4A地址: 暂无
开放时间: 暂无

特地在蜜月旅行安排了到Staples Center看NBA湖人队主场的比赛,交通方面,我们是自行开车前往,附近有很多Staples Center的停车场,我们是停私人的,一次性付费约15USD。球馆外边有湖人队传奇球星如贾霸、魔术强森...等的雕像,在比赛开始前大部分人都会来这边照照相。球馆内的饮食选择不少,纪念品商店也是,但我们逛了几圈后还是没有买任何纪念品,毕竟现在NBA的商品在台湾也很容易可以买到,加上馆内也没有比较便宜。比赛还是很精彩的(虽然KOBE受伤没有上场),来这边见识国外的球赛、啦啦队表演等非常值回票价~
来这里看湖人的比赛!反正现场就是现场,那种雷声躁动的感觉是挺振奋的!跟看电视相差太多了。而且在现场看,总觉得比赛一下子就结束了。而且坐得近还会听到球员场上骂脏话、身体接触发出的碰撞声,真的很刺激!! 当然,如果湖人赢球就最棒了。 还有,如果湖人赢球,湖人比分超过100, 对方比分不到100, 所有观众貌似都有一个免费taco可以拿。 哈哈哈 而且体育馆虽然大,但是进出口非常多,一点都不会拥挤。真可谓是乱中有序啊~!
Staples Center场馆十分新!整个座位区与观赛角度都十分良好,在入口区的球队商品贩卖部里头,有所有洛城运动迷所想要的商品,不过价格比起其他店家是来的贵了点。附近的停车场价格不一,建议开车来观赏比赛的人,可以把车停在稍微外围的民营停车场,走点路进场会省些费用。
第一次去洛杉矶的时候不是赛季,还是费了九牛二虎之力坐着地铁找到了Staples Center。感觉很偏远,走到体育馆下面一个人都看不到,也没有开放,自己凑活照了一张
Great Atmosphere. The staff was super helpful and nice. I was in a cast and using crutches, they got me a wheel chair when I entered and took me to my seat and were there when the game ended and took me out to the street for my ride to pick me up. That's service!
not a bad seat on the house. I prefer nosebleed seats for the people watching. beers for 12 bux? no thanx. sneak in your flask or pre party. plenty of places to drink and eat withing a mile radius 8o)
Great place to watch a basketball game. Easy to get to from anywhere downtown LA. But there need to be better parking options. Not sure why cities can't figure these things out when they pour so much money into stadiums. Lots of great options around the area for food and drink before and after games. Also, great place for celebrity watching in LA.
If your a big lakers fan then you gotta love this arena! This is where Amazing happens! Still a Kobe Fan even after the injury! Gotta love the Staples Center. So many Memories!
Went to the venue to watch a Hockey Game when over in USA Nov-Dec from Aus. Venue was greatly signposted, excellent in venue layout & easy to navigate. Heaps of parking in lots around the Centre for a reasonable fee. Short walk into the Centre & once in simple walk to your seating area. Food wasn't too overpriced & staff willing to assist when asking questions.
Took the family out of snowy Boston to Disneyland. Went up to LA for the day and capped it off with a Kings game. Surprisingly impressed with the fan knowledge. Coming from Boston that's saying something. Staples Center is a nice venue...Big. We decided to park right at the arena and it was simple, $30 bucks and we literally parked against the place. We did see lots a block or 2 away for just $20. Hope LA appreciates how much easier they have it than trekking into the TD Garden in Boston!
Went to see a Clippers basketball game. Venue was nice and easy to navigate. Plenty of parking- recommend a private lot and walking a few blocks....you can save a lot of money on parking.
Most amazing experience watching an NBA game live for the first time. Atomsphere is awesome! And the fans are so passionate! We sat at the premium seating area and it was just perfectSweet potato fries were delicious tooTip: There are multiple entry gates/doors so if there is a long line on one side, just walk around and go to the another entry point