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A very nice island which you can reach by boat from the center of Gothenburg. Nice fishingplaces and a nice walk around the island are some things I rekommend.
If you have the chance to go to Vinga don't hesitate. It is a spectacular small island rather far out in the Gothenburg archipelago. For a Swede, and apart from it's natural beauty, Vinga is very much associated with Evert Taube who was a famous composer, writer and troubadour. His family lived here when he was born in 1890. The songs and writing of Evert Taube were very much influenced by his childhood at Vinga. Here you can visit the lighthouse and the house where Evert taube lived during his childhood.
Take a boat to the last comming lighthouse in Gotheburg harbour before you go out in open wather... This is also the childhome for the Swedish troubadour Evert Taube, it´s a museum now. Taubes father worked in the lighthouse. Its only cliffs, ocean ad the horisont... a beautiful view!
Fabulous day out, caught the boat at 10am and travelled to conga. Wasn't sure what to expect as there isn't too much in the guide books about this place. However upon arrival we were greeted by a wonderful man who was to be our guide (apologies I can't remember his name) it was 50 sk for a very informative talk and trip to the light house. Museum isn't that great unless you speak Swedish, however the guides did and you can ask them anything, they have some great knowledge about the Islands history. You can also swim just to one side of the island if the weather is good. Remember to take your lunch as there's nothing on there apart from a ice cream shop ( so that's dessert sorted)
This lighthouse has been very important for sea travelers, it is the first light house with a lens in Sweden.There are guided tours on the island, on a sunny day it is nice to sit there, having a picnic and just relaxing.
Take a boat trip to Vinga or go there by your own boat. This was the place where Evert Taube grow up. Fantastic views over the archipelagic.
This is a great boat tour, awesome, but only for in the summer! In any other season it is completely different, and quite disappointing.
In addition to trips from Gothenburg, it is also possible to visit Vinga from Hönö in the Ocerö archipelago north of Gothenburg. Vinga is a magic place to visit, with its lighthouse and history related to not only the lighthouse, but to sailing, fishing, sea pilots etc. The landscape and the views are fabulous and we found it at its very best now in spring, with wildflowers and a magical light. In addition to Vinga itself, the archipelago around it - is quite unique and you will enjoy your trip from the Ockero islands in north towards Vinga.We went with the charming old vessel Kastor and its friendly skipper Website in Swedish . They do trips to Vinga in the peak season, or if 4 people book in the side season. Also possible to do a shorter trip, which includes have a look at the seal colony and then spend some time at Vinga. They even offer trips at night time to enjoy the lighthouse at work – something I`d like to do at a later occasion. Guided walks and visits to the tower regularly in peak season - need to be researched in advance if you want to go to the tower off season. Ithad been open one hour the day we were there, however we arrived too lateAt Vinga there is a kiosk for icecream and snacks, however better bring your picnic lunch. bbq facilities availableToilets in the harbour
A short boat ride from Gothenberg takes you to the beautiful rocky coast line of Vinga Island in the Gothenburg archipelego. I had the great pleasure of seeing the quaint little harbor that reminded me much of a Maine village in the US. Look around you and one sees small cliffs with scattered goats climbing the rugged rocks covered with yellow and green moss. Small red cottages dot the island landscape to make it an ideal stopping spot for a mid day picnic of praws and wine.... not a bad day! If the weather is good a great place to sun on the warm rocks and just watch the world go by.... If in Gothenberg and have some free time for adventure do it! Thanks to Leif, Ulla, Karin, Lena and mom....
En sevärdhet! Båtturen ut är underbar, speciellt när man prickar in en varm, solig sommardag, som vi hade turen att göra. Räkbuffe med god dryck på båten ut, man njuter av allt vackert att se på och väl framme på Vinga så får man uppleva denna charmiga ö. Vi tog även en tur upp i fyren med guidning och däruppe ser man ännu mer, värt!!
En "måste" utflykt för alla turtister och göteborgare, som kan leka turister för en dag. En underbar fyrplats med välbevarade gamla byggnader, minnen från Evert Taube. En fin dag erbjuds även Göteborgs bästa bad i kristallklart vatten.Rekommenderar att picknick medtages.
Jag återupptäckte Vinga med min pappa i somras, vi gjorde en heldag av det och hade verkligen jättetrevligt. Vi packade med oss en picknick, fångade en varm och solig dag och gav oss ut på sjön.För endast 200sek, t/r tar båten dig ut till Vinga mellan 10:00-16:30(varav 3½ är på ön) Pappa njöt av lugnet vid klipporna medans jag gick en guidad rundvandring på ön. Det finns mycket historia här och flera entusiaster som gärna delar med sig av kunskapen. Tänk bara, Evert Taube är uppvuxen där...på den lilla men ack så vackra ö. Jag hoppade över att gå upp i fyren(höjdrädd!)men det är nog värt sitt besök för den som vågar :) Fyken är vacker i sin träkonst. Ta med kamera, blir möjlighet till många vackra foton!Ta ett dopp innan ni åker hem...salt och gott vatten här ute!Toaletter finns(mulltoa)(skulle inte rekommendera det för familjer med små barn och inte så rullstolsvänligt tyvärr)
Jag var där mycket med min familj då jag var liten. Vi brukade åka egen båt ut dit. Jag älskar klipporna och havet. Och fyren är fin. Jag rekommenderar verkligen andra att åka ut dit.
интересно, но немного утомительно. Темновато в помещениях и довольно скучный гид, говорящий по-английски со странным акцентом.
Åkte hit med mina fotovänner och gick en guidad tur där. Så bra och intressant. Verkligen värt besöket, många som va där men det märkte vi inte när vi gick om kring och fotade.