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Lady Bird Johnson Grove是红杉树国家公园里的"必看之处"。这由软软的针叶、树叶以及杂草构成的1米小径相当的平坦易走。这里有一些树根和岩石,但还是一条很好走的小径。走这条小径最少要一个小时,如果你走的慢的话就要更长时间。我早上九点就开始走,那是只有我一个人,直到后来有越来越多的人出现在小径上。在这些高大树木和蕨类植物中漫步很一个很奇妙的体验。这里有很多很棒的景色和取景地,但是照片是无法传达出实际走在小径上的感觉的。所以把你的相机放一边去,好好享受漫步红杉树林的感觉吧。停车场是砖石地面,还有洗手间,但是那里只有20到30个停车位,所以你要赶在停满前到才行。红杉树国家公园里还有很多很棒的景点。The Big Tree pullout也为你参观红杉树林提供了一条平坦易走的小径,此外你还可以轻松的开车到达这条路。
上个周末我们去红杉树国家公园玩,一段很难忘的旅程。我们住在麋鹿草原露营地,我觉得这个露营地住宿条件算很好的。我们也去了Jedediah & the Gold Bluffs露营地,发现那里的卫生间没有麋鹿草原露营地的好,地理位置也不好,离徒步路线很远,树也比较少。我们是从Patrick's Point开始旅行的,先是去沼泽地看那里的动物:蜗牛、海星、螃蟹等等。探险真是很有趣。我们沿着麋鹿草原(名字我不太确定哈)那条线徒步了一会儿,在途中偶然发现了很多超大超漂亮的树,就在我们露营地的后面。然后我们又沿着高树那条线路走了一会儿,在小溪旁边休息了一下,我建议大家带点东西去溪边野餐,没有野餐桌,不过风景超漂亮。高树那条徒步线路算是中等难度,不太好走,不过路边的风景是很值得看的!然后我们又走了厥类谷线,这是一定要的!厥类谷里面有超多厥类。你最好穿一双防水的鞋,要不然就必须要有很好的平衡感,因为走这条线经常要过独木桥,很刺激。我们继续在厥类谷里玩了一会,走了一部分James Irvine线和友谊线,这两条路线都还不错,不过我没有发现什么特别留下印象的。然后我们去神秘树玩,那些树没什么特别的,不过Gondola小船很好玩,如果你经常徒步的话,那就徒步下山吧,很好玩的!必须要在身上捆着绳索往下走哦,我们觉得好酷哦。我们还沿着Simpson-Reed线路去了北边的Jedediah,这条线路很好玩,因为完全是平路,之前走了太多上坡和下坡,这是一种很好的转换。有个事情大家要注意一下,我们是6月第一个星期去的,当时Howland 山道是完全关闭的,所以我们没有能开车去那里,也没有能去童子军路线徒步,因此就没能去Scout Grove玩,真遗憾,我们是很想去这里玩的啊。如果你是5月或者6月去玩的话,那就要先打电话去问问那个星期他们开不开放Howland 山道,因为Howland 山很酷的。最后,我们去了巨树大道,其实我也不觉得有什么好特别的,但是还是停下来玩了一会儿。如果你要去红杉树国家公园玩的话,记住把行李分层装,穿好走路的、防水的鞋,带件雨衣。玩开心点哦!
起初我真的不知道红杉树国家公园不是一个地方,实际上它是加里佛利亚海岸线沿岸散落的很多地方。我不知道应该去哪一个,所以去了三个大公园,几个小的。 最好的路线是从豪兰山道出新奥尔良市,经过史密斯红杉木公园。这是一个中度狭窄搓板路,经过最密的红杉木林,即使不下车你也会得到很特别的景观。路边大量的蕨类植物,和透过巨大树木洒在路上的阳光,就像是侏罗纪公园里的景色一样。因为小路在各树木之间环绕,所以开车的时候得小心。但基本没有什么台阶。车开到一半的时候会有停车场,还有粗壮格鲁夫索道车。这是一个非常平坦的道路,你可以坐缆车,感受植物在彻底摩擦的感觉。另一条路线在南边,通过巨人大道。这是一条宽大铺平的道路,公路相互联系,穿梭在红杉木公园之间。中途有非常多的暂停点,你可以随时停下,然后乘缆车。虽然说还有其他路线可供选择,但除了101国道之外,这两条是我最喜欢的。草原河,其游荡的麋鹿群很有意思,都在中心地带,大牛顿B地区。杜瑞驾驶环线,这似乎更适合摩托车,以及各种难以与周围的汽车同时进入森林的车辆。你也可以在一些轻松的路上散步,比如大教堂树,就是所谓的"大树"对我来说,它们都大得无法形容了。
Yes, they are big trees! They are also hauntingly beautiful in every detail. The landscape surrounding is pristine and quiet. Drive avenue of the giants as well if you have opportunity. Getting out and hiking is the most amazing part. Walking the length of one of these fallen mammoths or walking in and out of one of the many little hidey holes and tunnels they create is kind of surreal. The tourist traps along the way offer some creative options, though choose with care. Some are just traps. Do fill up your tank before driving into the area, gasoline prices jump in the park and on the avenue. Just try and soak it all in when you're there. They are a wonder in there own right!
The Redwoods were even better than I had imagined- there aren't words to describe how beautiful and awesome it is to be surrounded by giant, towering trees. And it's not just a few big trees, you walk down the trails for miles and the trees just get bigger and bigger. Driving through the old growth forest is amazing, but being able to walk the paths and go for hikes is incredible. A must see.
we drove thru part of the RNP on our way down the coast to Disneyland. the park was pretty, i generallyLOVE the forest (from BC Canada) but this wasnt as impressive as I'd imagined it to be. Cathedral Grove on Vancouver island was MUCH better (although smaller) Not many spots to pull over or park if you desire -- also all of the signs are the same, no real details about the trees, areas, vegetation. If you are there, drive thru it, but dont get your hopes to high up - just average IMO
Amazing place. Great for everyone. Couples can take a romantic walk, families can can enjoy the nature and history of the woods. Or go alone and find a quiet nook to sit and reflect.
National Parks are the best and this one is amazing. The trees are breathtaking.Never miss an opportunity to get out and explore.
If you are within a couple of hundred miles from the deep redwood forest, give up whatever you have to and go there. There is no experience like it. I know that references to a cathedral are a cliche, but that is pretty accurate. Make it a point to take one of the trails deep into the forest. It is hushed, sunlight-filtered and a bit dark and peaceful beyond measure. I don't know that I have been anyplace that effected my mood so much.
Redwood National Park( RWNP) has beautiful scenic view drive and almost all trails are easily accessible. The trees are huge here or you can even say big than bigger. For all nature lovers this park is a sure hit.
I went on a road trip visiting 7 NP's (Badlands, Yellowstone, Tetons, Glacier, Olympic, Crater Lake, & Redwoods). I would rank this one 6th out of the 7. Granted I'll admit I didn't give it a real chance. What I did love was Klamath River Outlook. I went there bright and early in the morning. The sunrise was beautiful and there were a few Sea Lions swimming around (look closely though because you'll be elevated). And you have to see the massive trees. It is incredible, don't get me wrong. The parks are a bit sporadic though and I didn't know when I was in a state park or not (may have to pay extra).
The Redwoods are awesome! The trails are easy to navigate, the size of the trees is crazy! It's like a giant playground.