tartu university
4A地址: 暂无
开放时间: 暂无

An impressive building both outside and inside. Within coexist very modern things with traces of the past. Worth entering.
The main building is home to UT's main brand logo. The building is absolutely stunning. The architecture is impeccable and it's nicely nestled in the heart of the city.
Beautiful,old,well organized and good professors!!! I had a great experience with this university ( faculty of philosophy) and I could organize very well my studies!
Very impressive building, big hall way. Also a lot to see inside. There is an entrance fee to pay. Surroundings are also very beautiful.
Beautifull surroundings in an old fortress hill, we made a nice late night walk here, gorgeous cathedral located next to the well renovated old university buildings. Genuine student atmosphere on tuesday night, a lot of young students hanging around in the park sitting and biking and what not. Student bars nearby, nice stencils here and there.
I was at an international conference organised by staff from the University Library and they included a choral concert in this building - very impressive interior and fantastic accoustics. A real and justified sense of pride, with a touch of good humour in the photographs of the professoriat at the windows overlooking the grand entrance.If you want to read if the history of this University then go up the hill to the UT History Museum. Founded in 1632 by a Swedish king, it has been Russian and Germanic and then Russian again before becoming Estonian.
This old building with intellectual mass. The unique museum and wonderful hall in main building.
This is the best university in Estonia. If you want to use the library you can be there is a small fee for a day pass. Very nice buildings and grounds.
If you visit Tartu, university main building is a must-see. It is possible to go inside the building but if you want to see the lock-up, art museum or assembly hall, you should plan your trip for weekday (they are open from Monday to Friday 11:00-18:00).
I had gone to Tartu on the recommendation of an Estonian student that I'd met at home,who told me how lovely it was.It is really beautiful and still rather representative of true Estonian culture ie absence of Irish themed pubs,strip clubs and the like.I enjoyed seeing such a variety of large green well manicured parks and green spaces nearby.Unfortunately I did not venture in for a full tour of the university as I was not aware that these tours were being offered!If I return to Estonia again I will certainly base myself in Taru rather than Tallinn which is now somewhat spoiled
Of course, Tartu University is pretty much just a nice old university. But ask the staff to take you on tour to the Student Lock-up in the attic. After some exhausting stair-climbing you'll reach the small rooms where "naughty" students could be "jailed" for days or weeks at a time. The scary part is finding out what "crimes" you could be locked up for: if I'd been a student there many years ago I would've been thrown in the clink a number of times for having overdue library books. Bored students spent their lock-up hours drawing and writing across the walls - some definitely showed talent. Make sure you're well-behaved so you don't have to stay up there yourself!
Следует понимать, что этот университет старше Санкт-Петербургского лет на 60 и Московского на все 100. Тут учились Николай Пирогов, Захар Май и дедушка моего дедушки (это те кого я помню). Прапрадед потом работал во временном правительстве. Я заходил несколько раз в старое здание и гулял по этажам и коридорам. Один раз затесался в музей на банкет и пил вино с какими то профессорами которые как назло говорили по-эстонски, а не по-английски. В старом корпусе как мне показалось в основном философы и богословы (встречал среди студентов много европейцев - немцев в частности) . Конечно никаких студентов медиков там не встретишь - они все на улице Пуусепа в госпиталях
Это пожалуй самая главная достопримечательность Тарту, достояние этого города. Главное здание университета расположено на улице параллельной главной пешеходной, его легко найти повернув налево с неё за ратушу, остальные корпуса университета расположены на холме с которого открывается очень красивый вид на старый город.
Приятно, что из провинциальных советских вузов, сегодня Тартусский университет становится настоящим европейским университетом, где проводят научные исследования и занимаются студенты со всего мира.
Tartu por ser uma cidade universitária atrai diversas nações e não é de se admirar, primeiramente pelo ensino proporcionado pela universidade local e segundo pela beleza e ótima qualidade de vida que Tartu proporciona