5A地址: 暂无
开放时间: 暂无

史丹佛大学坐落于Palo Alto, 美国的科技重镇矽谷地区, 也培育无数杰出校友. 在充足的校友资源帮助, 史丹佛有着极美丽的校园环境及建筑. 从踏入校门就可以感受到人文荟萃的气氛, 宽广的草坪上, 随处可见三三两两席地而坐享受日光浴的旅人, 沿着校园道路可以看到校园内的教堂及罗丹的雕像作品, 可以登上知名的胡佛塔鸟瞰整个校园及Palo Alto市区, 或著, 买杯咖啡随处而坐回味曾经的大学生活!It's awesome!
没有围墙的学校,西班牙风格,除了学生就是游客。是下午去的,也没有走进教室看看。参观了教堂,在购物中心买了 纪念品。大学有免费的导游团的就是好像要事先预定的。
在旧金山南湾和昫的阳光中,到这儿走走是会让你今惊艳的!穿过史丹福大学校门的棕梠树大道宽广笔直,带出这所名校的气魄,迎面而来的是极大的草坪,绿的让你心动,环行的道路引导你驻足教堂广场区,高耸的胡佛塔告诉你这儿是出过总统的!西班牙式的回廊和广场是留影的好地方,带份诚敬的心参观大教堂,感受ㄧ下宗教与艺术的美.步行距离可到的艺术馆珍藏无数,精彩的罗丹塑像馆陈列了几十尊他的作品,令人流连往返,据了解此处是除了法国国家艺术馆以外,收藏罗丹作品最多的地方,如时间还多在到不远的 Mountain View Shoreland Park 走ㄧ走,会是ㄧ次让你永远回忆的好时光!
有幸由这位姐姐陪着逛一逛仓储式的Costco,因为进这家大卖场是需要办卡的。里面的东西特别便宜,都是大包大包卖的,有点像上海的麦德龙,最便宜的旧是保健品了。 买了个大号披萨,才5刀,大家晚饭凑合吃这个,外加中午剩下的稀饭
下午3点多,抵达斯坦福大学,看到有学生在那里举行草坪婚礼,还有比这个更浪漫更小清新的事情吗?我要冒充一下Junior,I'm forever 21! 哈哈~~~~ 如此美景,只想看图,不想说话。(PS:我终于稍微文艺一些,不搞剪刀手了) 可惜只安排了1个小时,拍不完斯坦福的美。光看这环境,若能有机会进来念书,怎么会不用功不成材? 不拿个诺贝尔奖都不好意思和人家打招呼啦~!此生怕是无机会做这里的学子了,能来一回就心满意足啦~赞!
The campus and buildings are definitely worth seeing! There are lovely grounds for a picnic or throwing a frisbee.
Wow, what a place! (How many other universities are big enough to need a free shuttle bus or car to drive around?) There is parking for $1.50 per hour but free after 4pm. The buildings, galleries and surrounding gardens -not to mention the huge shop- are incredible and Stanford is like no other university I have visited. My son is a lucky boy to be a post-grad at this institution! I look forward to many other visits!
If you are business traveler or live in the valley, stopping by the Stanford campus is worth while. The campus is large with nice architecture. The chapel is nice and the Art Museum is a nice surprise.
Yaya was our tour guide for a 3:15 pm tour of the Stanford Campus on 2/28/15. She was very informed and answered so many questions so well. We learned a lot of history and how Stanford had no tuition at the start. We had a chance to enter the beautiful cathedral in the middle of campus.If you want to visit something like Hoover Tower, do it before or after the tour, you won't go up it during the tour. Yaya was willing to stick around after the tour and tell us how to get to places we needed to go.
Has caught up and lapped Harvard, Yale, and Princeton. Largest number of freshman applicants and lowest yield rate in the country for the past two years. Stanford excels in everything -- undergraduate education and multiple graduate/professional schools. Plus it has won the Director's Cup for best NCAA athletic program for 20 years straight.
I'm 44 and this was my second visit in here after 18 years. Uh-oh, I was studying in here - it had been a dream of mine and now I brought with me my 13-yer -old boy, from 10k miles away, to pay homage, and hope that one day... uh-huh...It was quite a wonderful stroll on the campus, smelling the fragrance of plants, feeling the spring breeze and bathing in the sun and shades, tranquil yet dynamic, as the students are hiding somewhere discussing, researching, with their tutors. Hopefully my son will be one of them soon:)