vadstena church
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You don´t have to be religious to like this church, it´s magnificent and filled with history from the saint Birgitta and others.
For sweden, a nice and big church. During our visit confirmation was ongoing, so we had to keep to the sides.Still, I like the atmosphere of the church and recommend a visit.
The town of Vadstena is very nice to see but not more than half oa day.The church and the surroudings are worth a little.The highlight for me, a wonderful piece of wood art in this church, I'll say no more.
If you are going to travel in Sweden, try and include Vadstena in your itinerary. It is very much worth it. The town itself is worth a stroll and enjoying quiet minute with a cup of coffee. And then, you can go to the church for a spiritual experience. This is one of these fine gothic churches that are not overriden with tourists, where you can still meditate and feel centuries-long and ageless feel of belief, almost presence of Holy Spirit itself.
Went there for a day and I must say that it was a charming village with a beautiful setting by the lake. The church was beautiful. Calm and definitely worth a visit.
Of course you should visit the church while in Vadstena. This is one of the things that the town is most famous for. The church in itself is very impressive. The entry is free but you can make a voluntary donation once inside - it's for a good cause (to keep the church open to the public and maintain it).The surroundings with the convent and monastary are quite astonishing and you can feel the wings of history all around you.I'd also really recommend a visit to St:a Birgitta's Museum (in the old convent).
We walked the grounds and inside the church and had a wonderful time. Excellent example of churches of this period
This is an old church - 14C. It is said saint Brigitte didn't like its location and turned it around herself - the holes her fingers left are to be seen. She is also buried in the church and is the only real Saint Sweden has.
We were staying with Swedish friends in the area and they took us to the charming little village of Vadstena for the afternoon. The church is the major attraction and draws pilgrims and tourists from all over the world. The info. center inside will tell you about the historic importance. We were surprised to see ancient crypts underfoot, worn by centuries of feet passing over. In one sense, they should be preserved, but I think the understanding is that the church is still used and enjoyed by many people, just as it always has been, so they don't want to cordon things off and turn it into a museum.
The church and surrounding area are important for understanding local history. Although much of the cloister and monastery grounds are in ruins, the signage (in English as well as Other languages) provides a good sense of religious life. The church is also worth seeing for its art and relics as well as design.
This is a must to visit while in Vadstena. A lot of the towns history centered around it and the castle.From time to time there are also very good performences in it.
Känn historien och gå in i Vadstena klosterkyrka. Den är så vacker och så fylld av svensk historia. Läs om den Heliga Birgitta innan du besöker den så förstår du bättre. Det finns en shop vid kyrkans entré där du kan handla böcker och tidskrifter om kyrkan och vackra minnessaker. Jag tar alltid med mig mina elever i tredje klass och vandrar i den heliga Birgittas fotspår. Senast jag var där besökte jag Vadstena en januaridag med min familj och några vänner. Vi åt en fantastisk sopplunch på konditoriet vid det gamla rådhuset innan vi gick till den fina klosterkyrkan.Den är så imponerande och vacker.
En rofylld och vacker plats.Lyssna gärna på någon av alla konserter som bjuds.Tänd ett ljus för nära och kära.
När man kommer till Vadstena måste man alltid besöka kyrkan. Den började byggas på 1300-talet och stod färdig på 1400-talet. Det finns mycket att se. Själva kyrkobyggnaden är mycket imponerande. I kyrkan finns helgonskulpturer och mycket annat som är av gammalt datum. Det är också imponerande att en av katolska kyrkans ordnar, birgittinorden, har sitt ursprung här med den heliga Birgitta som är ett av Europas tre skyddshelgon.
Vi hade turen att dyka upp precis när en kyrkokör sjöng. Magiskt att vandra omkring där inne med levande ljus i den stora salen och lyssna på kören.