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这里有名的是鱼梯有很多鲑鱼会经过这座鱼梯洄游到上游产卵好多鲑鱼每只都看起来非常的肥美 美味但是当然不能吃啦
我们从西雅图出发,沿着99号公路前往西贡齐滕登水闸大坝Hiram Chittenden Dam & Locks和华盛顿河航道上的鱼梯。事先,我已经让我们酒店很棒的大堂经理Jennifer帮我们打印了一张地图(当地人叫它巴拉德水闸),因为我们的GPS罢工了!自助停车亭让我们和我们前面两个人非常生气-我本以为我再也不能把我的信用卡拿出来了!好在John有强壮有力的手指。天气依旧很好,有很多夫妻和家庭还有学校的学生也来到了这里。这两个水闸建于1917年,阻隔了普吉特海湾的海水和华盛顿湖的淡水。我们看到很多船只穿过水闸,有大型的休闲游船,也有拖船和轮船。鱼梯也很有趣,我一直跟着一队学生,听他们的导游讲其中的故事。在停车场和水闸中间,是始建于1931年的卡尔英式植物园,这是一座挺不错的公园。卡尔从来自世界各地环游到这里的船长那里搜集了各式各样的树木和花朵,建造了这座美丽的英式花园,其中包括了非常著名的水杉树种。
Ballard Locks(当地的俗称)是西雅图的最酷的免费的景点之一。最好是夏天的时候,特别是周末的时候,看数不清的船只穿过水闸。好吧,我承认听起来并没有什么意思,但是相信我,真的很有趣。那儿有一个大水闸,能通过700英尺高的船只(比如大驳船和渔船)旁边的小水闸可以同时通过四到六个游船。周末的时候,每个开闸周期他们会让100只游船从大水闸通过(从周六到周日),那儿既能控制混乱,又有可能会有灾难发生,当一些机动船尝试通过的时候。还有从水闸上面穿过(事实上你是走在水闸门上的走道上)去看南边水下的鱼道。附近有两个很棒的卖炸鱼薯条的地方,Lockspot(水闸旁边)和Totem House(水闸西边隔几个街区)。
这是一个非常有趣、很长见识的地方,与巴拿马运河(Panama Canal)建于同一时期。公园管理员会给导游,进行这充满教育意义的旅程。那儿有一溜大的船锚,是给大船用的,游乐船是用小船锚,那里还设有鱼梯,玻璃窗户,所以游览者可以看到鲑鱼从普吉特海湾(Puget Sound)逆流而上。在Corps of Engineer所有的这片地方,还有一座漂亮的植物园。
The gardens were spectacularly in bloom, it was a sunny day and a busy time at the locks. Fascinating to watch large fishing boats and fancy sailboats squeeze in, wait their turns and head off to the sound or the lake, depending on the direction. Aside from a very tiny parking fee, this beautiful park and attraction was FREE! Great day.
We took a city bus from Seattle Centre out to the locks on a sunny Monday afternoon. It was fun to see the locks in action and to see something other than downtown commercial Seattle. It was easy to get to by bus and certainly a walkable neighbourhood. Lots of people were out enjoying the sunny early spring weather. We were able to get really close and watch the action in the locks. The fish ladder viewing chamber was closed for regular maintenance. All in all, a very worthwhile place to visit in Seattle.
Got a chance to see the locks in action with boats going in and out. The lock-side park is lovely and just starting to break out in blossoms. Tempted to go back in a couple of weeks when all the flowers will be out.
Exploring the locks is interesting for anyone of any age. Understanding how the locks operate and actually watching them perform their mission is great way to spend an afternoon in Seattle. It is also close to South Lake Union where there are lots of great dining opportunities.
If you want to see lots of boats going from lake Union and lake Washington to Puget sound and salmon going to the ladder to lake Washington please visit during the summer months its unreal but beautiful..I hope you like it
Great up close view of the locks. We went on a Sunday with great weather and the small locks were constantly busy with boats going up and down. The fish ladders were closed for repairs, unfortunately. You can walk all around the locks, on the locks, and explore the beautiful gardens above as well as walk along the river. This would be a great place to bring a lunch and spend some time with the kids running around.
A great family outing! Museum, gift shop, park, salmon ladder, and the locks. It's just amazing to watch as boats travel between Puget Sound (sea level) and Lake Washington (above sea level) through these locks. Summer concerts in the park so pack a lunch, bring a blanket to sit on and spend a relaxing afternoon there. No fee to enter, donations are accepted. Only down side is not enough parking, especially on weekends.
Another Seattle gem. A fascinating look at a working lock, worth the drive, in NW Seattle near the Ballard neighborhood.In season, also see the working fish ladder with the jumping salmon heading home to spawnA beautiful rose garden and gift shop!Beautiful grassy grounds perfect for kids to romp and play
Garden, picnic area, free outdoor concerts and dancing on summer weekends as well as the Fish Ladder and Locks never cease to entertain me. I make a point to ride my bike there and take my out of town friends to experience this quintessential Seattle attraction. Low key and pleasant for all ages. Close by is Golden Gardens, Shilshole Bay Marina with great view restaurants and Discovery Park if a hike is your preference. Most times I combine all for an outing with friends on a nice day.