segantini museum
4A地址: 暂无
开放时间: 暂无

I think that this is one of the best museum I have ever seen. The "trittico" at the first floor is spectacular...the way of drawing of Segantini is incredible! I love it! The only suggestion, maybe, is to the "structure": why not accepting credit card for tiket payment?...It coud be a great thing!!Suggested palce for the "art lovers"!!!
This museum was built specifically to house the works of Segantini. The view of the Engadine Valley is spectacular and the same view he saw as he lay dying, apparently. The domed area built to house his triptych is perfect for this purpose. I became a fan of an artist I had never heard of before!
This museum is a little difficult to rate. The entrance fee is 10CHF. There are about 20 paintings in there. It's 3CHF for an audioguide who is very, very informative. But, somehow, one can't help but be charmed by the place... It's a beautiful building, and an escape from the freak show that is a large part of Sankt Moritz. If you're lucky you will be one of only a handful of people in there, and then it is just lovely to sit and enjoy the panoramic paintings in the circular room.
Great venue for a civil wedding! Very picturesque and plenty of history!The paintings were superb and staff very friendly. Disabled lift for those who are unable to manage stairs!
We loved the reception: the ladies were very friendly. On a drizzly Saturday, it was quite busy. The collection is interesting but I would love to see more of the building itself.
When a day sick left me unable to ski I decided to indulge my next favorite thing and visit an art museum. I am so happy I found this one.The museum itself if a work of art built especially to house the painting by this amazing artist. The upper floor contains the three paintings he produced for the 1890 world exhibit in Paris. There is a bench in the room so you can sit and absorb the works that left me breathless.The main floor has other smaller but equally inspiring works. The staff were very friendly and helpful and the place is kept in impeccable condition. Take the time to visit it is well worth it!
The cupola room at the top houses Segatini's famous triptych ... it is awesome. The other areas problem modest space for other works and some changing exhibits. While not large, it is perfect as a change from skiing or hiking - great bad weather program! The walk there (or there is a bus) is a fairly short one from Saint Moritz .. and one can continue on with a gentle hike towards the Suvretta House Hotel.
The hole place is in an amazing location already but if you go inside you discover a grat artist wich made the alps his main muse!
Bei unserem Kurzbesuch im Engadin haben wir auch 2 Stunden im Segantini Museum verbracht. Wunderschöne Bilder von Giovanni Segantini. Klare und lehrreiche Erklärungen am Audio Guide (verschiedene Sprachen möglich)
Das Museum ist klein, etwa 3 Räume und ca.25 Gemälde. Schafft man also inklusive headphones in einer halben Stunde. Die Gemälde sprechen für sich und sind wirklich sehr schön. Mittagspause ist von 12 bis 14 Uhr. Stehenbleiben kann man vor dem Museum auf der rechten Seite in der Kurtparkzone. Allerdings reicht hier ein Franken nur für eine halbe und nicht wie sonst üblich für eine ganze Stunde.
Die Freilichtmalerei von Segantini ist bewundernswert. Die pointillistische Maltechnik, mit deren Hilfe er das ungebrochene Licht der Hochgebirgswelt wiedergibt, ist einzigartig.
Eindrücklich! Jedesmal ist etwas neues, spannendes, schönes zu entdecken. Am besten geht frau zu verschiedenen Tageszeiten. Auch das Personal ist sehr liebenswürdig
Gutes Programm an Regen-, aber auch an Sonnentagen, sollte man als Kunst- und Naturliebhaber gesehen haben
Il museo segantini si trova a St.Moritz, un poco discosto dal centro della città (o meglio del paese) ed è aperto praticamente quasi tutto l'anno a parte una pausa di un mese a fine aprile e due mesi a fine ottobre. A parer mio non si dovrebbe chiamare però museo bensì pinacoteca in quanto raccoglie praticamente le opere pittoriche di Giovanni Segantini. Del museo mi è piacuta molto la "luce" che c'è nei locali che risalta le opere. Mi è piaciuto un po meno (ma questo è prettamente un gusto personale) il genere che l'autore prediligeva, cioè un simbolismo realistico (che per me, da profano non è che.. pittura di montagna) e che non è quindi per tutti