martynas mažvydas sculpture park
4A地址: 暂无
开放时间: 暂无

This little town is sweet and when there go see this beautiful park. It is filled with various sculptures and a most special place to stroll through and enjoy.
Klaipeda surprises you as a city. We had stopped in Klaipeda for 2 days since we wanted to visit Nida. However, we loved this place.. There are beautiful sculptures all over the city and my husband and I decided to take this as a treasure hunt. There are around 15 statues all over the city. There is a mouse in whose ear if you whisper a wish it comes true. There is a cat whose tail you should stroke for good luck. There is the ghost sculpture on the wharf. A man on one of the houses . It is fun to chase these sculptures around the city. And if you are tired there is always a cafe to pop into. I recommend one day be kept for Klaipeda
Klaipeda was the least favorite stop on our trip because there was not that much that was interesting to us. The sculpture park was the best thing we did. The statues are interesting and our self guided tour around the area was a good way to pass the time.
This was one of the most interesting places I visited in Klaipeda, except of course, for the Coronian Spit. The park was an old cemetary, and it is quite large, filled with trees, and there must be at least 100 sculptures there. Lots of park benches filled with elder Rigan women, and also lots of children. It's an interesting respite from busy touring, and a great place to recharge your batteries
We stopped here on our cruise in July. We did a self guided tour of the town.We found the sculpture park which is interesting and spread out around town - which can be a bit of an adventure for children. Overall it was cute but not overly exciting. We had difficulties finding some of the other attractions. We found Klaipeda to be a very small sleepy type of town. Most shops didn't open until after 10am. Also, the cobblestones were the most difficult to walk on from all of our Baltic stops.The day we were visiting was overcast, which perhaps is why we found it a bit gloomy. I highly recommend dropping by the "Coffee Inn". We had the best coffee ever at this Cafe and very friendly service too. We went back a second time just because we found it so good, and it brightened up our day. Their marzipan muffins are divine...
It was right in front of our hotel so we could not not go to see it. It was rainy for a half of our trip and unfortunately we went to see it when it was raining. All the sculptures are made out of rock such as granite. The sculptures are a bit weird but interesting nevertheless. The rain also sort of added some character to the sculptures too.
This place is always a good attraction spot for long walks through at any time of year but it doesn't make you stay there. No infrastructure for picnics, a bit abandoned at some corners, no coffe bar or what so ever. If you like modern but at some places post soviet art it's place for you. But with monument for Russian soldiers at one end whole ensemble is not for any mood.
This park was cemetery in pre II worls war times. Place in the centre of Klaipeda. In soviet time the cemetery was ordered and there are a lot of sculptures (authors -fames artists) in the surroung of old trees and grass. The calm place to rest for elderly, young people with children. This cemetery is the place of rest of famous citisens of Klaipeda
Nice and green park with more than 100 modern art stone sculptures. One more thing it was created on old Klaipeda city cemetery during the soviet occupation times.By the way it is called just: "sculpture park". Some how, some years ago they changed name from Martynas Mazvydas Sculpture Park to just Sculpture Park. So I guess you should be aware of that.
Хорошее место чтобы прогуляться. Да и скульптуры прикольненькие. С каким-то смыслом, а не просто отображение.
Сами скульптуры довольно философские, типичные образцы прибалтийского искусства. Парк хороший, фактически там и скульптуры, и рядом старое кладбище и мемориальный комплекс советским воинам, бравшим Мемель. Место для прогулок и уединённых размышлений.
Чудесный парк с очень интересными скульптурными работами. С радостью погуляла там два часа, скульптуры необычные, совсем не похожи на стандартные советские работы. Интересно посетить, даже если не являетесь особыми любителями скульптур - прогулка по парку в любой случае доставит удовольствие.
Questo parco è l'ideale per una passeggiata ed è molto interessante per la varietà di opere esposte. Intendiamoci la città in sè è piccolina e non ha tantissimo da offrire però è uno di quesi posti che incuriosisce perchè è ancora in sospeso tra il suo passato comunista ed il suo futuro europeo. Sicuramente delle repubbliche baltiche questa è quella che deve maggiormente crescere. Dal 01 Gennaio 2015 entrano nella moneta unica e quindi sarà ancora più facile fare acquisti. Notevoli nella piazza del municipio i mercatini con tutti i gioielli fatti in ambra.
Парк понравился обилием всевозможных странных и забавных скульптур. Было весело подурачиться, фотографируясь с ними. Еще мы обратили внимание на годы создания скульптур и удивились, что они несовременные и, как нам казалось, не характерные для того времени, для советского союза тем более.
Сам парк хороший, скульптуры не понравились вообще, были в воскресенье с ребенком, не нашли ни одного работающего туалета. Пошла бы туда, только при условии, что больше совсем нечем заняться.