mausoleum of petar ii petrović-njegoš
4A地址: 暂无
开放时间: 暂无

The atraction is more than average, but the lack of road signs made us stop a lot to question our route (GPS didn't have this destination) and locals told us it will be closed, even though it finally wasn't, so this affected our overall feeling.We drove up the Lovcen mountain from Cetinje (old royal capital). The road is barely enough for two cars passing by... and you're going kilometers up on mountain steep road with tight curves.The monument is impressive for Montenegro, you must pass through a staircase tunnel to get to a this platform that reveals the monument itself. After entering, you can see the statue it houses and you can get behind it to a very nice viewpoint where "the sea of rock" that is Montenegro really shows itself.If you drive down to Kotor, you will have a breathtaking view - that road could be an attraction itself!
It is very easy way how to get at the top of mountain, because you can get there by a car and then about 20 minutes by stairs to the top. It is the second highest hill in Lovcen and there are views like you would be a mountaineer. I recommend, very very good quality of paths, roads and monument, very nice big gold sculpture of Njegoš and dont forget take delicious nature water in the half way from Cetinje.
Having red so much about Njegoš before going to Montenegro, it would have been a unique experience to visit his tomb somewhere down on the plains. But to do it after climbing 461 steps to the top of a 1,650 metre mountain, the Jezerski peak of Mount Lovćen with its views down to the sea and off to Lake Skadar and the mountains of Herzegovina, was indescribable. The mausoleum itself, designed by Ivan Meštrović, is spectacular: two giant caryatids stand guard in thecourtyard outside the small room with a golden vault which houses a 4-meter-tall marble statue of Njegoš, sitting with giant eagle at his back. In the crypt under the statue, in a simple marble-lined room lies the tomb itself. The simplicity of the whole is matched and complemented by a sense of greatness.A wonderful way to spend a few hours, and get a feeling for the Montenegrin character and history. Thoroughly recommended
Мавзолей расположен на вершине горы Ловчен, практически до самого верха можно доехать на машине по достаточно узкой и сложной дороге, затем вас ждут еще 500 ступеней наверх с Мавзолею и смотровой площадке, но это того стоит. Вид открывается просто фантастический, поднимаешься выше облаков. В начале ступеней расположен очень приятный ресторан с открытыми верандами и замечательными видами на окресности.
Потрясающее место на вершине горы Ловчен. Перед воротами в мавзолей стоят две статуи черногорок. Внутри находится 28-тонная статуя Петра II Петровича-Негоша. Крыша мавзолея покрыта золотом. На нижнем этаже мавзолея находится саркофаг правителя. За мавзолеем находится смотровая площадка, откуда открывается вид на всю Черногорию. Подъём в горы довольно сложный, узкая дорога, местами ни чем не отгороженная от пропасти. Но поднявшись на вершину начинаешь понимать всё красоту, силу и независимость людей живущих в этой стране.