acantilados da garita da herbeira
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It's a long drive up in to the mountain (and an even longer walk up from the village!) but the views along the way are stunning. At the top you can park and walk up steps to the monument to those that lost their lives in the war. This also includes Leslie Howard (Gone With the Wind) who died in the area when his plane was shot down. Beautiful views across the cliffs and a history lesson make this a worthwhile visit.
San Andres is a small parish in the NW part of Spain. There is a church, a few places to eat (and drink, if so inclined) and spectacular views.
I particularly loved the drive there, this incredible fog sweeping up the mountain, the memorial to Leslie Howard. The village itself gets a lot of photographers out to catch its charm. Be sure to buy some little biscuits from the vendors. They're delicious. Especially the ones that look like sugared profiteroles.
Every time we go to Cedeira we go to san andres. My daughter and three grandchildren and i were there in July. We enjoy going up to san andres to see the animals along the way and visit the church in san andres. The little shops are interesting and unique. My grandchildren always enjoy it. We will be back!
Amazing views of the ocean and the cliffs.Also we had a picnic at one of the areas that provided tables and there were wild horses around. It was a great experience.
A very special place in Galicia not far away from the village of Cedeira, it is a very quaint village where there are pilgrimages every year in the same manner as Santiago de Compostella but much smaller, where it has a very quaint church with many different pieces hung up by the pilgrims.Local legend amongst the Gallegos say that if you never visit this place whilst you are alive it will be the first place you will visit after your death.It is always very busy especially at weekends and during any public holidays and the summer.In the car park opposite the entrance down to the village there are usually some local people selling local honey
amazing views of ocean and coast , spectacular views along the road to reach the place, great sunset
Visited this coast when driving round the Cape Ortigal. When we went, it was 28 degrees in Ortigueira, but beware, it may not feel this warm when you are being windblown on the top of one of the cliffs so take a cardi! Wild horses and cows everywhere, miradors galore. The church of St Andes is worth a look despite the stalls selling religious tat on the way down to the church from the car park. Our hotel told us that Galicians believe that evryone should go there once in their life as the Saint can bring good luck - people have brought models of the things that they want such as boats and houses and leave them by the altar.
Wild horses and cattle abound at the top of these massive cliffs at the very north-west of Spain. It is a site that should not be missed.
Incredible, unique. With some time in Galicia, do take some day to go there. the views are awesome and if you read a little about how these places meant a lot to galician ancestors spiritually..well.. just go and enjoy.
This is an amazing area! Breathtakingly beautiful. Bring a good camera & comfortable shoes for walking along the cliffs.
Esta visita a San Andres,ha sido mi segunda vez,me falta la tercera,ya que aqui en Galicia se dice que quien no va 3 veces de vivo a san Andres,va de muerto!Muy reformado,y mejorado,desde mi ultima visita.Os aconsejo que lleveis calzado comodo ya que el suelo esta empedrado y hay cuestas.No os olvideis de la hierba de enamorar"herba de namorar",muy tipica de esa zona,y con mucha fuerza y suerte.Tambien son tipicas las figuras de miga de pan,que moldean y pintan la gente localQue decir de su ubicacion,preciosas vistas y paraje inmejorable.Si quereis hay un merendero,para un tententempié.Si vais a estar por la zona,es una visita mas que obligada!!!
Era una visita que tenia pendiente desde hacia tiempo,sólo se puede acceder en coche,es una lástima que no se organicen tours a un lugar tan impresionante. Las vistas son espectaculares.Son los acantilados más altos de Europa. Recomiendo la visita.
...precioso lugar ubicado en el municipio de Cedeira. Personalmente me pareció una aldea con muchísimo encanto. Posee unas vistas espectaculares de la costa norte gallega con unos acantilados que no te dejarán indiferente. Ya en la aldea se ubica el Santuario de San Andrés de Teixido bonito edificio de piedra de interior sobrio e interesante visita. Aldea dedicada íntegramente al turismo plagada de tiendas y puestos de souvenirs. No por ello pierde su encanto. Muy recomendable.
Nada que envidiar a los de Moher y no hay que pagar para visitarlos. Es más, mucho mejor que los de Moher.