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Went there intending to do it on my own with nordic skis. Anyone with that idea, my one advice would be : rent a pulka (sledge). Unless you manage to pack really light, a pulka is a great option. Allows you to carry much more with less effort. Anyway, I met with guys that had pulkas and luckily they offered that we'd share the load. Had a wonderful time, going from Abisko to Tjäktja and back. Obviously, we were really lucky with the weather, but still, an amazing experience! Going from hut to hut, you find super nice wardens every time and can often enjoy a sauna after a hard day trekking. Really one I recommend!!!
walked the Kungsleden trail in 6 days. easy walk. go in september to avoid mosquitos. pack light, good accommodation on the way. take enough food and warm clothes. you will enjoy and remember the days like no other. saw raindear, an elk and enjoyed not to see one car for 6 days and no telephones
Of course the Kungsleden is THE most famous hiking trail in Sweden. It is one of the best trails concerning services, huts & maps. The nature is fantastic. In summer the part between Nikkaluokta-Kebnekaise & Abisko can be quiet full. Than one might consider to take one of the many sideroutes in the area that are equally well marked. But the swedish mountain range is for me definitely one of the best hiking areas in Europe.
From Abisko followed the impressive Abeskoetnu River and on to the Alesjaure Mountain Hut. Then through the valley via the Tatja Pass upto the Salka Mountain Hut. Then a descent to the valley until Kebnekaise Mountain Station. An attempt to climb Mt Kebnekaise although we only got to the first "summit" due to the foggy weather on the day. Finally out to Ladtjojaure and past the lake to the trailhead at Nikkaluokta.
Great trail, nice people. Lots of intresting facts from the people how are working at the huts. At the huts you pay a fee, but thats not much. You can camp every where.
Walked from Abisko to Nikaluokta, an amazing place! Not too tough and not busy at all. Because you are so up north, the snow starts at 800 meter already giving you the feeling you are much higher. One tip: be prepared for mosquitos!!
The Kungsleden is a world class hike in North Sweden above the arctic circle. We hiked from Abisko to Nikkaluotka which totalled 120km and took 7 days with hikes between 14 and 24 km each day with full packs. We went in the last week of June/ first week of July which is early summer season... there were almost no mosquitoes and very few hikers, but there were large snow fields to traverse (particularly above Tjaktja) and the rivers were running high so we had wet feet quite a few times. Later in the season there are more people and the terrain is easier to cross. You can also ski the trail in winter. We took full gear including tent, fuel and food, but it is possible to use the mountain huts more and travel lighter. It is alpine/mountain terrain so you need real hiking boots and waterproof and warm gear with you plus emergency food as the weather can change in an instant. The huts provide beds if needed (although we preferred our tent) and most huts have a store with food and fuel (to greater or lesser extents). If you camp, for a fee STF provides a cooking hut where they have gas stoves and some have drying rooms. The exception being Tkaktja hut in the pass that has no facilities. Abiskojaure, Alesjaure and Salka huts have pretty good provisions and saunas as well so are fantastic. The walking is excellent and the scenery amazing, with vistas of 20km and more to see, lakes, mountains and valleys. The STF has maintained the trail so there are boardwalks across marshy and rocky areas, bridges across the larger rivers and trail markers in the form of cairns and red crosses. To plan a trip check out the STF (svenskaturistforeningen) website. You can travel north to south, by taking the train to Abikso Turiststaion from Kiruna. From Nikkaluokta take the 92 bus back to Kiruna (twice a day, once on Sundays). You can also travel south to north. If you like hiking and camping this is a must... as there are few places in the world that you can go above the arctic circle safely. When we were there the ages on the trail ranged from young teens with parents, couples of all ages and a couple of grandparents. If you are less fit or have older or younger ones in tow, instead you can stay at Abisko Touriststation or Kebnekaise Mountain stations and do day walks. The former is reachable by car or train and the latter after a 19km hike (or by helicopter).
This week I walked the kungsleden from Abisko to Vakkatovarre. I walked solo but met many great people along the way. I stayed in the huts which are simple but very well looked after and it means that you don't have to carry the weight of a tent and cooker. You can also buy all your food along the way but this may be difficult of you are on a budget. It was much hotter than I expected (>30 degrees!) and along most of it there is no shade so be prepared with hat and sunscreen. I think it can also get cold and wet so take a mix of clothes.The path can sometimes be very rocky and some areas are a bit wet and boggy - it is worth mKing sure you have good waterproof hiking boots and take some flip flops for the camps and maybe an extra pair of old trainers for crossing rivers. Overall a wonderful experience - heading over the pass is magical.
We did the part from Kvikkjokk until Nikkaluokta, and the landscapes were amazing. We've seen some people, which I find reassuring, but not too much, allowing us to enjoy the perfect silence of thoses places. Everyone in the chalets is very helpfull, and we meet some pretty nice guys. Slepping on tent is much more easier and cheaper, but in case of a really bad weather, it's interesting to have the possibility to stay inside. Every three days, you can find a shop, and therefore there is no need for taking too much food at once.All those commodities make the Kungsleden the perfect place for beginners like myself. Do not hesitate
I agree with the previous review about packing, if staying in the huts go light! Though I'll admit I was jealous of the beautiful places the tent campers had picked, outside of the park (near Abisko) you can set up your tent wherever you like.There were plenty of solo hikers (male and female) and the trail was busy enough without being overcrowded.I highly recommend summiting Kebnekaise on a tour from the mountain station.
