epcot world showcase
4A地址: 暂无
开放时间: 暂无

既好玩又富有教育性,适合8岁以上的孩子多次前往. 高科技贯穿所有的游艺项目,不乏有许多参与和互动的环节. 对世界,对宇宙有了全面的认识.
未来世界是我最喜欢的主题公园之一,它让我想起世博会。 11个真实的展馆很全面,一直到食物都有,还有来自各国的剧组成员。不要忘记在迪斯尼商店弄一张未来世界的护照,在每个场馆都盖上章。公园里面还有迪斯尼的人物,像是Mary Poppins及其他的。非常有意思,很难忘的经历!
超喜欢Epcot Center的环球之旅。在沿路的好多个国家都大购物,还看了世界各地的好多展览,很喜欢在中国看到的兵马俑。自己跑去看看吧!
EPCOT了完美的替代了充满狂热儿童的神奇王国。 Around the World为游客提供各国食品和文化的代表,包括中国、法国、挪威、墨西哥、以色列、英国、日本和德国。你可以品尝到一些新的地区的食物,如加勒比和比利时,但我们也因为没看到一些地方的代表而失望,如印度、俄罗斯和非洲的其他地区。我们花了大部分时间在日本区,日本的工作人员似乎是最真诚的渴望与我们来分享他们的文化。在品种众多的礼品店,日本工作人员还帮我的妻子尝试一些头发配饰。餐厅有点贵,但值得一试。Matsuriza鼓手对于传统的表演很有天赋。有些事情可以改善一下:希望有更多的机会与各国的大使接触;礼品店里的食品种类更多些,传统的路边摊能够更多些。例如,比利时食品站有华夫饼和贻贝但没有比利时薯条(薯条)。法国可利饼店里没有香蕉口味或花生酱口味可供选择,但这些你在巴黎时是有的。我们花了很多时间去参观各景点的特色,如挪威站的Maelsrom ——在室内,与北欧海盗一乘坐小船,及中国的文物展览。当你的孩子已经不再迷恋米奇和唐纳德时,就把他们带到 EPCOT的Around the World开心一下吧。
我们去参加了国际美酒美食节(International Wine & Food Festival),棒极了,不过每一站是19多元人民币,花的钱很快多起来,但是你还是觉得饿。不过绝对值得一游。在那里花了大半天时间,还是觉得只游览了一小部分。
环游未来世界(Around the World at Epcot)这个电话 很明显就是伦敦馆啦~~~玩到一班的时候,突然天色大变我赶紧拿出相机拍闪电。。 好难拍,囧。喝啤酒的地方,这个当然是german town我身上的这件是雨衣哦,雨衣真的要准备好~有备无患的。然后就来到法国馆了,我慢慢走慢慢逛,慢慢品尝~好多甜品,真的是太幸福。咖啡慕斯,好好吃啊啊啊~在旁边的意大利馆,gelato当然不容错过 一个旅程肯定会胖好几斤,很忧伤。然后就是波西米亚风情啦日本馆啦~我逛最久了~ 其实也是被大雨困住啦。。东西太可爱,我实在是停不了手。。。。零食也是!!!很让人纠结的地方。不过日本餐馆里的菜,真的不好吃相当美式,做的好甜,我几乎吃不了。。。这个显而易见就是中国馆了。能看见大家都穿雨衣什么的。天气真的很说不准。 我们可爱的大熊猫,要抱一下的~嘿嘿嘿吃中国餐的时候,其实也不好吃。。。 没法和国内的比啊。这是我出国后最大的遗憾,吃不到好吃的东西。
You can be a world traveler in an afternoon thanks to WDW Epcot! A very fun and educational aspect of WDW and my favorite part. The foods, drinks and entertainment are the best!
Enjoyed visit to Epcot. disappointed that Norways ride was out of commission. I feel that there should have been more rides in the different countries section of Epcot.
This place is one of our favorites to visit. You get to experience numerous cultures and a variety of food.
The annual flower show is something to see for sure! The topiaries are spectacular and the park is really dressed to impress. Truly beautiful to experience Florida springtime!
It was very interesting at Epcot with all the different Countries represented. Loved all the beautiful flowers, It was kept so neat and clean.
Sure the World showcase is cool, but when was the last time you didn't rush through it, in your haste to try to do EPCOT in a day? It started a two years ago when my youngest daughter joined my vacation on her Spring Break. We did just the countries at our own leisurely pace. We saw the exhibits in each, and walked through each and every store. We ate in one of the countries we had never eaten at. After dinner, we grabbed a glass of wine in France and watched Illuminations. This year, family joined us, and we snacked and drank around the world...we made up our own Food and Wine Festival in February. Going to the parks as adults does always mean seeing it through the eyes of young children. Sometime, you can experience the parks with fresh young minds!!!
Our favorite park for its ambiance and charm. Wish the stores stocked more than wine and cheap, China-made trinkets. Yearn for the days when shopping there was actually an experience and included unique goods made in the actual countries.
Around the World is actually much bigger than you would expect. There is a lot to do, eat, and purchase. If you stay late enough you even have a fireworks show around 9 pm. We did the park first followed by Around the World and we should have done Around the World first.The best thing to do is probably get to the park early and reserve fast pass rides followed by Around the World with lunch. The rest of the day is at Epcot park and then try to hit up another restaurant in Around the World. Some of the places fill up fast so try to make reservations or be willing to wait. Also a lot of activities are limited in time (certain show times or close early) so it is even more of a reason to do this first.