tally ho stables
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因为有了新西兰的骑马体验,开始喜欢上这项活动,和国内马场单调的跑圈相比,新西兰的骑马经历的自然风景变化太丰富,完全是如同电影里一般,马队在树林、溪流、开满鲁冰花的草丛(只有11月去新西兰才有哦!)、河滩、大河中穿行,而远处是雪山。有了这样的体验,所以现在出去,都会找当地骑马的项目。7月初去英国温莎的时候,发现了这里的一家马场Tally Ho Stables and Hacking Centre。这家带大家在温莎大公园Windsor Great Park里骑马的马场是认可的英国马术协会的骑术学校,包括BET马术课程与考试。难得的是也向完全没有经验的人开放,开启大家真正的骑马体验。所以,任何级别的人都可以在这里找到适合自己的马术体验项目。除周一休息以外,周二到周日都可以报名参加。而在夏季的周二、周三、周四特别提供夜骑活动,6点左右开始。经过事前的邮件沟通,我们预约了一个私人团队,2小时。这样的长度最适合没有正规训练的人了。和我们沟通的是马场的Jennifer Yung.我们之间保持了几个来回的沟通,包括她详细地介绍马场服务,询问我们的要求,提供建议,还根据我们行程的变化修改预约,以及解答我们前往交通的问题等等,非常的细致。特别是关于马匹的挑选,她事先要求我们提供每位成员的身高体重、骑马的经验,以便于提前做出相应的安排。这一切都让我们还未参加,就已经感受到专业体贴的服务。有为了这个,我们也应该给个赞:)由其是我们中间还有位6岁的儿童。因为从来没有这样的体验,一开始,我们最担心她会不会害怕。但结果整个英国行程结束后,亿亿最喜欢的就是在Tally Ho Stables的骑马了,一直叫着她的那匹小马的名字。问她以后还要不要骑马,她开心地回答好!我们是在温莎住了一晚,前一天参观温莎城堡,第二天一早,让酒店给我们叫了辆出租,送我们到马场。周末的骑马体验分9点、11点和下午1点半。早晨8点半,已经看到她们在给马匹洗刷,准备我们的行程了。在整个行程开始之前,马场的人们为我们提供了详备的服务:填写每个人的资料,进一步确认每个人的情况,寄存行李,挑选最适合的头盔,甚至连上厕所都为我们想好了,因为整个行程中可没有地方提供方便的。而当天我只穿了件衬衫,7月的英国已经是最好的天气了,但早晨的气温还是让我觉得很冷,于是还借穿了保暖的背心,再一次点赞:)整个的行程就是穿行温莎大公园,而这里曾经是远处那座被世人仰慕的城堡主人的狩猎场,公园里依旧生活着成群的鹿队。好吧,大家尽情想象吧!(忍不住稍微得瑟一下哦!)我们的团队其实很小,4个大人加1个小孩,而马场随团就有3名工作人员。1名领队,1名在中间,1名在后。她们告诉我,女王陛下至今90高龄了,依然会来这里骑马!当然路线和我们走的不一样哦!这里的风景就是最最明信片似的英国田园风光,成片成片被修剪整齐的大草坪、不知道多少寿命的大树组成的古树林,不时出现在远方的温莎小镇和耀眼的城堡。安静的牛群在草坪上安睡着,而树林中的鹿群一直保持着警惕,远远的看着经过的我们,随团的工作人员告诉我们,鹿就是这样的,保持着和人们的距离。行进中,我发现温莎大公园还是个体育公园,一路上一直遇到徒步、骑自行车的当地人,各种年龄的都有,包括白发苍苍的和躺在婴儿车里的。7月是英国最好的天气,说英国人喜爱享受阳光,看到这样的情景,还有什么好怀疑的呢?!有些都认识我们随团的工作人员,都会和她们打招呼。这种在马上,有人仰着头和你打招呼的感觉,很容易给人一种进入到电影场景里的错觉。反正,我是很自然地也向对方致以了肢体上的问候。很惊讶这么大面积的草坪,如何打理。她们指着经过的一处房子,说住那里的人会负责照料的。哇,我照顾家里四五十平的草坪已经够累的了,但她们说,这项工作太享受了。可以完完全全享受这里的安静。安静,就是英国人眼中的一种享受。需要特别特别告诉大家的是,善良的Jennifer就是走在马队最后的。是的,你没看错,她是走的,为了确保孩子的安全,她牵着孩子的马,全程走了2小时。我们每次在马背上回头,都看到亿亿笑得像朵花似的。这些,都让我们太感动了,因为Jennifer、因为Tally Ho Stables如此用心的安排,让一个孩子爱上骑马这项运动,这是多么让人感动的事。谢谢你们,Jennifer,Tally Ho Stables。附一段当时的录像哦:)http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNzQyOTU1NTQw.html
Back in December 2013, I had a terrible fall whilst riding in Dorset. Ever since, I have been seeking to regain my confidence with a kind horse and some good, varied riding. It got to January 2015 and I decided I wanted to get back in to riding. I booked a ride with Tally Ho Stables on a Friday afternoon and had the most wonderful time. The staff are brilliant, it was just me and a very kind lady called Julie and we had a fantastic 2 hour ride through Windsor Great Park, and we even got to go into the deer park where we saw a number of stags who just pottered about! I really recommend this place, if you are considering it then book it...it's worth every penny and you will want to go again and again as I intend to!