Hiking in Lapland? Excellent! We flew to Narvik, then took the train to Abisko. Hiked with a 45L rucksack, you DON'T need to take cutlery or cooking equipment if staying in the STF huts (get a youth hostel card to get a discount!) but you do need a sheet sleeping bag. Packing minimal is crucial; pack, remove half your stuff then actually pack was the advice I got....and I still could have reduced my kit! Many of the huts have food stores, check STF website for their current price lists for food, nightly rates and facilities (including saunas- a must!). The trail is relatively good, can be with boulders and muddy if rainy. The longest day 22km, was fine, even though it drizzled quite a bit, but there are often huts along the way, as indicated on the fjall maps available. Huts were never full, even in the high hiking season of July. It took us 7 days, with an additional trip up Kebnekaise. We did take the boat for 6km on our last day hiking to Nikkaluokta. Don't forget your camera - we saw golden eagle, ptarmigan, reindeer, and lots of amazing views!
I hiked this trail recently and enjoyed it immensely. The scenery was beautiful, stark and dramatic. The hut system is well equipped with food and sleeping accommodations. The staff are generally friendly and the occasional saunas are a wonderful treat. Make sure to enjoy the gourmet food at Saltoluokta Tourist Station. And be sure to pack light but with all of the emergency essentials. You can get away without cooking equipment and tents. The Huts have everything you need for those necessities.
We took this trip in the first week of July. This is the start of the busy season, but the route is by no means overcrowded. Each day we met maybe 15 people in total over an 10 hour hiking period, and the huts were generally about half full.In terms of gear, go as light as possible. There are some good climbs along the way, so you don't want to be too loaded down. The huts have good kitchens, and you can generally buy dried packet meals everywhere except for Singi. For a price. It's worth taking a light camping stove, so you have the chance for a coffee break along the way. The huts are warm, so you can carry just a sleeping sheet, rather than a sleeping bag. There are a couple of dodgy river crossings, so take spare socks. And of course bug spray is a must.The route itself is well marked and easy to follow. But it's no stroll, so make sure you have some good base fitness before attempting this. Underfoot is a combination of forest trails, wooden boards, and open stoney ground. The stoney sections are long and take some negotiating. They really slow your pace down. Wear good strong well padded walking shoes, preferably with some ankle support. There is also snow to be negotiated at the highest point.The trail itself is 105km long, and climbs about 850m before descending the same. Most of the climbing is over a two day period in the middle. We recommend limiting yourself to about 15km a day. To really enjoy the experience. It ties in nicely with hut locations for all days bar the second day. We had 2 days of 25km, and that was just too tiring. It's a spectacular environment, and you don't want to be too tired to enjoy it. Especially if the weather turns nasty. That's important to remember, because you are in the mountains. And also carry plenty of water.There is a very good train service to Narvik which drops you off just a few hundred metres from the start of the track in Abisko, and a bus service from Nikkaloukta to the afternoon train in Kiruna. We made the trek in 5 days, but would really recommend that you take 7 days to really enjoy your time. Those long days are very long.
We went on a hiking tour on northest part of Kungsleden, from Abisko in North to Singi in south. There we turned east of Kungsleden and finished in Nikkaluokta, but topped Sweden on the way, by climbing the highest peak in Sweden, Kebnekaise, 2106 m.We started 15th. August and finished 23rd of August. The weather was great, heat almost always above 20°C., with just a slight wind. It rained only part of one day. The time was fine, lot of berries just waiting to be picked and eaten. There are some flies and they can sting. Just be prepaired and the trip will be fine. We started with 17kg backpack, but we found out it is not necessary to bring all the food, you can buy almost everything on the way. Just be aware the all food has to brought to the huts by snowmobiles in the winter, so there are no fresh food. There are canned and dried food. Prices are on the Svenska Turistforeningen website and select Lapland and Kungsleden.(www.svenskaturistforeningen.se). Another thing, you do not need a sleeping bag, as there are pillows and blankets in each bed in the huts, just bring a sleeping bag liner. It weight less than a sleeping bag and takes a less space. In all huts are guards and inside each hut is everything that you need for prepairing food, a gas stowe and the usual kitchen thing. You can drink the fresh water on the way, so do not bring any water. By the huts are dry toilets. You don´t, but have to, get used to the aroma. Best regards. Isar, Iceland.
Ich bin am Kungsleden zweimal gewandert, beide Male von Abisko nach Kebnekaise. Es war jedes Mal ein ganz besonderes Erlebnis, dass ich niemals mehr vergessen werde. Die Hütten sind relativ teuer und haben auch keinen Strom oder Wassertoilette. Dafür findet man dort seinen Frieden, fernab der Zivilisation. Ich kann diese Wanderung allen Menschen empfehlen, die Ruhe suchen und Zeit für gute Gespräche und man sollte die Natur mögen. Denn diese gibt es dort in rauhen Mengen.