stadhuis van delft (city hall delft)
4A地址: 暂无
开放时间: 暂无

Beautiful Renaissance-style town hall in the pretty city of Delft. Love the ornate, simplicity of the town hall. Many greater, larger buildings are found elsewhere, but remembering this is beautiful Delft, the Stadhuis is perfect for the size of this city. Stadhuis is located across the Markt square from the Nieuwe Kerk, New Church. These structures, Stadhuis and Nieuwe Kerk serve as the dominate features in the Markt square and offer beautiful photo ops. Standing in the centre of the square turn and see they are opposite one from the other. A smaller Dutch city hall, so wonderful it has been preserved for all of us to enjoy its history.
The old city hall at Delft in Netherlands is huge and attractive building. However as the locals say now it is used only to marry couples. If no marriage is on you can peep inside it.
The outside part of the building is most impressive, but inside one can enjoy some really interesting old maps. Nice that I could find the farms of my grandfather's and grandmother's family on the 1712 Van der Heim map
The City Hall stands in the heart of Delft, overlooking the main market square, and opposite the equally impressive Nieuwe Kerk (New Church).It is a very impressive building with quite splendid architecture and a predominantly red and grey façade. It is my understanding, from being told this by locals, that the building is no longer in use for civic business, but is nowadays used exclusively for the performance of marriage ceremonies.
I'm a local and happen to be married here in 2010, which was an awesome and unforgettable experience. It's a real nice historical building. It's nowadays only used to marry couples. Tip: try to knock on the door, there's a big chance if there is no marriage going on that they let you in for a quick peek if you ask friendly. The whole building just breaths Delft's rich history!
So much history in this small town of Delft, this is one place you have to visit. Very hisorical and worth taking some time for.
climbing a few stairs, turning around just before the entrance door you'll get a marvelous view over the market place, towards the big tower of the so-called "nieuwe kerk"/"new church" .. most impressive! inside you will see an old school golden age interior, making you think of a Johannes Vermeer painting. if you are lucky you will see a wedding going on, still one of the main functions of this famous town hall
Não entramos mas o prédio é lindo do lado de fora. Fica na praza central de Delft, com diversas lojas de souvenirs e muitas lojas do Royal Delft Blue porcelana, lindas obras de arte. A arquitetura e o passeio no final de tarde deram um charme especial.
Необыкновенно красивое здание Делфтской ратуши в стиле ренессанса. Оно находится на рыночной площади.
Chegamos tarde à cidade e não visitamos por dentro, mas a praça onde ela fica é muito bonita e cheia de lojas para compras.O prédio é pequeno mais cheio de detalhes.
De verschillende stijlen en bouw van het gebouw waren prachtig en ook het verhaal erachter was interresant.