monasterio del parral
4A地址: 暂无
开放时间: 暂无

It opens at 11am and 5 pm only. Yet, from the office of tourism near the Aqueduct or the other office in the Plaza Mayor, you can get the phone, make a reservation. Go with lots of friends or as a couple. They will open the church for you, give you a tour of the monastery and the views are amazing. The price? It is whatever you want to give as a donation... don't be scrooge or cheap. The order of Saint Jeronimo maintains the premises and their woodwork (look at the monastery and the benches in the church) are amazing. It is from the 15th century church with amazing architecture. It is a nice walk and you can see the entire walled Alcazar from there. It is worthwhile, from there walk back the path towards the hill (not for the weak of heart) and see the entire town from afar... then find your way back to the Iglesia of La Veracruz... enjoy
Just outside the City Walls of Segovia, Spain, Below the Famous Alcazar of Segovia, lies a little visited Gem of Spain the Monastery of Saint Mary of Parral . The Church and Monestary was built in the reign of Henry the IV, 1450. It fell abandonned and disused from the mid 1850's until the 1920's. Restored and taken over by the Order of Jeronimo, it is a beautiful place. There is a guided visit available on weekends and it is well worth a visit while in Segovia.
September was a great time to visit as the weather was not too hot and there were not lots of people about so taking photos was good. It was a long but enjoyable walk unfortunately it was not open when we arrived but enjoyed the area around.
This lovely monastery lies outside the city walls of Segovia near a cafe and wonderful river walk, very popular with day trippers from Madrid. It takes about 10-15 minutes to get there from the old town. We rang the door and waited. A lovely man who works in this still operational monastery took us into the church, which is impressive, in spite of massive vandalism and looting in the 19th century. The superb altar survives intact. He then took us into the monastery itself, where we could see the very fine small cloister and a few other features. The view of old Segovia is wonderful from here, and the monks certainly have a ravishing 15th century group of buildings at their disposal.There is no charge for the visit but donations are welcome.We were admitted at 5 p.m. on Sunday, which seems to be a good time.
I viewed the Monasterio de Santa María del Parral (known in a shortened from on TA as Monasterio del Parral) on a day-trip to Segovia as part of my 7 full-day visit to Madrid.---I have compiled extensive individual Trip Advisor 'Trip Lists' for both my day-trip to Segovia and visit to see the sights of Madrid, they are entitled respectively 'Segovia Day-Trip from Madrid Oct 2013' and 'Madrid Attractions (+ Toledo/Segovia Day Trips) : 7 Full-Day Visit Oct 2013'. Please feel free to access them via my TA Profile (by clicking my TA 'name' below the photo on the left of this review) and links in each TL. I hope that they are of interest and use to you...---This impressive-looking monastery is sited to the north, a short distance outside the walled-perimeter of the city at 'ground-level'..The building is formed by a number of differently-shaped sections and an integral tower, which all combine to make the exterior very pleasant to look at - see my photo attached to this review.I didn't go inside and am not sure visits are allowed anyway, but instead took advantage of the excellent view you can get of it from the viewpoint in front of the Alcazar.This is a good option if you can't or don't want to walk to it - my Trip List has maps/views etc showing where the necessary viewpoints are.
Recomendable 100%, la entrada es gratuita, se pueden hacer fotos y el guía es muy profesional y se ve que entiende y le gusta. Si quieres pagar la voluntad, puedes hacerlo. Merece la pena verlo antes de que desaparezca la orden ya que por lo visto solamente quedan esos monjes en toda España.
De verdad merece la pena el desplazamiento , quizás desde el exterior no se adivina , pero una vez en el interior ya te quedas boquiabierto al contemplar el retablo en madera policromada , continuas por las distintas capillas , el coro a los lados ,el púlpito en fin.........................
Merece la pena visitarlo, hay unas vistas preciosas, y unos claustros sorprendentes. La iglesia también la enseñan, un gótico que merece la pena admirar. Solo hay visitas dos veces al día, a las 11h y a las 17h, pero el paseo de la alameda al pie del monasterio, junto al río, con el puente y la casa de la moneda pegado a él, merecen mucho la pena, de forma que desplazarse hasta el monasterio merece la pena por muchas razones; el monasterio y su entorno.
Merece bien la pena darse un paseo por esta zona de Segovia. El río, el Alcázar al fondo, la Fuencisla (patrona de Segovia), el Parral, la Vera Cruz (iglesia templaria de planta octogonal). En otoño, su alameda tiene un encanto especia.
Iglesia con retablo plateresco muy bonito y rodeado de capillas en las que llaman la atención los arcos de muy diferentes estilos. Monasterio perteneciente a la orden de los monjes jeronimos.Nada más entrar unas vistas impresionantes del alcázar y de buena parte de segovia. Los horarios de visita restringidos. Algo muy positivo te explican la iglesia y el monasterio y sin entrada solo piden la voluntad. La pena que la visita del monasterio muy corta puesto que la mayoría del monasterio cerrada al público.Un lugar muy recomendable y bastante desconocido.
Monasterio desconocido y una verdadera joya. Vistas impresionantes de la ciudad y joya de iglesia. 100% recomendable.
Fue fundado por Enrique IV, consta con una iglesia gótica de sola nave con capillas, se destaca su magnífico retablo plateresco, los sepulcros de los marqueses de Villena, la Puerta de la Sacristía , dos interesantes claustros uno gótico y otro mudéjar .. muy linda visita!
Fuimos desde el Alcázar, bajando unas escaleras y pasando por una cueva. Visitas muy restringidas, de miércoles a domiingo a las 11 y 17 horas, si acaso. Los domingos a las 12, misa cantada en gregoriano.
El personal que nos atendió, excelente. Además la visita la hicimos solos mi mujer y yo ¿No había nadie más interesado? No puedo entender como no se potencia más este lugar. La visita al monasterio es corta, pero es la vista más impresionante que tiene Segovia de su Alcázar.
Es uno de estos lugares en los que sin ser muy religioso notas una caricia en el alma con solo entrar y una sensación de paz que no se puede describir. Es aprender lo bueno que es saber oir el silencio.