rue saint-romain
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Three of us rented a small apartment on this street. Our building was 300-400 years old, half timbered and plaster. Many small shops on the street. It was one block from Notre Dame Cathredal and just a little farther to City Center. We were within walking distance of everything we needed; markets, restaurants, shops, museums, etc. Just to the North of us was an area settled by North Africans.
The buildings surrounding this square is beautiful and made me think I was in Germany instead of France. There's lots to see, including the spot nearby where Joan of Arc was burned at the stake.
Lovely little area, just a stroll on a nice day, like the rest of the town. Go when the shops are open though, more of a buzz.
A walk down this street will take you back to another time and place! There are structures/houses that have been standing for centuries; some look like they are leaning precariously. The walkways are narrow and uneven, and paved with cobblestones. Very charming!
For a little side street, Rue Saint-Roman is packed with interesting businesses. OK, the location is ideal - just on the north side of the cathedral. We did some shopping there - found some lovely glassware and great chocolate. And we didn't get a chance to eat at the creperie on the street, but it looked nice.And of course the half-timbered buildings, a feature of many of Rouen's historic streets, are in abundance here!
The Rue Saint-Romain is a narrow pedestrian street leading eastwards from the northern side of the Notre Dame Cathedral Square. Its main feature is the variety of coloured half-timbered Gothic and Renaissance buildings, mostly sitting above shops and boutiques.The old buildings date variously from between the 15C and the 18C and, in my opinion, are worth a short visit due to the picturesque architecture and photo opportunities.
It's interesting to walk down this street. On an old wall near the cathedral there is a plaque that says something about the inquiry ordered by Charles VII into Joan of Arc's trial several years earlier. I like the courtyard outside of the cathedral--it has a statue of St. Romain.
It's convenient to everything but a little noisy :) Since everyone passes by here to get between the two cathedrals, I hear all languages throughout the day as the tour guides pass by.
Мы прошли дважды по этой улице, от кафедрального собора до площади с церковью Жанны. Здесь, между старых фехверковых домов, отреставрированных и хорошо выглядящих можно представить себе как это выглядело во времена Жанны. Хотя иногда это и трудно сделать, когда вокруг сверкающие витрины магазинов и прекрасные современные мостовые.
Cette rue fait partie des joyaux de Rouen : elle reste incontournable dans une visite de cette magnifique ville.Très beaux magasins d'art, d'artisanat et quelques bonnes adresses gourmandes, par exemplel'ODAS pour un repas de haut niveau ou DAME CAKES (au n° 70) agréable salon de thé pour un breakfast, un lunch ou y déguster de somptueux cakes à tous les parfums.Cette rue va connaître une fréquentation accrue avec l'ouverture en mars 2015 de "L'HISTORIAL JEANNE D'ARC" dont l'entrée est située non loin du portail des Libraires de la Cathédrale.
On aime y flâner par tous les temps ! les quelques magasins semblent avoir été choisis juste pour cette rue située proche de la cathédrale
Une rue piétonne composée de maisons à colombages... Il suffit d'un zeste d'imagination et l'on se retrouve en plein moyen-âge, au temps de Jeanne d'Arc. Une promenade obligatoire s'impose si on est de passage à Rouen !
Le caché rouennais , les boutiques et salon de thé et particulèrement LilyB ... Une petite boutique de vêtements de créateurs où Bernie a un goût fou et trouve forcément le vêtement qui vous va à merveille ....
Rue Saint-Romain улочка Руана рекомендованная путеводителями к осмотру. Действительно она очень красивая. Фахверковые дома тянутся на всем ее протяжении. На их первых этажах расположены магазинчики, кафе, рестораны, в которых на улице за столиками сидят люди. Уютная, спокойная обстановка.
Questa via molto suggestiva si trova sulla sinistra della Cattedrale e la collega all'Eglise Saint-Maclou. La strada è stretta e fiancheggiata da belle case a graticcio con, all'interno, negozi, ristoranti e hotel. L'atmosfera è molto pittoresca.