arches national park
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刚从那,因为里面非常非常大,在节假日开车停车位不太充足。碰上美国劳动节,出行者非常多。我是下午去的DELICATE ARCH,就是想看日落(白天太热,喜欢拍照的还是建议下午去),四点半停好车位。带了两瓶水往上爬,7点左右到的终点。距离终点几百米有一个小拱门,值得爬上去一看,是从侧面看DELICATE ARCH,风很大,很舒服,是另一种风景。落日时阳光洒在拱门上非常非常美。一个字,值!有很多人排队在拱门下拍照,从7点15起,架着三角架各式长焦镜头的各国摄影爱好者,会不断的大声喊‘EXCUSE ME’,示意大家不要站拱门下拍照了。因为他们想拍没有人在镜头内的最美的拱门。
拱门国家公园大概算犹他州诸多国家公园中最著名的(没有之一),风化的产物。 1、平衡石(Balanced Rock):就在路旁边,不走过去也看得很清楚,明信片里也找得到。2、南窗和北窗(windows):这两个拱门是连成一线的,看起来好象一对眼睛,从停车场只能看见一个,走过去来回只有1.1公里。3、地标拱门(Landscape Arch):这是拱门国家公园跨度最长的拱门,但要从停车场走1个小时左右的徒步才能到达。4、精致拱门(Delicate Arch):一座高约17米的砂岩拱门,最有名,犹他州标志上的图案就是它。不过想走到旁边也不简单,来回长达4.8公里,而且有一段不短的山路,不过能等在那里看夕阳是最美的。 大家看到这个的时候,都说像“馒头” 看来是饿了,还有就是吃了那么久美帝的生菜色拉和汉堡三明治牛排后,实在想念TC的美味食物了...
适合10月来此参观。天气还算暖和,但又不太热。我们远足到Landscape Arch、Double O和Delicate Arch(傍晚),然后和Windgate Adventures参加了Firey Furnace旅游团 。每个地方都非常独特,非常值得一游。公园里大部分地方都可以玩2天,不过有时间的话,还可以去一些比较生僻的地方。
拱门国家公园是我去过的国家公园中最漂亮的了。作为一个地质爱好者,那里大规模的岩层,暴露的鳍状岩,砂岩层还有让人难以置信的拱门给我留下了非常深刻的印象。开车进入公园让我惊奇不已!当然会打算至少要有一次开车到这里看日出或者日落的经历,因为这个时候风景的颜色和清晰度会非常棒,风景会变得如梦幻般美!强烈建议大家去公园公路尽头的恶魔花园山径那里徒步。在起点那里,你可以沿着一条很受欢迎,有时会比较拥挤的小径到一英里之外的景观拱门。从那里向上走可以看到一些鳍状沙岩,还能看到更多的拱门,包括 Navajo,Partition和Double O 拱门。大多数人没欣赏到这个部分,这里真的是太神奇了!从这可以直接返回到原点,不过如果你还有精力的话,也可以沿着八英里长的primitive trail 返回。这条小径经过数不清的鳍状岩、山谷、拱门和独特的地质,起伏不平,直到你横穿回通往景观拱门的主道。另一个我最喜欢的就是熔炉之旅了。作为有经验的背包客,刚开始步行速度会稍微慢点,但很快我们就快速攀登了,经过了一些神奇的岩石、拱门和天然桥梁迷宫。这里真是个神奇的地方,公园管理员的解说也非常棒,提供了很多信息。不过得提前预订门票,可以在网上预订。若没得到许可,是不能进去的。而且,你还会迷路的!
We stayed two nights in the park and had a blast. There is so much to see and so many hikes to take. The drive through the park alone is work the trip, and for those who want to get out and see a bit without too much hiking there are quite a few scenic turnouts or short walks to amazing views. For the more adventurous types there is backcountry primitive hiking, hikes requiring a tour guide by reservation, and plenty of adrenaline pumping narrow fins to walk along. We had a blast and pushed some of our limits with regard to heights.
