cathedral church of st. jacob
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The church was very nice and very big. I especially liked the orgue. I haven`t climbed up to see the city from the deck, (it wasn`t open) but I will most certainly go back there.
I just love old cathedrals and architecture in general. This is one of the monuments that you have to see when you visit Szczecin. This place is very close to the castle anyway, so just go and see it. While you there go to "Biala Trufla" restaurant, you won't be disappointed.
Cathedral Basilica was built by the citizens of the city and modeled after the Church of St. Mary in Lübeck. It is the largest church in Pomerania and for many years after the reformation was part of the Pomeranian Evangelical Church.The church was established in 1187 completed in 14th century.Was destroyed in 1677 during the Scanian War and rebuilt between 1690 and 1693 in the Baroque style. In 1893, the church was remodeled again however, the west tower collapsed during a storm in 1894 and had to be rebuilt. This remodeling was completed in 1901 leaving the church with a spire of 119 meters (390 feet)Air raids on the night of 16 August 1944 during World War II resulted in collapse of the spire added in 1901 and extensive damage to other parts of the building.Rebuilding work begun in 1971 and continued for three years.
If you're in Szczecin you can not miss the cathedral. It is one of the oldest monuments in Szczecin, despite the fact that he was almost completely destroyed has been completely renovated. Worth going to find and feel the spirit of old times. For a small price you can use the elevator to the top and enjoy the view of the yard, the river and the old town. Highly recommended
Even if this church was build in ancient times it completely disappeared during last world war, so today's look owes to a massive reconstruction works in early seventies, which gave it a bit strange look, as some parts of the walls remember much older times, when north wall is completely new and does not fit the rest. In 2008 the restoration of bell tower has finally got to an end with new spire with viewing platform been installed, mostly thanks to EU funding. This is now the biggest attraction of the cathedral and as it is always the case - you have to pay for it (8 PLN). But it is worth the money, as the view is really amazing, with whole Szczecin and beyond, including entangled channels of river Odra estuary. There's also a good news for all the lazy tourists: you don't have to sweat out to see all of this: a set of two lifts will take you onto the viewing platform in no time! Just remember: when first lift comes to a stop - walk off, turn left, and after some 8 meters walk you will find entrance to the second lift. This little link between the lifts is merely marked, if at all. The church itself is more interesting to all of those, who are really fixated in sacred Art. You got to realize most of what you see comes from other churches from all over Pomerania, as the cathedral itself was nearly destroyed in 1944.
From a distance the church looks quite modern, having had a large rebuilding job after bad damage in the war. However inside is a spacious and elegant church.You can take the lifts to the viewing platforms in the spire of the church that look out over the city for stunning views.
Bonita igreja em construção bastante simples, mas muito bonita. Chegamos ao final de uma missa e pudemos assistir um pouco desta, onde observamos o respeito e a fé daquele povo. Vale a pena!
Kilka faktów historycznych - gotycka katedra wzniesiona została na przełomie XIV i XV w. Wieża katedry kilkakrotnie ulegała zniszczeniu ( w 1456 r., 1677 r., 1894 r. i 1944 r.) Katedra uzyskała swoją obecną formę w 2008 r. Jest drugą co do wysokości świątynią w Polsce (110,18 m). Wjeżdżając do Szczecina od strony Mostu Długiego możemy podziwiać jej masywną bryłę. W momencie ukończenia budowy musiała na wszystkich robić ogromne wrażenie. W hełmie wieży znajdują się punkty widokowe z naprawdę pięknym widokiem na miasto. Wnętrze katedry nie jest zbyt bogate, mimo to jest ciekawe. Katedra Św. Jakuba znajduje się na Europejskim Szlaku Gotyku Ceglanego.
Essa igreja respeita os padrões de arquitetura e acabamento da cidade de Estetino e da Polônia de uma forma geral com a cor alaranjada e o topo um pouco verde. A vista dele é bonita e ela dá um charme a cidade.
Готический костел с просторными устремляющимися ввысь сводами. Строгое убранство, но при этом есть интересные достопримечательности, иконы, скульптуры, реликвии. К сожалению, не удалось подняться на башню костела, откуда открывается вид на город (вход открывался только через час).
Katedra wewnątrz generuje bardzo osobliwy klimat, emanuje spokojem i doniosłością, jednakże zaskakuje również innym przeznaczeniem - na szczycie katedry znajduje się taras widokowy, który położony jest na wysokości 53 metrów. Wjazd na taras realizowany jest windami i kosztuje 8 zł za osobę dorosłą. Po dotarciu na miejsce możemy cieszyć się widokiem obejmującym znaczną część Szczecina. Przy odwiedzinach miasta pozycja równie obowiązkowa jak Wały Chrobrego! :)
Fin kirke som bør besøkes når du er i szczein, ta heisen opp i tårnet så får du utsikt over hele byen.
En flot kirke som er smukt dekoreret. Specielt loftet der er malet som en himmel er fantastisk. Den er absolut et besøg værd. Meget smuk orgel
Niezwykłe miejsce, warte obejrzenia oraz piękne i nie zapomniane widoki z wieży katedralnej na długo zapadają w pamięć. Warto obejść wnętrze katedry w ciszy, spokoju.
l' hauteur des voutes est impressionnante ,l' histoire du lieu passionnante. église bien tenue et propre . une plongée dans l'histoire et la culture religieuse. la flèche qui à été restaurée se perçoit de très loin dans la région et attire les regards.