4A地址: 暂无
开放时间: 暂无

圣地亚哥动物园绝对是一级棒,动物园非常干净,指示也很清晰,当然了,要是迷路的话,不妨问问职员,他们可是都很友善,而且乐于解答的。里面好多动物,看到了我最爱的北极熊~ 到最后时候还看到了国宝熊猫~可爱~ 最后说一个:老美可真是够热情滴~
本来一直想去那个野生动物园,无奈ld想就近去这个,就垂头丧气的去了。镇馆之宝是熊猫,呵呵,一只小熊猫就建了一个熊猫馆,还门庭若市,真是长脸。园内有两种tour,一个是带解说的慢游tour,一个是快速的浏览tour,我们选择自己先去看比较精彩的馆,再坐一个带解说的tour。园内设计特别人性化的一点是没有什么高墙或者铁笼关着, 只是在两个矮的铁围栏中间挖了一个大坑,这样既让我们游人可以无障碍欣赏,也能有效防止动物出逃。。。总体来说值得一去。别忘了在酒店大厅的架子上拿coupon!!
前一天去了海洋公园 就那样吧 还是找地方收钱但是zoo真的好棒没什么多收钱的好大 可以玩一天!!照相机都没电了还没玩完好多好多看熊猫要排队呢 熊猫很受欢迎哦所有的动物都局的很干净 然后就觉得 被善待了不像以前看见的 好可怜。。show也很值得一看!各个细节都好好的石板也漂亮 格局也很好 超级棒!
We have a great zoo in our hometown so wasn't convinced that I wanted to spend an entire day of our vacation here. So glad we did. It's like no other zoo we've visited - you could spend a few days wandering the magnificent paths, taking in the botanical plants, visiting the different areas. Well-done, easy to navigate, something for everyone. Don't miss this.
This is a wonderfully laid out zoo - not just a place for kids but for all who love seeing and learning about animals in their natural habitat. The tiger was getting a new home but we were able to see everything else. Saved the bus ride for last when we were tired. IF you are limited on time, go to the bird/monkey part first then take the bus to see the rest as the bus covers that area better.
We actually went to Safari Park - which is part of the San Diego Zoo - but 30 miles away. Well worth the drive. We were able to join in a caravan tour and it was one of the more informative and enjoyable tour I have been on. We were able to interact with giraffes and rhinos in their natural habitat - even feed them from the caravan. The tour guide was very knowledgeable and the trip was well worth the time and money. The park itself is very well laid out with helpful guides at every turn. Highly recommend.
I am not a big fan of zoos but this one is worth a visit. March was agreat time to go as although place was busy it never felt too crowded and we didn't have to wait too long to see any of the exhibits. The zoo is a non profit institution and although prices are high all the money goes back to the welfare of the animals. You did get a sense that the animals were well cared for. It is a big facility with lots of walking, often up steep inclines, and although there is a shuttle bus to take you to some stops, be prepared for an active day out.
Get an overall view riding the hop-on hop-off bus. Then go back to the animals you are most interested in. Great koala bear exhibit! Don't miss the pandas.
This zoo lives up to it's reputation as a great place for individuals, couples, and families alike. If you're an animal lover, it's a must see when you're in San Diego.
This is hands down one of the best zoos I have ever been to. There are a lot of exhibits, including a petting zoo for the little ones. Although they have buses that can take you around the park, definitely wear good shoes and get there early so you can enjoy all the exhibits!