the grodzka gate theatre centre
5A地址: 暂无
开放时间: 暂无

This unique museum brings back to life a missing part of Lublin -the Jewish quarter, which was an integral part of the city for centuries, prior to its destruction by the Nazis in the 40's, after they deported and murdered the local Jewish population. The center is carefully tracing the former streets, homes and residents of this quarter, recreating, at least virtually, the former making of Lublin, bringing back the missing voices, images and stories.
If you have any interest in the history of Lublin, this place is a must.I was taken round by an English speaking guide and it lasted about an hour or so, depending how many questions you ask! The enthusiasm and commitment of those involved shone through.If history or culture isn't for you, then a visit would probably be wasted.For me though, it was fascinating.
a few things to note:1. it is not open at the weekends.2. the tour times are set (they are pasted on the door), there was one at 9.30 am and 11am, not sure about afternoon times.3. cost is 12 zlotys, including tour (which can be in English)I went on the tour on Monday morning at 11am and for my 12 zlotys I got a 45 mn tour all by myself in English. It was really brilliant and moving. They are after all actors and excellent and creating atmosphere and telling stories. I found it actually more moving than Majdanek although I would definitely recommend seeing both as they put each other in perspective. Lublin had 1/3 Jewish population and they were all wiped out by the Holocaust, this theatre tells the story f th edisappeared and their disappeared town too. The work they've put in to research it all is astonishing and really fascinating. All in I think it was the best thing I did in Lublin.
Only by guided tour, but a very moving experience. The Jewish experience of World War 2 mediated through the stories of the inhabitants of local inhabitants, including a couple of art installation-like rooms.
If you're in Lublin and around the city center or old town, it's nearly impossible not to see this gate. A very important piece of Poland history. Excellent view if the old town from the opposite direction as well. I've spent a lot of time in this area :)
We were very inspired by our visit to this museum which is dedicated to documenting the Jews of Lublin who were murdered in the war. Our guide was a lovely young man with a passion for both history and justice. It really lifted our spirits to visit this museum after a tour of nearby Madjanek concentration camp. Well worth a visit.
This is the most interesting institute for sure in Lublin, but probably in all of Poland, the committed personals that working their under the great management of this place, as someone who is part of the jewish world is always amazes me to find such kind people who maintain the jewish heritage with no personal gain, is you have a chance this is a Must see place in Poland.
This is a remarkable little museum/theater. It was found in ruin but has been restored and become a gate/bridge to the lives of the past community/communities it linked. The gate once linked the Polish and Jewish quarters of Lublin. The Jewish quarter is now gone, not only its people, but the physical structures themselves. The large car park below the gate was once a thriving community, the remembrance of that community has been preserved at Grodzka.The museum itself is small but has done its best to bring the life of old Lublin back. Recorded street sounds, songs, and photos that can be viewed through "key holes" to the past are touching reminders of the NN (no names) that the threater seeks to once again remember.The Theatr NN also provides educational programmes, and sponsors seminars and cultural events. The staff are dedicated, friendly, and energetic in their support to visitors and to the mission they have set themselves. This is a must visit site if in Lublin.
Due to the iniative of one man, this musuem over the gate to the entrance to the ghetto has been established and is developing. The musuem holds the history of the Jewish community in Lublin - every photo, letter, artifact that was found in the ghetto has been unearthed and found its place here so that you can learn about the life there before the Holocaust. The young and knowledgable guide leads you through the museum but it is up to you to connect and find meaning. Do not miss this if you are in Lubliln.
Muy bonito, sobretodo cuando hay un poco de nieve, un buen paseo por unas zonas muy tranquilas y muy bonitas de visitar, recomendado sino tienes prisa i tiempo para disfrutarlo ;-)
Понятно, что, прогуливаясь по старому городу в направлении замка, пройти мимо этих ворот невозможно. И очень хорошо!
Городские ворота – это главные городские ворота в Люблине, остатки первых оборонных стен города, построенных в XIV веке. Эти ворота называются также Еврейскими воротами, потому что они соединяли Старый Город с Еврейским кварталом. Сейчас в воротах располагается «Театр NN» и небольшой сувенирный магазинчик. И, несмотря на то, что ворота перестраивались в XVIII веке, и несмотря на граффити, которыми ворота «украшены», ворота производят впечатления! Чувствуется, что настоящая средневековая постройка!
Niewielka przestrzeń, ale goszcząca wielkie osoby - byłam na wieczorze poetyckim współczesnych poetów polskich - nie żałuję.
Teater NN i Grodzkaporten har tagit på sig att gestalta stadens historia - i synnerhet den judiska befolkningens historia. Före andra världskriget var en tredjedel av stadens befolkning judisk som mördades i de två koncentrationsläger som nazisterna byggde utanför staden. Teater NN försöker nu hitta så mycket information som möjligt om de gamla judiska kvarteren och alla dess invånare. Imponerande och intressant.