scala coeli torres de la clerecia
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This visit to the private university of Salamanca (Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca) is really nice, you can get to know how this university was organized and such. I have to say that I still like more the visit to the Historic Building of the University of Salmanca (the famous one, since it is the oldest one in Spain), but Scala Coeli has a plus, and it's that you can go up to the towers. The views from there are amazing. You can almost see all Salamanca from there and it's truly worth it.
climbing up the stairs brings to the upper level with the bells and amazing views of the city…unfortunately all information is in spanish…it is a pity...
Trudgingupthe stairs is a good test of cardiac fitness but assuming you don't have an MI the views are terrific. The historical write ups are fair but they are just a minor addition to the main attraction.3 euros per person and no one else there.
We almost didn't do it as it's sold alongside an art exhibition with no English translation. But you can buy the tours separately. Well worth the money.
We walked the towers and had a lovely clear day to look over the town. It is just stunning! Unfortunately we don't speak Spanish so the your of the rest of the building was a little unclear of the history- however it was beautiful and not expensive. I do suggest you take the tour and admire what you see even if you don't understand the explanations.
I climbed the towers as well as having a guided tour of the university. The views from the top of the university and Salamanca were spectacular. Fortunately it was a clear day.
It's difficult to write these reviews of Salamanca because you just will do them while your there; it's the most beautiful place.The tour (which is in Spanish) at night is great for the nighttime scene across the beauty of this wonderful city.During the day is still a great view across the rooftops of this renaissance wonder
We did not have a lot of time to visit this attraction and therefore only climbed the tower. you can also visit the church and pay for both together or both individually. The climb was relatively easy compared to some i have ascended and the views are worth it. Be careful at the top of the wooden spiral staircase though right at the top as people have cut open the mesh to get their camers through which has let in birds and there are a lot of bird droppings all over the uppoer part of the staircase including the handrails.
The views once you reach the top are spectacular. On this trip, we were really fortunate to watch some storks feeding their young and defending their nests from preying hawks.
The views from this little walk are not to be missed on a trip to Salamanca! There's a lot of old, rickety stairs that lead up to the towers (I have to say I was feeling a little wobbly on my feet) and the way up is also the way down so had a good bit of adjusting and waiting as opposing parties met on the thin staircase. Once up it truly is a wonder. All the large double doors are opened in the towers and you can see for miles. You can see into courtyards, all of salamanca and miles of countryside beyond salamanca. From the first tower, you walk across the balcony and roof to the other tower, where you can see more views of the other side of the city. I would suggest to come here first on your trip to salamanca and have a look at the lovely city you are going to go and explore.
I really can't believe I'm the first person reviewing this. It is located across the street from the Casa de las Conchas and had plenty of people. I'm pretty sure others have misclassified their reviews for another university-related attraction. Anyway, other than the Plaza Mayor, this was our first site in Salamanca and that proved fortunate for it provided excellent views of the city so that we could identify the other sites to see and how to best approach them. You also get a peak into the Clerecia next door.
Поднявшись по лестнице на купол открывается захватывающий вид на исторический центр города. Вход платный, около 4 евро с человека
Hay que pagar por subir, pero merece la pena con creces. Unas escaleras que se van haciendo mas estrechas hasta llegar a la cima y una vez allí una exclamación!!!. Unas vistas impresionantes tanto de la ciudad como de la clerecía desde un ángulo nunca visto. La magnitud de la Universidad Pontificia como nunca antes se había visto!
Lindas torres no centro histórico, com uma bela visão panorâmica da cidade e da Catedral. Pode-se subir nas torres pagando um preço bem acessível, embora a escadaria não seja para qualquer um subir.
(No se debe confundir con la subida a las torres de la Catedral).Scala Coeli permite acceder a las Torres de la Clerecía, edificio de la Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca cuya entrada está en la calle Compañía, justo enfrente del acceso a la Casa de las Conchas (biblioteca). La entrada cuesta 3,75 € por persona. Te dan una pegatina para que te identifiques y para diferenciarte de los visitantes a otras exposiciones que suele haber en el mismo lugar. Accedes al edificio y enseguida a la tienda de regalos. A partir de ahí empieza la subida por unas escaleras de madera. En un primer descansillo, hay una pequeña sala con maquetas, paneles informativos sobre la construcción y un mirador que da a la iglesia de la Clerecía. Continúas subiendo por las mismas escaleras de madera y pasas por la propia bóveda de dicha iglesia. Al final llegas a las torres. No solo la vista es impresionante (se ve la Plaza Mayor y la catedral nueva perfectamente y prácticamente toda la ciudad), sino que puedes pasear entre las dos torres prácticamente por el tejado del edificio, por encima de su claustro. Un último tramo está compuesto por una escalera de caracol minúscula en cada una de las dos torres que te lleva a sendos campanarios. Hay unos balcones que dan un poco de vértigo. La experiencia es impresionante. Subimos un domingo por la mañana y cuando estábamos en lo alto las diferentes campanas de la ciudad empezaron a sonar y fue genial. (Las de la Clerecía no las tocan). Había muy pocos visitantes, por lo que por unos momentos estuvimos solos. No sé si hay cámaras de vigilancia, pero en ningún tramo vimos a personal de ningún tipo (ni de seguridad, ni de atención al público, solo en la entrada y en la tienda). La subida no se hace muy trabajosa (no creo que llegue a los 300 escalones), pero no es apta para cualquier persona que tenga problemas de movilidad. Personalmente tampoco subiría con niños. Se baja por el mismo sitio. Las escaleras en algunos puntos podrían estar mejor iluminadas.