We went to the stables made our appointment for the next day when we got there they matched people to horses the horses were great gentle to ride and it was a good time
We were staying in Windsor for a short mid week visit for my boyfriend's birthday. I rang Tally Ho on the off-chance they'd be able to fit us in for a ride the next day. I spoke to Jenny, who although wasn't at the stables at the time, said she'd make some calls and ring me straight back. As my boyfriend is a novice rider, we were booked onto a 1 hour hack with one of their regular customers. Amazing customer service, thank you so much Jenny!We got to the stables early and were introduced to our horses Tess and Loulou. We waited while our horses were tacked up and loaded into the lorry, filling in paperwork and collecting our riding hats. Although we were only at the yard for a short time, it was really well managed and everyone was friendly. We followed the horse lorry a short distance in the car before the horses were unloaded at the Windsor Park.The hack was lead by Gilly, who I believe owns the stables. Although weather can never be guaranteed this time of year, it was a crisp fresh morning, and once we reached the hill (by the statue of George on his horse) we could see for miles to the Castle and Windsor town. Riding through the deer park was wonderful, the deer were tame and we managed to get really close. Our horses Tess and Loulou were well behaved, neither put a foot out of line and were real confidence givers.I can't thank Tally Ho stables enough for fitting us in at short notice, and for such a good experience from start to finish. The next time we visit the area we will be booking on for a 2 hour ride as there is so much parkland we didn't get the time to explore! I would recommend Tally Ho stables to everyone.
I booked a 2-hour group ride mid week and it was one of the best rides I've had in a long time. I rode Billy, an experienced gentlemanly Cob. We had a lovely 2 hours of trotting and cantering around the lovely rolling green hills of the stately park with the castle in the background. There were only 2 of us on the ride with the guide and we both had similar experience levels which made the ride very enjoyable. And the weather was perfect. The horse I rode was well groomed and well fed with no nasty habits, and the saddle was super comfortable and buttery soft. I'll definitely be back on my next trip to the UK.
We went for a two hour evening hack (ride) with our family of five plus an adult friend. They were very good about accomodating our children ages 7, 11 and 12 as well as our various abilities from total beginner to novice. We met the staff at their stables where we arranged payment, filled out forms and were introduced to some of the staff. With preparations for the hack underway, the greeting by staff at the barn was a bit cool which was initially somewhat disconcerting. After the administrative tasks were done and a quick trip to the toilet (don't forget to do this), we drove in our car following their lorry (truck) filled with horses to the starting point only minutes away. It would have been very difficult to do this adventure using public transportation.Once at the starting point, staff ran things smoothly as they assigned us horses, fitted us with helmets and helped us mount our horses. Three staff accompanied us on the hack with the owner leading our 7 y-o daughter's horse. We quickly found the staff more cordial, quite engaging and encouraging as we tried trotting several times. The 2 hour hack afforded us some wonderful countryside views as well as of Windsor castle from 3 miles away, deer and stags up close, royal residences seldom seen by tourists. I can't comment a lot about the quality of the horses due to my lack of knowledge in this area, but I can say that I was less fearful and more confident on this ride than I expected to be.We decided to do this family adventure as an alternative to spending time with crowds of tourists at the castle and were pleased with our choice. I highly recommend it despite being somewhat pricy. We paid 65 pounds per person for 2 hour ride as we were a party of six. regularly 70 pounds per person.
