tobacco road golf club
4A地址: 暂无
开放时间: 暂无

Dear Mr. Freeman,I'm thankful that your group had an "awesome" experience; even those that didn't play so well.
Dear Jason,We appreciate your comments. As you put it "Top 5 Easily in the US. 5 Stars", I think we agree more than you know. With the ability to offer great conditions in the summer, along with upwardly mobile golf rankings in all of the various publications, our pricing may finally be in line. Have a great time in Myrtle Beach and we hope to see you again some day.Joe
Dear Golfbd25,I played four days after you did and couldn't agree more. Since I work here, I typically respond to other people's experiences. In this case, I read your comments and then played on Sunday the 28th and had the same experience you did. I hit two marginal shots on 14 and 16 where the greens didn't allow me to get away with them. The rest of the round, I was rewarded more times than not when I hit a solid ball. I will add that if you get the putt on line, it is going in. Tobacco Road's greens roll better than anything I have played in recent memory. Thanks for sharing your experience and we look forward to your return.Joe
Hi PJG964,I agree with your assessment about the course being difficult the first time but eventually a great score can be had. This course has some forced carries, multiple approach angles and mounds that guard the greens in which the golfer can use to their advantage. This local knowledge will only reveal itself after a couple of times around the Road. Thanks for playing The Road.Joe
Dear Mr. Price, Your post is very flattering and I think the late Mike Strantz would have agreed with many of your Top 5. Mike was inspired by Royal County Down when he studied golf course architecture overseas and some of the design elements of that great course in Northern Ireland show up in his work. We look forward to your visits in the future.
Dear Suzy Q, Thank you for taking the time to post a review. I'll take "interesting" over "boring" any day of the week. I'm glad you found the course more playable the second go around minus the 9th. I, too, have trouble with the 9th hole which is the number 1 handicap hole. Please continue to play us when you're in the area. I think Tobacco Road will continue to grow on you each and every time you play it.
Dear Mr. Martin,I remember checking you and your partner in the day you played. It is great to hear you had an awesome day. Thanks for playing The Road so many times and sharing your experience with others. As always.........Good golfing,Joe
Dear Remsen62,We are glad you had a great experience and thank you for the generous review. We believe that our golf course architect did a masterful job of bringing out that "unparalleled scenery" that you speak of and we are fortunate to look at it every day.I am concerned that you may not have gotten the "official" yardage guide because the one we sell in the shop is produced by Best Approach and is definitely in color. Please contact me and I'll make sure you get the one we sell. Better yet, all of the readers of this review can go to their app store on their phone and download the free Tobacco Road app. Just do a search for Tobacco Road and a free app will pop up from Best Approach that has 1. The yardage guide 2. A cool flyover tour of the course and 3. a GPS component that tells you distance to the front, center and back of each green.Thanks again for the review and please travel down Tobacco Road again someday.Joe
Dear Radar,I'm glad Tobacco Road was a challenge that you couldn't pass up. I liked your review title of "bring balls" but I think you'll agree that if you lose one you can always look for it. Although you may not find your original, many times you'll find a replacement. We call that our loaner program:)Please come back to see us again,Joe
Dear Mr. Clark,It sounds like you "got it". We actually expanded the putting green to make it into what you see today. There are some putts at Tobacco Road that you don't get at any other course so we wanted the putting green to reflect that. We realize that you're not going to play "The Road" every day, but once a week will be just fine with us. Take care!
Dear Mad155, We are grateful that you had a fun time and found the course in great shape. The BBQ sandwich is my favorite but make sure you get plenty of slaw on it. After all, Tobacco Road is a little south of that Mason-Dixon line:)
Dear Silver & Black Attack,I am sorry that your experience was less than satisfying at Tobacco Road. I too, like a “hands off” approach when I am playing a golf course. Unfortunately, the creative and visually stimulating design that Mike Strantz blessed us with can come with some challenges; speed of play being the biggest one. We had 165 players booked for Saturday and we scheduled 4 player assistants ranging from 7am to 1pm, 9am to 3pm, 10am to 4pm and 1pm to close. It sounds like you got to see them all. It is rare that I have to defend having too many rangers/forecaddies because our biggest complaint on this very review forum is “pace of play”. I’m glad that they were at least pleasant when you did see them. As for my head professional “brushing you off”, I assume you meant in perhaps “downplaying” the ranger issue because he spent over 10 minutes engaged with you one on one with a very busy clubhouse (I cheated and looked at the security camera). I sincerely hope that you do choose to come back and play again. In my next staff meeting with the player assistants, I will try and emphasize there are some players like you and I that would prefer that rangers stay in the background. I will add this footnote: your wife got my ranger’s attention in the clubhouse and told him that she birdied #16 and thanked him for his advice and they “high fived”. He took that as a positive.
Dear Kent,I could not have said it better myself. Keep those guys coming from Durham!
Dear Dain L,Being a relatively short course, we were a little unsure that a 5th set of tees was warranted but one of our player assistants was very adamant on the idea. We are very thankful that he was. I hope there will be a "3rd, 4th and 5th+ time around" as well!Thanks for the kind words!
Hi Mike,I am so glad you had a great time. You described the experience we try and provide to our guests. I can only assume the "dream come true" part would have been to break par? I hope to see you soon. Hit em straight!Joe