catedral de san antolin
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We didn’t have to discover “the undiscovered beauty” as the cathedral is well-known in Spain, so we had placed it on our must-see list before arriving in Palencia. We first circled the cathedral with its multiple entrances and tried to figure out where the main entrance was. Since a mass was going on when we came in, we postponed our visit until the later afternoon hours. We had to wait a bit for the cathedral to open but in contrast to the only very critical review here, we fully enjoyed our wait in the brilliant sunshine on the beautiful Plaza Inmaculada Concepción with its elegantly shaped trees and modern sculpture before being allowed in the cathedral for a small fee. We opted for the combined ticket of tour and entrance to the museum. The wait for the tour was worth it: a witty priest took us around many of the chapels and provided us with anecdotes – some funny, some moving – about the various works of art we could see (the tour was only in Spanish so I had to rely on my husband’s translations). The grand tour of the cathedral included the crypt with a “miraculous” well that still functions and from which you can drink on San Antolín’s Day in September - Saint Antoninus being the patron saint of the cathedral and of the city of Palencia. Having read my Lonely Planet guide beforehand, I was eager to have the chance to see the trick painting supposedly created by German Renaissance painter Lucas Cranach, only accessible to those who take the tour of the museum. The painting was smaller than I’d imagined on a very elongated piece of wood, but the effect was magical. An astonishingly modern dreamscape (Lonely Planet’s comparison to Dali was accurate) becomes a portrait of Emperor Carolos V only when you look at the painting obliquely. I was able to experience “anamorphosis” and add a fancy word to my vocabulary. For those who like their art non-traditional but not so tricky, there’s also a famous painting of San Sebastian by El Greco in the museum.The Cathedral is definitely worth more than one visit as is the charming historic city of Palencia.
Spectacular building with some lovely features. The huge wooden doors were very impressive, made an impact as they were quite plain. The rest of the cathedral is very ornate in true Romanesque fashion, which I found detracted from the fabulous building. One of the most interesting features is the crypt which I thought was stunning, perhaps because in contrast it is very plain. Lovely lamps hanging from the arches. The carvings on the exterior of the building are really impressive.Well worth a visit, even if you are not religious.
The cathedral is beautiful well worth the entry fee of Euros2.00 per person. My wife and I also had the pleasure of a private tour with a retired priest of the diocese who happened to be there at the time we entered - a charming man.However, you should be warned if you are British and the lady at the entry desk discovers this you will be given a ranting demand for the "return" of Gibraltar to Spain and the "return" of the Falklands/Malvinas to Argentina. A very nasty experience.
This cathedral is impressive both in size, in architectural value and the state of conservation. And yet I was alone in the cathedral for a while, one could only hear the squeeks of my sandals in the enormous space. 2 Euros is the admission fee, that also includes the crypta with Visitgoth ornaments and the impressive cloisters. The cathedral is built in late Gothic style, and is a marvellously uniform example of this style. Adornments from later periods are also found, but they do not disturb the overall impression. La bella desconocida, the unknown beauty, deserves more visitors!
Castilla y León is full of monuments, and the Cathedral of Palencia might be a charming one, yet the rest of the town really falls short, especially if one is on their way from wonderful towns like Salamanca or Segovia to majestic León. Worth a visit? For the Cathedral and the church of San Pablo. Worth a deviation? For such an unassuming town, only if you have spare time.
Catedral muy digna con muy poca fama, bueno es famosa por la cripta de San Antolín (Visigótica). La Catedral en si es muy atractiva, pero le falta altura para las columnas que el maestro decidió colocar. Esto no hace desentonar como construcción, pero con 10 metros más de altura estaríamos hablando de una de las mejores Catedrales de España.
Es una catedral increíble, con una inumerable colección de tesoros artísticos en su interior. Con una asombrosa cripta de la que se cuentan maravillosas leyendas. Pinturas del Greco, esculturas de Gil de Siloe y Juan de Valmaseda, una maravilla.Recomendaría admirar atentamente sus vidrieras y sus gárgolas, también esconden sus sorpresas.Para poner fin a la visita, recomiendo tomar algo en alguna de las terrazas de la plaza de la Inmaculada al atardecer, mientras las cigüeñas se posan en la fachada. Es un espectáculo para recordar. No os lo perdais
Impresiona tanto por fuera como por dentro. Dentro de ella alberga grandes tesoros en pinturas del Greco y demás pintores relevantes. Una auténtica fortuna.
No esperaba encontrarme con una catedral tan bonita, por fuera me gustó muchísimo, por dentro me pareció un poco oscura por ponerle un pero.
Espectacular Catedral que te deja sin habla.... Para amantes del arte de la arquitectura en sus diferentes estilos. Una verdadera maravilla digna de visitar.
Es digna de ver y se la conoce muy poco por los que no son de aquí, debería de darse más publicidad de ella y su entorno, porque como se la conoce, es realmente la Bella Desconocida, lo mismo que Palencia
Impresionan sus dimensiones, el silencio de su interior, la riqueza ornamental (exterior e interior) del gótico, todo ello en un entorno peatonal y muy tranquilo. Recomiendo la visita a la cripta de San Antolín,Situada en el centro antiguo de Palencia, puedes pasear por la orilla del río Carrión, tomarte unas tapas en el centro y disfrutar de la ciudad.
Así la llamamos y con eso está dicho casi todo. Otras catedrales son más conocidas, pero no por eso son más bellas. Hay que acercarse a Palencia para contemplarla, por dentro y por fuera. Y si es posible, bajar a la cripta.
Le llaman la bella desconocida la gente q entiende de arte dice q es muy valiosa por q tiene varios estilos diferentes una gárgola es un fotógrafo por q se le vaya a un fotógrafo una el siglo pasado y lo mato y en conmemoración sLa pusieron así más información en la misma catedral
es un edificio de grandes proporciones,es la tercera catedral más grande de España, después de la Catedral de Sevilla y la Catedral de Toledo , es de destacar para mi gusto la entrada sur con una decoración gótica extraordinaria , ya en el interior es de destacar sobre todo el retablo mayor y las distintas capillas , no dejar de visitar el claustro , ni el museo catedralicio ,realmente interesante