My friend had booked a ride as my 40th birthday treat as it was on my list of 'thing to do'. We arrived at the stables to register and meet our steeds. We were checked in by a lovely lady who then showed us all the horses and we had a brief discussion about the stables etc.We also had a spare ten minutes to visit the well stocked shop. We then followed the lorry to the leaving point just by Windsor Great Park. The rides are very well organised to the riders ability and the attention to detail was very good considering the amount of horses and people they cater for throughout the day. My friend and I have horses but were concerned that we may end up on 'trekking ponies' but we needn't have worried, we were perfectly matched and eventhough my friend suffers from 'a hot seat (horsey term)' we still had great horses. We were very lucky as there were 3 of us due to go on our ride but the other lady was held up so it just myself and my friend so we had a 'guide' all to ourselves and rode round the park exactly at the pace we wanted too. The lady was very knowledgeable on the park (her own horse was gorgeous too) and she regularly checked if we wanted to change pace but was also aware of the heat and flies and the effect it may have on the horses so we never pushed them too much. (It was nice to hear that the horses we had ridden were not being taken out again that day as it was really warm). I spent the whole ride with a huge smile on my face and have completely fallen in love with Winnie who was my trusty steed for the two hours. I would thoroughly recommend this to anyone whether you are a beginner or experienced, they don't take young children which may annoy some but I can completely understand why they don't. I am hopeful that I can go up again and take my 12 year old daughter as she would be blown away by it. All I can say is if your considering this 'GO GO GO GO GO' you won't regret it.
Such a well organised and friendly riding stables. They managed to get me on to a hack quite late in the day. Jenny lead my ride and was super friendly, approachable and not at all intimidating. The hack around Windsor park was lovely, really varied with lots of opportunities to canter. There was very little road work, hacking through some spectacular scenery with great views of the castle. My horse was great, well behaved but not laid back/lazy and there was only 2 of us in the group which was great. Will definitely be going again if i get the opportunity!
My friends and I had the pleasure to spend the last night of our tour of Europe with a lovely evening ride at Tally Ho Stables with Jenny. It was absolutely lovely, save for the horse flies, but that didn't take away from the experience. I had the pleasure of riding on Tess, who was just an absolute darling. Jenny was just absolutely amazing. If I'm ever in the area I would definitely return to Tally Ho Stables.
Huge kudos to the Tally Ho Stables for sharing Queens Park with my daughter (age 10) and I with little notice... what a delightful way to spend a sunny afternoon. The horses were very calm, even for beginner riders like ourselves. Highly recommend!
Had a team building day with my company at Tally Ho Stables. Although the weather didn't favour us, we all had an amazing time, even those who were not keen to begin with. Tally Ho are a very well organised bunch and very professional. The horses were amazing and the scenery and wildlife made it a very special ride. I will be booking again, soon!!
Went on an early evening ride last Wednesday. I rode Trooper, a black cob about 15 hands. He was brilliant, a very well behaved easy ride. All the horses in the group were very well behaved. Jenny was friendly and made sure everyone in the group was OK . Will hopefully go again and take friends to go on the 2 hour hack.
I booked a 10 o clock morning ride. We were a small group of riders with quite similar skills, so we could canter and trot 4-5 times during the 2 hours. The scenery is fantastic, horses very well taken care and lovely. I enjoyed the ride a lot and hope I can return soon.
I had Jennifer Yung as my guide on a trip to Windsor last week - what an experience it was! Jennifer was very good at making us feel at ease and we had a wonderful hack through the park on a Crisp Spring day. The horses were always well behaved and responded to Jennifer's lead so we never felt in any danger. A pleasant, relaxed and thoroughly enjoyable riding session for 2 beginner riders! Go for it!
A wonderful ride even on a rainy January day. Very knowledgeable staff, very friendly and well organised and a beautiful forward going horse. Will definitely be returning when the ground dries out a little. Thank you Tally Ho!!