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A very pleasant climb easily accessed by the Zermatt lift system. Excellent views on a clear day. Interesting touch is the placement of Art work as you progress up the peak.
Even though the Touristic Office said that the trail is still closed due to snow, I ventured on it anyway, being that it was July.The climb, even though is short is not that easy so think twice before you drag somebody not fit or children on that trail. You are going up to 3415m after all.The views you get along the way are amazing.
Today is the last day of validity of our Zermatt Peak Cards so early in the morning we issue Täsch on Rothorn. At the train station we met a group of Japanese tourists who are returning from watching the sunrise on the Matterhorn. It is another beautiful day but with a slight risk of thunder in the late afternoon.The Sunnegga funicular, the cable car to ride up to Blauherd and then the big gondola take us up to the Unter Rothorn. We go out of the gondola station and take in a great view with the Dom and the Matterhorn and the other local hills.The view is fantastic and we take some pictures. A special item of interest here is the "Peak Collection" exhibition of sculptures around the restaurant, each holding a rock taken from one of the mountains that you can see on the horizon. Before we went to Valais I'd done a bit of searching around on the internet to find out what was in the area that we could do. One option, which I came across referred, was hike to the Oberrothorn, but some members of our group were reluctant. I had opposed: „Oberrothorn is the Switzerland's highest walkers' peak with a marked path to it,that doesn't require special climbing skills, using only standard mountain hiking gear.“The view from here to the Oberrothorn I really do not like it. A huge pile of scree and shale , without the green grass and flowers, snow in the upper parts. The route between the Unter and Ober Rothorn is known locally as the Freedom Path .There is a path leading steeply down hill to the saddle between the Unter Rothorn and the Oberrothorn. Unfortunately we lose min 100 vertical meters! (Furggji 2 981 m). As we descend there are great views of the Findel glacier. 20 minutes down from the station, the sign point us up the Oberrothorn, with a suggested 1 hour 10 minutes. According to the guide, the ascent is less than 3 km long and climbs the shaly slopes for another 500 vertical metres to the summit. We are there on a perfect day early in the morning before other hikers.Here we leaving the ski slopes and then we take the marked path to Oberrothorn who first crosses the southeast flank. Now it let into many turns sharply uphill with good views. The summit is up to the left above a line of cliffs and the path seems to be heading around the peak to avoid these cliffs and go up around the far side of the mountain.There is one section where a rope is attached to the side of the hill, just a reassurance. Those who are not acclimatized you will notice the lack of air on the ascent! Finally, we achieve to the wide, debris-covered south-east up to the OberrothornWhen we did this walk, we came across our first patches of snow at about 32O0m but these didn't cause us any serious problems. This climb up the south facing slopes provides greats views towards the Mont Rose range as well as out over two less well known "four thousanders": the Rimpfischorn and the Strahlhorn. It is colder and windier on the summit than at the start of the hike. We take pictures, have a quick drink and snack, enjoyed the view . Then we start back down. We could choose between several possible ways down: either walk back to on the same path to the Furggji saddle , go down to Blauherd directly or via the Findelalp lakes, or even walk right down to Sunnegga .I can only give my opinion we took the same path.Rather than hike back up to the cable car station we kept walking downhill to the next station at the Blauherd cable car station to Sunnegga. It was a pleasant hike on a warm summer day with spectacular views all around. Many marmots inhabit this section of our route. It was a satisfying day.
The landscape is a bit marred by the skiing infrastructure that you have to walk through on the way, but once above that the path to the summit is good, and the views from the very top very rewarding. There is uplift options available to take you most of the way if you don't want to do the whole walk - a funicular from the village and a téléphérique then to the Unterrothorn.
O Oberrothorn (3.414 m) é uma das montanha dos Alpes Suíços, com vista para Zermatt, no cantão de Valais. O cume pode ser facilmente alcançado através de um percurso no flanco sul, a partir da estação do teleférico Unterrothorn ou de Sunnegga.Além da altitude, não existe grande dificuldade na subida (isto para quem está habituado a caminhar) A subida pode também ser feita a partir de Zermatt, mas é um caminho mais longo. Não convém fazer este percurso logo no primeiro dia em Zermatt por causa da habituação à altitude. Acima dos 3.000 as tonturas são frequentes, a falta de oxigénio torna-se notoria e o cansaço duplica. Convém realizar uma habituação progressiva ás altitudes de forma a que o organismo se habitue de uma forma gradual. Seja como for o passeio e as vistas valem bem a pena. No topo 3.415mts existe um monumento em forma de "olho" e o Matterhorn fica bem de frente se o tempo permitir as vistas são soberbas.
Pela história da cidade e do alpinismo, é uma das visitas imperdíveis. Bastante informatico sobre a vida na cidade a 150 anos, e lindas fotos!
ruhiger Ort, wenig Touristen, schön angelegter Weg bis zum Gipfel mit Skulpturen und Texten, die einen in die Natur hinein mitbegleiten
Zum Oberrothorn führt ein landschaftlich recht langweiliger und anstrengender Weg. Man muß nicht unbedingt diese Strapaze auf sich nehmen. Die wunderschöne Zermatter Bergwelt läßt sich von leichter zu erreichenden Punkten ebenso gut, wenn nicht sogar besser bestaunen.
Der Weg der Freiheit beginnt am Fusse des Oberrothorns und dauert bis zum Gipfel 1 Std 10 Min. Er ist Europas höchstgelegener Wanderweg und auf dem Gipfel hat man eine der besten Ausblicke aufs Matterhorn und die anderen Viertausender. Einfach herrlich befreiend dort oben zu stehen!
Grandiose Aussicht auf div. 4-Tausender. Das Matterhorn zeigt sich hier oben von seiner schönsten Seite.
Von der Seilbahnstation Unterrothorn erreicht man den Gipfel des Oberrothorn in etwa 1 1/2 Stunden auf dem höchsten Wanderweg Europas. Mit 3415 m.ü.M. ist das Oberrothorn einer der eindrücklichsten Aussichtspunkte von Zermatt mit Sicht auf 38 Viertausender und naturphilosophischem Themenweg.