4A地址: 暂无
开放时间: 暂无

我和两个女性朋友一道去的芝加哥,在科学工业博物馆里光是参观哈里波特展览就很满意了,展览从现在一直持续到秋天。我们都是哈里波特迷,所以特别喜欢这个展出!我们花了一个小时把整个展览看了个遍,离开时我们又沿路返回重新仔细的参观了一遍。如果你爱看哈里波特的书和电影,你就知道这个展览有多棒!展厅汇集了迄今为止这一系列电影中所有的道具,其中包括这个夏天上映的哈里波特与混血王子。我要向7岁或8岁以上的粉丝强烈推荐这里。因为展览互动性不强还有很多细节性的东西充斥其中,所以其他不怎么喜欢哈里波特的人就不会觉得展览很值,年纪小点的粉丝们可能也不会觉得那么有意思。我还要强烈建议你至少参观两到三次!一旦你进入展厅,你就会完全投入其中!里面的工作人员还告诉我们许多关于这次展会的内部消息。这里的每个人都那么友好,看得出大家都是真正喜欢哈里波特。唯一的缺点就是展厅内禁止照相(你可以带相机进来,但工作人员会阻止你使用)。快穿上你的邓布利多军团体恤,戴上你的围巾去体验一次霍格瓦茨魔法之旅吧!关于其他科学和工业信息馆的信息:Toymaker 3000展览很不错,我们认为童话城堡也很有趣。我们也只参观了哈里波特展和这两个地方。
Impressive museum! There's so much to do and everything is hands on. It's varied and will keep you entertained for hours. Plan to spend the entire day there.
It's been a few years since I visited and this time I came back with my 10 year old. We truely enjoyed our time, especially the D-day movie. Many of the exhibitions are very interactive and informative. This is a great place for all ages!
This is the best science museum I've been to. Every time we go, we plan to get there right when it opens and we stay until they close shop. There's just so much to see and play with! And so many shows to go see during the day. I love the fairy castle and must see it every time.
We arrived at around 10:00 a.m. and departed at 3:00 p.m. There are so many interactive displays that will keep you busy for a good part of your trip. Flight of the Butterfly at the Omnimax Theatre was very cool. The Coal Mine Exhibit was interesting but I suggest if you are extremely claustrophobic that you take that into consideration as there are a couple areas that might get you. We went on a weekday which was awesome because there were not a lot of people and we had chances to use all the interactive displays and Immediately access the Exhibits we wanted to without waiting. We don't have children but there are specific interactive areas that are for children. So if you need something to fill a day I think this would be a fun thing for you and the family. All in all it was a fun and interesting place. One thing I did not like is that you cannot leave and re-enter the building. If you don't want to purchase food or drink there bring a back pack or two with lunch, snacks and drinks as they are pretty expensive in the Brain Food Court.
I remember going every year as a school girl but I appreciated it more as an adult! I love spending the day there
Most museums we went to in Chicago appealed more to one member of our group than another. The one exception was the Museum of Science and Industry. The D-Day movie was a highlight, providing historical background without scaring the youngest in our group. Equally as amazing was the U-boat exhibit.There are several more exhibitions that would usually be the star on their own right (tornado display, maze of mirrors, etc.).Definitely worth the ride down Lakeshore to see.
This is the best museum in Chicago. Awesome interactive hands-on experience. If you visit one museum with your family in Chicago make it this one! Great for older ones AND younger ones!
The MSI literally has something for everyone. If you have kids there are so many things to do and see. If you're an adult there's the space center, the submarine, the coal mine exhibits. Trust me, it's a big place, you're bound to find something that will peak your interest. I believe, whether you're visiting or if live in Chicago the Museum of Science and Industry is a must see attraction.