert notre porte (heureusement que nous avions mis le petit crochet qui empêchait la porte de s'ouvrir complètement). Cet hôtel est pas mal mais dommage que n'importe qui puisse squatter l'accueil la nuit ( heureusement qu'une carte de chambre est obligatoire pour monter dans l'ascenceur).
Cadre industriel, hôtel IBIS Zone industrielle Paris Nord à surtout ne pas recommander ! Hôtel bruyant, chauffage non réglable (en panne)
Difficile da raggiungere, con poche indicazioni stradali. All'interno dispersiva ed male organizzata. Mostra gli anni.
Quest'anno l'organizzazione si è superata in negativo in tutto! cosa al top tra le negative la novità della riattivazione del badge per chi la sera prima non lo aveva scansionato all'uscita perchè magari uscito troppo tardi ; questo creava delle file enormi la mattina per entare ! mai vista una cosa del genere! vergognoso e scandaloso! credo sarà l'ultimo anno di partecipazione!
Il tempo passa e questa area espositiva avrebbe bisogno di una sistemazione... l'organizzazione è pessima ma dipende dalla manifestazione
Очень большой выставочный комплекс. Организация была на уровне (может быть и зависит от выставки, но персонал комплекса был дружелюбен и любезен).Главные проблемы где поесть и зарядить телефон.
Tempat ini sangatlah bagus untuk menyelengarakan sebuah pameran yang sangat besar, contohnya pada saat event eurosatory. lokasi sangat dekat dengan transportasi by metro (kereta api) ke down town. tidak sulit mendapatkan taxi dan daerah tersebut banyak terdapat hotel hotel juga. sangatlah membantu bai peserta pameran dari mancanegara
Красивый зеленый парк, очень нравятся фонтаны, которые работают бОльшую часть сезона. В солнечную погоду очень красиво
en vip c'est parfait à refaire 4 jours formidables j'adore.....................................................................................
Большой выставочный центр, есть трасса Формулы 1, можно погулять, посетить выставки, рядом несколько отелей( Ibis , Kiryad, Premiere Class) Хорошее расположение. Метро(RER), аэропорт рядом, до города 30-35 минут на электричке.
à aller faire un tour, c'est génialPlein de choses à découvrir et redécouvrir chaque année au même date