iglesia de san nicolas de bari
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There is a place in the church where it is possible for 1 Euro to switch on the light of retablo. It is situated in the mid of church near the coulumn closer to the exit.
If you have been traveling this stretch of Spain you may reach a state of being Cathedraled-out. The main attraction in Burgos is of course, the Cathedral. But this is very worthy of a visit. As you look at the main entrance of the Burgos Cathedral, the Iglesia is to the left, up the hill and behind the Cathedral. As with anything, it's up to you how long one spends inside. But there is plenty to see including a small museum. We spent about 3 hours here. But we like this stuff more than the average tourist. The interior carvings, wood work, doors, etc are worth time examining. Well worth a visit.
Just above the Cathedral, this small church has, in my view, the finest stone retablo in Spain. Granted, I saw very few stone retablos, but by any standards of art, this is a jewel. It's a few euros to enter, but it's worth it. And you can sit and stare till you drink it all in.
In the church another famous altar piece of Simon with more then 400 pieces. We recommend to visit the church.
Impressive altar but I saw similar style (much prettier) altar in Olite's St Mary's. Open daily 11:00 - 14:00 and 17:00 - 19:00.There is SO much to see in Burgos, if prioritising I would say this one can be easily passed. However if you walk past and it is open just pop in to see quickly and make up your own opinion.
There is an astonishing wall of figures...64 I think. In front, and at least as impressive, is a stone span/arch. How does it stay up? Another Spanish mystery.
It is easy to overlook, even being so close to the cathedral. you will find it up the stais of the west entrance to the cathedral. The wall behind the altar is unique a very worth the visit. Best visit at late afternoon, a bit before sunset, to take a nice picture of the cathedral from the entrance of San Nicolas.
This church is too close to the cathedral, so it is overlooked. But the carvings over the door are beautiful and inside there is a lovely wall behind the altar.
It was a fabulous place to have a wedding, beautiful inside, lovely singing. Beautiful decor.It is only open at certain times of the day which did not necessarily coordinate with times on the door. The Tourist information office had a timetable which seemed to differ a bit.
I felt that the retablo was perhaps the most beautiful one that I have seen in Spain.
We walked in to the place and it was filled with white lillies that smelled lovely. We had time to have a look around before the Wedding party arrived. It was a little gem in the shadow of the Cathedral.
Copio una opinión de un diarío de la zona.Las empinadas escaleras que el peregrino debe sortear hasta alcanzar su puerta hacen que muchos desistan. Sin embargo, la recompensa es grande cuando se vence el cansancio. A la vera de la catedral de Burgos, casi eclipsado por su belleza, se encuentra uno de los ‘Hitos del Camino de Santiago’ en Castilla y León, la iglesia de San Nicolás de Bari, cuya sobriedad exterior esconde uno de los retablos polícromos más insólitos y bellos del arte español.
Es preciosa, merece la pena perderse por los rincones, por cada uno de ellos, toda la fachada y por dentro, no hay que pagar (al menos hasta ahora) y es como ver un pedacito de gótico (otro más) en la ciudad del Cid y de los pinchos "cojonudos"
A igreja de San Nicaloas de Bari tem uma bela fachada de pedra, belo portal em pedra esculpida, e um interior austero e imponente quase monocromático, onde senti muita paz. Quase não tinha turistas, imagino que a maioria só vai à fubulosa Catedral, mas eu adorei a tranquilidade e pude apreciar a grandiosidade do local
Если выйти из кафедрального собора и повернуть за угол, увидите довольно широкую лестницу. В конце подъема будет крайне невзыскательного вида церковь. Но не проходите мимо, не жалейте полтора евро за вход – по процветающей в Бургосе традиции и здесь настоящие сокровища и шедевры снаружи одевают в простой, нечастно декорируемый камень. Один только изумительный резной скульптурный алтарь за неожиданной и оригинальной аркой - своеобразная книга жизни святого чего стоит - даже не считая свечки, которую положено купить, чтобы иметь возможность получше рассмотреть детали. Впрочем, даже формально – из-за трехчастности все композиции – это ретабло. Ну и саркофагам, которые также поражают великолепием, стоит отдать должное и уделить внимание.