Me, my wife and my two boys (age 13 and 16) visited the park as part of a Disney Tour. We loved it. My younger son thought it was better natural scenery than the Grand Canyon. We had two different experiences but we all loved them. Me and my older son hiked to Delicate Arch. It is maybe a mile or two hike and it is up a pretty steep grade (4-5% or so) up rock with minimal cover from the sun. Next time I do it, I would start earlier in the morning. Toward the end of the hike at the top, it is a few hundred foot walk along a 8' - 10' wide ledge with a bit of a drop off on one side. I am a bit sensitive to heights and it bothered me a bit on the way down -- I ended up hugging the cliff side a bit. It is worth it though as Delicate Arch is very cool and you can hike around under it. My wife and my younger son passed on the hike and took a guided tour that took them to 5 or 6 different arches. They loved that and saw and stood in more arches than those of us on the hike. I would definitely recommend a guided tour as part of your visit even if you want to hike too. There are a number of options for seeing the Park. Spend some time talking to the Park office planning your visit. Either way you want to see this (serious hiking or arches that are more easily walkable), bring lots of water, snacks, good hats, sunscreen and comfortable hiking shoes. And most important, an empty card on your digital camera.
We only did a day here and didn't get to see everything, but we are definitely going back! Have hikes of all levels ranging from 0.5 mile round trip to 10 miles. All difficulty levels are listed on the map. Bring lots of water, water is not sold at park but refillable bottles and you can fill it from their natural resources. I would suggest bringing a lunch so you don't have to leave and get to experience more of the scenery! You can even eat it with a beautiful view behind you. They have a resturaunt but since we went on a Sunday it was closed.It was not crowded when we went end of February but it was also in the middle of a mini snow storm. We still decided to hike, as did other people, and the views were beautiful!
Loved this national park!! Clean, well maintained facilities. Knowledgeable, helpful and friendly park staff. Well planned out trails that easily take you to the best views with clear signage and maps. There are many trails that are easily accessible for families with small children. My boys 6 and 8 were able to do the majority of the easier trails and with their junior ranger booklets in hand (searching for animal sign and different types of rock) we did not get a single complaint about the walking the entire day. Amazing! Gorgeous views! Just amazing. Highly recommend you give yourself the full day so that you can take your time with the driving and getting out to do the small hikes (0.3km to 2km for the short ones) in for the best views. If you are coming with children, stop off at the visitors centre and request the junior ranger booklet to add a special touch for the kids and make it really engaging.
Don't skip this park! I've reached the age where I have a lifetime pass to all the National Parks, so have been visiting a lot the last two years; this was a highlight. Off season was the BEST, we practically had the place to ourselves. Did a few short 'hikes'--read walks--Landscape Arch was a bit of a long walk but very easy--don't miss it. Visiting in January was wonderful, we hit some really nice weather (OK, 40's is not 'nice' but it beats 30 below zero). Planning another trip in a year or so, it was that worth it.
To see this beautiful landmark you must hike 2.8 miles, the other option is parking closer to the arch and its .73 miles. once you've climbed 1.8 miles( 1 mile if flat) of hills there it is a huge arch!!! beautiful, breathtaking, refreshing. take water, snacks, hand sanitizer and comfortable hiking shoes.
Any of the hikes are AMAZING! For sure see Delicate Arch, Balanced Rock, Sanddune Arch, Elephant Arch and Windows!
This is not a place to rush through. It is quite a distance to drive through to the end and there are many trails that you will need to go down in order to see the sights. Plan to spend a day hiking the trails. Some of the trails that are marked "easy" really would not be easy for anyone with health issues or handicaps. They still have stairs, drop offs, and unpaved inclines. You will need to be in ok physical condition even for the easy hikes. I recommend bringing at least snacks with you in your vehicle and plenty to drink while hiking. Going when the weather is cooler is advised. Even when it is only in the 50's outside the weather seems much warmer. You may need sunblock too. The restrooms are not real bathrooms, more like a fancy outhouse, but they still stink terribly. There are only a couple of locations with restrooms throughout the entire park. Please do not be like so many people we saw climbing on the rocks and arches!! These need to be protected for future generations. And please do no let your children climb up to dangerous heights. We saw so many that could have been killed because of their parents ignorance. The park itself is nice and enjoyable for hiking. Don't expect to see tons of formations and arches. We spent almost an entire day and hiked every trail except for the extremely long ones. The views are spectacular.